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Posts posted by codyatl

  1. If I were Mike Woodson I would leave his selfish azz on the bench. I am tired of seeing him sit on his but and NEVER smile or give any indication he actually cares about this team. I am not sure why he isn't playing but there is a reason and he must learn his lesson or continue to sit there. If he doesn't learn his lesson i would not trade him either. I would put him on inactive list until he could walk via free agency.

  2. The last time I remember seing him here is a reply to my "bold predcition" of 45 wins. He just replied LMAO. I can just say 1 thing, as of now, who's laughing now.....BIATCH!

    P.S. excuse the language I am so happy right now I can't hold it. I am really enjoying seeing all the so called experts eat crow right now. Long seaosn and anything can happen but 1st in the east AND we will be picking up a pretty good player in a few weeks in MWill. Beautiful....just beautiful

  3. What a great start for the Hawks without MWill. You have to give some credit to coach Woodson. They are playing great defense right now. I almost hate saying this because I am not a big fan of Woody but so far so good. I would like to see the Hwwks get out and run more, much more. That is our bread and butter. When we get caught in a half court game we lose. With all the young athletes we have there isn't a team in the league that can hang with our kids running. Thank GOD for the Hawks to save the weekend for Ga sports. Man, that sounds strange.

  4. I had(have) such high expectations of this team but so afr I am hugely dissapointed. The defense has been awesome but the offense still can not throw the ball. It doesn't matter how well the falcons run the ball eventually teams will put 8-9 in the box every play and shut down the running game. I fear the only way to make this team a super bowl caliber tema is to trade Vick. I have in the past been a huge supporter of what Vick brings to the table but enough is enough. We could get a kings ransom in return for vick added to an already loaded roster would put us over the top. Shaub is a star waiting to happen. It will never happen I fear but it prolly needs to.

  5. I am as excited about this season as any I can remember. I truly believe we will be in the playoffs this yr with 45 wins. Call me crazy if u like, but I believe the additions of Speedy and Lo and Sheldon we will surprise a lot of people early on. I have to give props to Knight as he has done a fabulous job putting together this roster under an extremely difficult environment.

    The most impressive asspect of this team is the depth.






    Going to be tough for Woody to find enough time for everyone BUT we finally have enough talent to make trades to get us over the top instead of to rebuild. Going to be an exciting season.

  6. the owners of the Atlanta Hawks and Belkin.

    Thank you so much for basically ruining this off season and once again setting this team back a couple of years. Why don't you guys settle your fight by selling the team to someone who gives a damn and split the cash form the sale and leave Atl, oh wait they don't live here anyway. This should have been a great offseason with money to spend and a big asset to trade in Harrington. There is no reason that we should have come out of this offseason without drastically improving this team.






    That is a nice young core to add to. Obviously the holes are at PG and 4/5. I am not at all upset about the Speedy signing or the wright signing BUT we are missing the boat on Harrington. I believe we could have upgraded better if we could have taken back player contracts longer than 1 yr. How is Knight supposed to go out and get a good deal for AL when he has this kind of restriction to work with. UNREAL. Now, hopefully it will work out and next seaon we will still have money to spend on FA when there are actually better players to choose from. BUT, how are we supposed to feel anything will change? Same song, different singer.

  7. I wonder if people said the same thing about Sir Charles when he came out? I have made this point before. Lets not bet against Williams just because of his height. He was a stud at Duke, period. He is big and strong and isn't rebounding more about strenght and positioning than height? Also, think about how many times we saw players post up al and score at will because they already had 1 foot in the paint. That will not happen with williams becasue of his strength. I would love to have access to their bench and squat numbers. I think he will be a great fit for the hawks. I would worry a bit about obryant. i mena he didn't dominate in college like williams even against lesser talent. so much for height alone huh.

  8. I hope Bobby gives htis guy a chance to close. Reitsma has lost all confidence and is killing us at the ne dof games. Ray had been lights out except for 1 game against the padres and he throws strikes.

