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Posts posted by codyatl

  1. I was wondering who you guys think is our PF of the future. Which ever of these 2 get the job they will have to add about 25 pds of weight/muscle which is possible given their age. I heard smitty comment on the pf situation but missed who he said was better suited to play sf. Thoughts?

  2. I read on espn that a Chitown beat writer stated that the bulls should look at sending the 1st rd pick owed to them by the Knicks for harrington. Not so sure I would want another rookie around here but it does open some options. maybe trading both picks to detroit for wallace(ben).

  3. Than I have been with the wins. That sounds crazy but think about it. It is hard to win on back-to-back games even for good teams and this young atl team went in to philly after a big win on the road and took it to the sixers. I won't even get inot the blown calls that basically decided the game but a very strong showing for the hawks. I am pleased with how this team is finally playing together. I have to admit that maybe i was wrong about Woody. I thought that he had lost this team and that players had quit believing in him. Give this team some more time and a big presence in the lane and all will be good. We must get a defensive guy in the middle if harrington is going to stay here. AL doesn't play a lick of defense.

  4. "Obviously, I have the control. Of course I'm not going to play the outfield," he told the Star-Telegram. This is a quote form soriano on his trade to the nationals and them potentially wanting him to move to left field. What a joke. Call me crazy but I thought it was the managers that had control over where you play. I absolutley despise players that act like this. what an example he is setting for the kids. what a prick.

  5. Did we sign him for more than 1 yr or does he have a 2nd rd contract? If he is only signed for 1 yr we might need to trade him as well. I remember hearing that he said he would prefer to be on a winner and get less pt than be on a loser and shine. That doesn't bode well for him staying in atl. I sure hate to lose him because he could be a real goto guy at the end of games. I am not sure how his attitude is though. It seems he lets his frustration show during games. I can't say I blame him though. He has fire and a drive to win which we need here.

  6. By JS. He has done it again. We are only giving renteria 6 million/yr over next 3 seasons. Boston has to pay his buyout in 2009 when his number goes to 11 million. I hate to see marte go but chipper is at 3rd and he isn't going anywhere. If we are able to get Lidge form Houston this will be the best offseason the braves have had in a while. I am sure that would costs us a top notch starter but we have them to spare. Good job JS

  7. I hope the braves know something I don't here(insert joke here). These 2 guys at first glance look like duds. Neither with an era under 5. I read that atl was going to use estrada to make a 3way with dbacks and tampa for baez or lugo. Also read that we were going to send marte to tampa lugo to boston and renteria to atl. A lot of work for atl this offseason. Just like every year. Imagine if tede was still running team. Damn we would be awesome. AOL needs to commit a little more to the salary so we could go out and get some real help in the bullpen.

  8. It would depend on how I was approaching the team. If I wanted to try to be competitive right away then I would take Bush no doubt but if i was going to take 2 or 3 yrs to build in the draftI would take Young. Give the qb time to adjust to the nfl while putting the pieces in around him to win. Bush will control the game form the start. If a team can run the ball they will stay in almost every game. I would actually rather draft some lineman first. I don't care how good a qb or rb is if there is not a good line in front of them they are in trouble. So, If i were starting a team I would build my line first.

    P.S. I am available for interview anytime, lol.

  9. I only saw a few minutes of the game thanks to my piece of crap DVR form dish network, but the first play I saw was al driving the lane and throwing up a weak shot that got blocked by camby. Too bad JJ wasn't standing behind the line wide open for a 3....OH WAIT HE WAS. Again I only saw a few minutes and read the boxscore so it looks like al had a great game but that play was aweful especially since we needed a 3 at that point. Just wondering if anyone else has noticed that al doesn't pass the ball well out of the post.

  10. If you don't then you missed the Suns announcers(Dan Marle) really giving the hawks hell, especially Woodson. They said at one pt that he was about to get get thrown out of the game and then marle said yeah maybe for good. Even other teams announcers can see that we have a huge problem with woody. He has completely lost this team. They mentioned that Diaw told them he did not want to play for woody. I am not saying that if we bring in someone else that we will start winning but I do believe there needs to be a change. I am DAMN tired of seeing 1-on-1 all night. Don't tell me that its the players fault for not moving the ball. He is the coach. If they don't do what he asks then he should bench them. We need discipline, period. I know I am beating a dead horse here but I can't stand it anymore. I am damn ashamed to be a hawks fan right now.

    Oh, and another thing, does anyone remeber when we were told that this was going to be a running team? How many fats break points have we scored? This thing will get out opf hand if someting is not done quickly.

