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Posts posted by codyatl

  1. I had an argumne twiht him a couple of weeks ago. He went off on me syaing I was an idiot because I was saying that we could get Garnett. He would not or could not understand what I was actually saying. I finally gave up trying to explain it to him.

  2. I made this statement when we signed Abraham.

    "don't forget who is making our picks in the draft. MR McKay. He is a bonafide genious. I have complete faith that he will fill those holes and we will win a super bowl sooner rather than later. I am not as worried about the wr's as everyone else. I believe we have talent there they just need a little time to develope. they are very young and getting finneran back is a big plus. Still lots of weapons on offense with dunn, duckett, vick, crumpler even without big time production from the wideouts.

    Defense lost most of the games last year, a lot had to do with hartwell being out. If he comes back healthy this season we will be much better against the run. I still think we should add a BIG dt to the mix but as far as getting after the passer we are one of the best if not the best dl in the league. This will help our secondary but we still need another safety as well. I was hoping we could draft Ko Simpson to play FS but I am not complaining there is still plenty of talent later in the draft. Good job Falcons. Can't wait till fall."

    The best thing to ever happen to the Falcons is Rich McKay.! Gandy maybe on his lasy leg BUT don't forget the name Omiyale, he will be ready in 2 seasons or so which is when gandy will more than likely be done. I read on espn.com that Grady Jackson was being given a serious look by the flacons. He would be a very nice addition to the d-line that would give us what we are missing there, a space-eater. I am still hoping that we can draft Ko Simpson in the 2nd rd. I just have a feeling that he is going to be a stud FS.

    I feel like a little kid in the back seat of a car on a road trip--------Are we there yet? Are we there yet? The fall can't get here fast enough for me.

  3. "On a side note, if Garnett is available this year would a package of MWilliams, Al and our pick be enough? For arguments sake lets just say it is and we are able to add a solid pg as well(Speedy) does that get us into contention for an nba title?"

    Words like "IF" and "ARGUMENTS SAKE" mean lets pretend so we can have a discussion. Is that not what this board is for? I was curious to see how people felt about the rest of the roster because if adding garnett who is everyting that we complain al isn't, doesn't bring us to the promised land then it seems we need to make several changes including mr knight who is putting this thing together. So, in closing please respond with whatever you like, its a free world, but please don't condem what someone is saying out of ignorance. Thank you.

  4. I just wanted to give some love to Mr. Josh Smith. He has improved so much over the course of the season. His numbers have consistently gone up each month much like Josh Childress. In march smoove's numbers----13.9 pts, 7.3 rebs, 3.8 ast., 2.6 blocks and 2.3 to's.

    On a side note, if Garnett is available this year would a package of MWilliams, Al and our pick be enough? For arguments sake lets just say it is and we are able to add a solid pg as well(Speedy) does that get us into contention for an nba title?

  5. Did anyone hear what Dennis Scott said in an interview in Orlando the other night? He basically said that the Hawks made a mistake by not drafting Paul or for that matter Deron Williams. I was surprised to hear an employee say something like that. Interesting to see if he is retained next season.

  6. don't forget who is making our picks in the draft. MR McKay. He is a bonafide genious. I have complete faith that he will fill those holes and we will win a super bowl sooner rather than later. I am not as worried about the wr's as everyone else. I believe we have talent there they just need a little time to develope. they are very young and getting finneran back is a big plus. Still lots of weapons on offense with dunn, duckett, vick, crumpler even without big time production from the wideouts.

    Defense lost most of the games last year, a lot had to do with hartwell being out. If he comes back healthy this season we will be much better against the run. I still think we should add a BIG dt to the mix but as far as getting after the passer we are one of the best if not the best dl in the league. This will help our secondary but we still need another safety as well. I was hoping we could draft Ko Simpson to play FS but I am not complaining there is still plenty of talent later in the draft. Good job Falcons. Can't wait till fall.

  7. I think this is one of the best signings the falcons have made in yrs. Not because of his talent but because it has been a sore spot on the roster. reports indictae that atl will draft a safety, hopefully it will be Ko Simpson, which will greatly improve the defense. If they can somehwo manage to get Abraham as well, look out. i am excited about the upcoming yr for the falcons. I believe they will come back next yr with a chip on their shoulder and play their way to the super bowl.

  8. That is a great proposal jez. I think speedy would be great here and nene is a risk but you have to take them sometime. perfect deal for everyone. denver needs a sg and this gives them an exciting young guy to groom next to melo. excellent idea. I hope bk sees this an tries to follow through.

  9. I would love to add speedy claxton. I don't think that pg is our biggest need but I don't see why not give him a shot. He isn't going to start if he stays put and lue has shown that he does a good job off the bench so I think that would be a good combo at pg. Plus, he isn't going to cost the insane amount that bibby would, spend that money getting big men. I hope and pray that bk makes a serious run at ben wallace. i know most think it is a pipedream but you never know. Imagine how intimidating it would be having walllace and jsmoove in the paint. Call me crazy but I swear i believe we would be instant contenders for the eastern conference if we added claxton and wallace.