  9. Does anyone remember how bad JSmoove's shot was his 1st year and much he improved this season? Who's to say Rondo won't be able to do the same thing. I am not sure I am ready to annoint him the 5th pick yet but I do belive he would be a nicew addition to the club. I just hope we could trade down and get him while picking up another pick as well.

  10. Bravo, you insult people when you get a dose of your own medicine. A while back I posted a potential trade to spark debate and you could only insult me saying that i was stupid for thinking that that trade would happen. can't have it both ways.

  11. We go into this off season with 2 glaring needs, PG and Big man. We should be able to fill both needs. At 5 either LA or TT or Brandon Roy can be had which leaves us with AL to trade for the other spot. In a perfect world how would you guys see this playing out?

    For me the perfect off season would be somehow trading AL to philly for AI and drafting LA.

  12. Lets move Laroche and either langerhans or johnson and maybe a throw in minor league pitcher to tampa for carl crawford. Gives us a real leadoff guy becasue giles is not that type of guy. Plus, getting rid of laroche is very appealing to me, lol. We have slatallamchia(sp?) coming up to take over at 1st(hopefully) if he can learn the position.









    Food for thought. If the team is sold and the new owners want to make a splash next year go out and get Glavine and maddox back here for 1 more run together with smoltz. If you want to sell out games again this is how you do it. Just imagine if you will this rotation-






    WOW! move ramirez to long relief and spot starter and try sosa as the closer. I know this will NEVER happen but as a braves fan it would be a dream come true.

  13. What if Detroit ends up losing this series with Cleveland? That could force the Pistons to skake their roster and as Ben Wallace is a free agent this year he could be had a a deal maybe for AL. If that were to happen then we turn our attention to PG. We still have ammo to go out and get a solid player. With Sac town making some changes I wonder if they would be tempted to move Bibby for our 1st rd pick and maybe chillz or salim or all 3 for that matter. I am no capologist so I don't know if it is even possible but wow, what a team that would be. Ok Bravo bring it on, lol.

  14. What he was doing is called prolotherapy. Someone told me about the episode because i have had the same treatment done. It is not a steroid. If they said medicine then they were prolly amking refernce to the fact that it is not really a medicine at all it is made form corn. It is used as an irritant to make the body start healing. Plus, do u really think they would show him using steroids on tv?

  15. As long as they can keep McKay as GM. If he takes over as commissioner then I am not so sure. The moves he made this year were genious. traded a 1st for John Abraham and a 3rd rd(through another trade) which turned into Jimmy Williams. Lawyer Milloy and chris coker added to the secondary will be huge. This may be the year if White and Jenkins improve.

    I don't follow hockey so I can't say anything about the thrashers but I believe the braves will still compete for the series but won't win it all again until an independent owner is found. NO MORE CORPORATE OWNERSHIP!

    Speaking off lets start a petition to ban corporations form owning any sports franchise.

  16. At first I was pissed at Boris because I thought he just didn't like his situation and wasn't playing hard. However, maybe he is just inh the right situation now. Doesn't Phoenix run their offense much closer to what euro leaguers do? This would explain his better play. He is now in a system that suits him.

  17. If just to get people to come to the games. The Hawks will NEVER, let me repeat, NEVER be a success until the arena starts filling up. Do you think the owners are going to pay for the young guys when noone is coming to see them play? I don't know if AI will be enough to make us champions but at some point you have to get fans and media involved and interested in your team. If Iverson plays here 3 years and we make the playoffs 2/3 times then it is a success because we would no longer be the whipping boys of the leagues. Free agents would see us as a nice place to play. Do you believe that any top name guys will want to come play in front of 5,000 fans every night? NO!! Start filling this place up and players will come. If Knight can pull off the deal with Knicks-Sixers then he should get GM of the year right there on the spot. That would be the greatest trade ever made by the Hawks and close to any Atl sports team in the history. Mgriff and McKay right there. Git-R-Done Knight.

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