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Posts posted by codyatl

  1. He has finally shown what many of us knew he would. The PG spot is fine, unless we are going to get Billups or maybe Bibby. What we need is a defensive center, period. I have to wonder if BK drafted Sheldon thinking he could play center down the road? Not a bad idea, but I doubt we would be winning any titles with shel at the 5. I like solo but he needs to gain ALOT of weight before he could handle the 5 for a whole season. I dont want to rely on a rookie to come in and fill that spot so what are our options? Darko Milicic, Anderson Verajo(can he play 5?), Chris Wilcox? Not a lot to choose from. Thoughts?

  2. Braves are close to sending laroche to pirates for melky cabrera of the yankees witht he yanks getting mike gonzalez. Not a bad move for the braves. Cabrera did a very good job for the yanks last yr in left. It seems the bravos are really trying to get rid of laroche so they must feal that thorman or someone else is ready. I also think they are preparing to lose aj. maybe a trade in the preseason and move frenchy to center and melky to right? As I have said before there are going to be huge changes to the braves in the next season or two.

  3. I guess the first thing to do is settle the ownership situation. With that bs court ruling hanging over our heads we cant make good basketball moves to help the team.

    2nd. I would fire woody immediately. This isnt because of the recent losing streak. We are losing because we dont have JJ. BUT, I dont think woody is a good head coach. I dont understand his sub patterns or his offensive sets, if he has any. How many of you would have loved to see the Hawks clear out last night and let Marvin take his man 1-1? Would it have worked? Maybe, maybe not but we wilol never know because e dont try. How about pressing like the Knicks did? We never try. What about pushing the ball up the court to take advantage of the 1 thing that we have over almost every team, youth and athleticism? We dont try. That is on the head man and noone else.

    3rd. Get a real center in there now. Zaza has been a huge dissapiontment this year. No defense and his offense is so ugly. Too much flopping and not enough banging. Is this totally his fault? NO, refer to above. Lo? He has been aweful so lets keep playing him over Solo.

    To sum up, fire Woody.

  4. What ever happened to this exciting run and gun team we were supposed to be building. Wasnt that the reason we drafted all these athletic swing players? Who knows what we could see from js and mw and even chillz out running teams off the court. I have to put that on the shoulders of the coach mike woodson. Another thing is the looks he has during games. I believe I mentioned this before but he looks lost out there at times. That has to be a blow to a teams confidence when your head coach is a deer in headlights. Maybe woody is just a great assistant coach but not a head man.

  5. I decided last season that it was my last as a hard core Braves fan who never misses a game and attended 4 or 5 a year. I will gladly come back when they are sold to an owner, not a corporation. If MLB is ever going to catch up to NFL they need to get rid of corporate owners. They care only for bottum line and not about the team or the fans. I understand its their job to make the shareholders happy but damn.

  6. Am I the only perosn here that thinks we need a DEFENSIVE center more than we need a PG. Speedy and Lue will be fine. Speedy, when healthy is a Very solid defender and penetrator and Lue gives us instant offense off the bench. Pachulia, on the other hand, is just plain aweful so far this year. I cringe everytime he touches the ball. Defensively, wow, I dont even know where to start. He has taken a step, or two, back this year. I like what I have seen so far from Solo Jones but for some reason I dont see him much, lol. We have to trade 1 of our swing guys eventually so we should be able to get a young center. Seattle has what 6 centers on their roster? What about the lakers? Kwame looks much better this year, well, at least he did against us, which may prove my pt right there. The draft si way to far away to know who we may get there if anyone. I say we hold tight this season and let our guys play out the year and then make an INFORMED decision in the upcoming offseason. One things for sure, the Hawks are on the right path. We must have patience and let this thing play out. We have a ton of talent on this roster and we are the youngest team in the league. The Hawks will be playoff contenders with a great shot at the title series in the very near future.

  7. If I hear "We should have drafted Chris Paul or Deron Williams" again, I am going to throw up. I admit that I wanted Deron Williams but as a UNC fan I was happy to get Marvin. I would love to have access to the articles leading up to the draft to see how many of these "experts" said hawks should have taken Paul or Williams.