  10. Regardless of how that game turned out it was fantastic. A lot of fun to watch. Back and forth the whole way. Of course I am stoked that the Hawks pulled it out. A few more games like this and they will start garnishing some well earned respect around the league. I don't know if any hawks players ever visit this site but if they do I want to say thank you for the effort that was put forth tonight.

  11. Ray Allen knocking Al down late in the game. I rest my case. I invested 2.5 hours into that game pulling for my team to win and the game comes down to an official and a blown call, again. Maybe I am being too harsh and that was a borderline call BUT had that situation been different and al knocked down Allen I would bet my house there would have been a foul called on al. That my friends is BS!! Think about the players for a minute. How frustrated do you think they are when it happens to them almost every game? You could see it in their eyes tonight after the game. They were pissed. Get it right NBA. Check out the nfl. No special treatment for star players save the QB's that is.

  12. I am not saying that they should be super human and never miss a call but nba refs let stars get away with too much, period. Has been that way for a long time, remember Jordan? All i am saying is call the game the same way for ALL players.

  13. I am so tired of NBA referees. In my opinion they are the worst officials in the major sports. Giving superstars calls just for being superstars is completely bogus. Take last night's game for instance. Hawks are on the best run they have had all season and have taken a little lead against the best team in the league and what happens? Billups rapes a hawks player(Johnson i think) clearly hacking him across the arms to create a "turnover". The pistons score an easy basket and the basically took over the game from there. I am not saying the game would have had a different outcome had that call been made but damn refs have some testicular fortitude and call the game both ways.

  14. When will the national media realize how much we have improved and actually acknowledge it. We have already surpassed our win total form last year but you never hear about that. Still we are made fun of and considered the worst franchise in basketball. It makes me sick to listen to sportscenter now. The smartass anchors that always poke fun at the hawks. There are teams that are in much worse shape than the Hawks, like the Knicks for instance. I am done bashing Knight and the Hawks. They have improved and that is all we can ask from them. We still have tradeable assets to get more help and we have capspace to TRY to sign some vet help. The future is brighter in Atl than in a lot of NBA towns so lets be thankful about it and thank god we are not knick fans. I am proud to be a Hawk fan and I am so looking forward to the day that I can throw the success of the Hawks in the face of all the people that laugh when i say I am a Hawk fan. That day is coming, slowly, but its coming.

  15. I could have sworn I heard Bob Neal call Josh Childress JChill the other night against Cleveland. I also thought I heard the arena announcer call JSmith JSmoove after a dunk. Did I hear this right? If so, didn't someone on this site give them those nicks?

  16. If we came out of this offseason with Rondo and Hilario would you guys consider it a successful offseason? Barring some huge trades that looks about as good as we could do. We would have to throw some big money nene was but surely denver would let him go, if he doesn't pan out or he shows to be an injury waiting to happen we can waive him via the new collective barganing deal. Not sure how that works though but I do recall hearing that each team has the right to waive a player and be free of their contract.






    Still we have Al to fill holes with a trade. Maybe a vet bruiser and a pick. One thing I can say about those backups- instant offense. I would be a little concerned with the starters being able to score enough. They would depend on Marvin and smoove developing quickly but I think they would be great in transition. Thoughts?

  17. I just don't see any improvement form 3 yrs ago. I don't see any direction. I mean what are we trying to put together here? I saw in a post that woodson said it was on him not playing smith because it was an oversight. AN OVERSIGHT? WTF???? This is outrageous. I guess he is as lost as he looks on the sidleine.

    Does BK really have a plan that he is going to follow or are we just going to trade away our assets for draft picks and then duplicate the players we already have on the roster?

    I saw lue at the end of the game last night against the celtics not box out on scalabrini which led to a huge basket. he just stood there for christ sakes. How is this possible for an NBA player? I can maybe understand that happening during the game but in crunch time no way.

    I think we should all accept the fact that next season will be same book next chapter. I just don't see any light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe Marvin gets time and he plays like a super star but even if thats not enough. I just don't see any way we can compete for 2 or 3 more years. Someone please change my mind someone please tell me i am wrong. someone please tell me that our beloved hawks are going to pull some miracle deal that nets us a legit star to turn this thing around. Someone that just does not accept losing and will demand the same form his teammantes. Right now we don't have that person anywhere in the organization.

  18. And white??? Thats a hell of a statement. Good thing you weren't gm of the celtics when bird came out. I guess he would have never had a shot cause he's white. Or what about pistol pete? Stockton? Walton? Should I continue? Staements like that have no place on this board or anywhere else.

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