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Everything posted by StonedDogs

  1. you be pushing that goal post back. No they were not injured at 27. Definitely dont recall any of that. You asked me what stars I gave you stars. Now you're directly comparing them to Rayford with speed. With Rayford his speed is his top strength. Of course Love wasn't fast but he was a scorer, a banger, a rebounding machine. No Deron Williams certainly was not injured playing for team USA at 27 lol. No Dwight Howard was not injured leaving Orlando in his prime. I will say you have been entertaining for me. Im not a casual bud. I dont play nba2k Its been fun, sport. Lets go Hawks! Holla at me in new game thread
  2. Deron Williams, Kevin Love, Dwight Howard, Stephon Starbury, Tyreke Evans. Thats just off the top of the dome. I can go on and on about players who hit their stride early and leveled out. You're a casual bball fan cant believe im going back and forth with you. This is like talking to a 2k head. But the mod here told me to chill for the most part because he thinks I'm trolling so I'm gonna ease on the back and forth. We've gone away from Hawks at this point.
  3. Im not talking about other players Im talking about Rayford. Why do you want to know about other star players? Once again I dont think he will be better by 27 or 28. I dont think he will be worst but he wont be better than he is currently now. That bothers you. He won't be an olympian either. That bothers you. I haven't even mentioned the defense. Yes, that goes along with your attributes as well. If he cant play defense now is he gonna get better the older he gets? I look at this currents Hawks build through a different lens than you and that bothers you. I dont know what to tell ya my dude. Just save this post and in three yrs if I am wrong then you can tag me in every post with you were right, but until then you're gonna have to enjoy the product you have and be the biggest #11 fan you can be.
  4. Because its my opinion on what I think is to come when today looks the way it does in my eyes. You think he will get better and I dont, simply instance of two people disagreeing. I can move on but the fact it may be true bothers you for some reason. I can play this back and forth with you all day sport. I have the time
  5. Save this post, come back in three years Absolutely not.
  6. You and Diesel are in shambles right now. Yall are really bent on #11. I Love it LETS GO HAWKS!
  7. Yeah bud I was talking about his speed and agility. Its kinda his biggest advantage. His speed. CP3 had speed, but when he hit 28 it dropped off and he had to adjust his game which translated well with a faster more athletic nba. Rayford is going to lose his speed while the league gets faster and more athletic and longer players. My point was he will have to adjust his game. Does he have the mental to do so? Does he have the mental to do so today which is all I was saying. If he cant do it today then what will he be at 28 when he can no longer dribble past his defender? No where in my comment did you read I said he will be a worst player than he is today.
  8. Again my dude, quote me where I said Rayford will get worst by 27. Find the quote then we will move forward. One of you in here is Rayford dad's burner account. Im gonna get down to the bottom and find out who. Its you, Diesel or SPUD2NIQUE
  9. I have receipts now. You cant play me. I could have sworn there is a post by me in the last Hawks Magic game. And I gave Rayford his flowers. Cmon now give yourself a chance
  10. But I think I've been here for a year? I dont know how to tell. You must certainly be Rayfords father. I've heard stories about he doesn't like people criticizing his son. So if you are Rayford's father as a user on this board, I do not apologize. Suck it up, put your big boy undies on and deal with it. Ignore my posts. Its really easy do. Im a Hawks fan not a Rayford fan and if I want to critique his play as the leader then I will. Lets go Hawks!
  11. Geez, I see you small core of really dont like new users. You definitely hate a critique if it comes to your favorite player. I didn't like like Josh Smith, Dennis, Marvin, coach woodson, all of the GMs but Im still a fan of the team. I bet you were feeling yourself though with that post. You even got a few trophies, still trying to figure it out. I wont mention Trae name from here on out Lord Hawk users
  12. I thinkg he's fun to watch too especially in those summer pick up games with other nba players and the all star game. Nique was also fun to watch. The way I see it, our window is three years with Trae. By 27 and 28 he will not have that explosive speed he has now. Games wear down on you and he is not a physical specimen like a Jordan or Lebron. And he's not a sniper like Curry or Miller. So within those three years my non basketball intellect tells me that we will certainly have another coach, players will be traded and brought here and we will continue saying the team needs time to adjust to one another..
  13. I am Hawks all day. But how can you not see the hustle this team played the other night, the ball sharing, the leader, the young stud who is a bucket, Culver is still very young all he needs is coaching to develop him for confidence OO has always been a baller. JJ has a motor. You just aren't been shown these things. Like I said in another post, ditch Dansby, take that money and build your pitching. How can you not see your peak with #11 has been reached especially with this coach
  14. Diesel you're one of the smarter ones but another one holding on to that ECF. The difference between Braves fans is we were genuinely pissed off we lost to the Phillies. All we had to do was have a good game one and the rest was probably history. Back to back ws appearances most likely. Braves fans didn't hold on to 2021 world series. It was a great run, it was fun but we won 88 that year. This yr we won 100. We wanted that ring this year because it would have solidified we were the shit. No, Houston is the shit. They build correctly and Braves want that. And 2023 we wontbe talking about '21 world series. We want to win now. You're the type to want to hold on to Dansby (the face of the team) because he's home grown. No, get rid of him, use your rookie (Grissom), take that money and build your team with pitching...Pieces you need.
  15. You didn't waste your time but how long will Hawks fans hold to to "almost"? How long will you talk about two years ago? It was fun. It was a unique season watching basketball in July. But its over, no more Hawks creeping up on teams. Last year they looked bad with a full regular season This year the Heat still shut him down with no players in regular season. You have to admit he has to learn the game more. You honestly think you can build around him and win. I disagree. I didn't say trade him for a team first Dudley do right but you can pick up two all stars. Maybe a top draft pick. Some money build. Im just not building around a 6'0 160lb guard who dont play defense. Once his speed slows around 27, 28 what does he become? CP3 has no ring and got closer than Trae playing out West with a much better team than the Hawks. It aint easy as you make it with your "almost" talk. You guys have to be honest with yourselves. Like Kuz said, build around Bol Bol.
  16. Trae is your superstar bro. Supposed teams engine. The one with the national nickname. The one who only him, took you to the ECF. Talking about his weaknesses is not about proving to be right. This just comes with the territory of being the face and future of the organization. Do you see it ending with a ring or are you seeing a team that's constantly making trades and changing coaches to fit his gameplay?
  17. Yeah im trying learn my way. We have to start being honest though. We cant be 2k fans
  18. They looked good tonight. Culver has earned his at least 20 minutes a night. AJ is a baller, he deserves half of Trae's shot attempts a night. Hunter is cool coming off the bench. JJ earned his 20+ minutes. Trae, this is what NBA basketball is with a balanced team. No one needs him to score 30 a night with this team.
  19. Great win, they broke the streak, Trae and Murray looked great. Culver looked good too
  20. Yeah I hate to see it. He was a bucke. Up to coaches here to recognize and develop him. Young is looking good at least
  21. Wel of course you would. You're Trae's #1 fan. If I were you I probably would too. If I didn't know any better you may even be Trae Young. NBA players do read tweets and hang out on forums
  22. So we're talking about appearances now? Cmon we're Hawks fans. Our class has come down to players appearances after running out of facts? Outside of Hawks bubble there is a country of people with a photo of a lollipop and hair strands on it with a caption of our point guard. Thats classless
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