  11. "I agree, I like the idea of Salim & JJ in the backcourt. Salim looked drained and emotionally crushed after the game. You can tell, he's a winner. Hopefully that winning attitude will rub off on everyone else."

    Spiral, well said. I agree completely. It really scares me that he was the only one who looked like he cared. Everyone was coming up to him congratulating him on having such a good game but if you watch closely he was not paying much attention to them. He was more concerned that they lost. THAT GUY IS A WINNER AND WHAT THE HAWKS NEED MORE OF. Salim just became my favorite Hawk even if it was just 1 good game. The kid has heart.

    I hope that Woodson really gave it to the guys in the lockerroom aftere the game. He should have made it a point to thank salim for being the only player to not give up when they got down. Call some of these overpaid slackards out and see how they react.

  12. that we are waiting on approval form the league on the deal.

    This is a NBA hand out photo of Atlanta Hawks' Boris Diaw. The Atlanta Hawks and Phoenix Suns were awaiting approval from the NBA on a sign-and-trade deal that would send guard Joe Johnson to the Hawks, an agent involved with the deal said Tuesday, Aug 2, 2005.. The Hawks would send Phoenix two first-round picks, second-year guard Diaw and a $4.9 million trade exception for the 6-foot-8 Johnson. (AP Photo/NBA)

    I hope this is all we are waiting on now.

  13. I feel this could be a HUGE trade for the Hawks. I read on espn that there were rumors of a trade w/ Knicks for Marbury/Harrington. Isaih shot down the rumors so who knows but I would love to see him here. He would be just what the dr ordered. A scoring pg. We have plenty of defense at 2,3,4 so a top notch scorer at the pt would be great. if we could then add Curry to score down low we would be, I think, playoff contenders right away. Any thoughts?

  14. Chad Ford kills me. He gives us a B grade for the draft saying that we took a want over a need and then turns around and gives the bucks an A saying that they should have taken williams instead of bogut but hard to argue about what they did. I just don't get it. Its about time someone stood up for billy knight. he has done an absolute masterful job in his time here. I have read article after article from the so called experts that have said you don't take for need when there is a superstar in the making there to draft. Then, low and behold when the hawks do just that they get blasted for doing it, lol. kills me just kills me.

    I don't get the argument that we already have harrington so we don't need marvin. Last time I checked harrington is a free agent at yrs end. Do you really think he is going to stay here? I don't see knight giving him big money to stay when we are still a couple yrs away form being contenders.

    I for one trust Mr. Knight. Good job!! Keep it up. Oh yeah, one last thing. How in the hell do the babcocks still have a job in the nba? every yr a babcock makes a bonehead move.

  15. I would mess my pants if we could get the Hornets to trade us their pick for harrington and whatever filler we needed to add like maybe our boston pick next yr and our 2nd rder this yr. Then we get marvin and deron. WOW. BK should be pursuing this deal all out. He might could get them to bite. As it says on this mock the hornets biggest need is at sf. Who knows, stranger things have happened.

  16. It really doesn't matter which guy we get this yr. Either Williams or Bogut will be great. They are both positions of need. I feel pretty certain that Harrington will be dealt either for another pick this yr or at the deadline for a pick next yr. I just don't see billy giving him a huge salary right now. We are still too far away form contending. Personally, I am salvating at the thought of having JSmoove, Williams, and Childress on the floor together. I keep reading that we are looking to get another 1st so we will either get a pg for the future or a big man to groom. maybe Randolph Morris? Throw in another top 5 form next yr and we will be well on our way to the top. We would have several young pieces to make trades to suit our needs. I, for one, am excited about this franchise. After all, we have nowhere to go but up!!!

  17. The fact that we could trade our pick to charlotte for their 2 picks and still end up w/ d williams and a big man. Of course long way to go before draft but as it stands now i would do the deal w/ charlotte.

  18. I am torn between Paul and Williams. I just have a bad feeling about Bogut. When I think of cneters I think of big guys that board and block shots which is not Boguts forte. I like Paul because he can score and as Iman mentioned he can shoot. I really like Williams defense though. I just think he may be the best fit as woodsonb is a defensive minded coach. Imagine the perimeter defense we would have w/ smoove, chill and williams. I understand that the offense is going to suffer a bit w/ a lack of perimeter shooting but I believe williams is a decne tenough shooter and he was clutch in the tourny. That being said I don't envy BK this yr. He has a tough decision ahead if we get #1.

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