  8. I have to wonder if JS has contacted tampa bay to try to pry away carl crawford? Two birds with 1 stone. We have plenty of middle infielders in the system ready to come up and obviously they think thorman is ready so why not get a left fielder to hit leadoff. I would think that tampa would love to get their hands on giles and laroche. We still have HUGE holes in the bullpen but I really like this deal. I am not sold on the angels deal without santana or shields. Figgins obp is not good, of course that fits right in with the rest of our lineup. Whatever they do there is going to be big changes in the next 2 years. Smoltz, AJ, Chipper, Hampton all have contracts that will be up. I can see Chjipper and smoltz staying but hampton and AJ are good as gone. My fear is that we just let AJ walk and recieve nothing in return. His value is high and we know we arent goin gto resign him(unless of course the team is sold) so why not get some value back.

    I say a little prayer everyday that AOL sells the braves to MR. Blank or anyone who actually cares about winning more than they do shareholders. Corporations have no business, NONE, in professional sports. That, I believe, is the #1 reason the NFL is the most popular pro sport in the usa.

  9. We are not the same team with them. With them Freij doesnt see the floor, neither does bozeman. Not that these two have been just plain aweful but they arent in the smae league as chillz and marvin.

    I would like to know why solo didnt get more time. He comes off a great game and gets only 5 minutes?? We were giving up so many pts inn the paint he might have made a difference.

  10. I am so tired of the NBA referees. They are a complete joke. Lebron absolutley ran through Josh Smith twice last night and no call.....well, except for the blocking call against Smoove. Ridiculous. Here's a thought Mr. Stern, hold the officials responsible instead of protecting them from "whining". I gaurantee the NBA would have more fans IF the offiating was better.

  11. I havent seen this guy play enough to know if this is a good deal for us or not. I think it is a foregone conclusion that we are going to have to trade someone as I dont think we could keep everyone happy with minutes. To those that have watched gasol play please tell me what you think. Taking a look at his numbers i like his efficiency. He scores 17-20 without taking a ton of shots, shoots over %50 for his career. His reb numbers arent crazy big for a '7 post player but if we keep sheldon that wouldnt be as much of a problem. The 1 thing I didnt really like was his foul numbers. He has avg just over 2 fouls a game. Now, that could mena a lot of things but at first glance I take it to mean he doesnt play much defense. I would love to get some feedback on this guy. I think this rumor might have some merit , I mean knight did trade for this guy once already.

  12. i would bet AJ is the trade that frees up cash. I would hate to see him go but there is no way in hell they will resign him in 2 years anyway so why not get some value for him now. We will have tons of cash free in 2 years to pay our young guys when hampton and smoltzy and chipper come off the books. maybe chipper will resign at a hometown discount say 10/yr. that still leaves us plenty of room to sign free agents. I keep hearing form solid sources(very solid) that the braves will be sold to blank. I would wet my pants if that happens. I could actually start watching braves games again. I have sworn off the braves until they are no longer owned by a corporation. AOL SUX! I still follow them but NEVER watch. So, please Mr. Blank save the Braves!!

  13. I cant wait unitl we hit our stride and start kicking the east's butt. I will be leading the charge throwing people off the bandwagon. I can gaurantee that when we strat winning and going deep into the playoffs that guys like bill simmons will start praising bk for his vision to draft marvin instead of the pgs.

  14. excuse my language here but....Bill Simmons is a jackazz. This guy is an idiot. How can he make comments on this team when he doesn't even know who starts at pg for us. Instead of talking about the injuries that have plagued us this year and the fact that we have overcome them so far he decides to trash the team with incorrect statements. What a joke. This is from his espn article.

    "The big problem: And the hits just keep on comin'. As if the Chris Paul/Marvin Williams debacle wasn't bad enough, Deron Williams dropped 15 pounds and emerged as an MVP candidate on a 12-2 Jazz team. If I were a Hawks fan watching Ty Lue taking crunch-time jumpers every night, I don't think I'd ever be able to get past this. Seriously. It would be a deal breaker for me. Like dating a girl that smoked or something.

    Here's the logical team for Gasol -- they could offer Zaza Pachulia (solid young center), Williams, Lorenzen Wright and a future No. 1 pick for Gasol, Brian Cardinal's contract and a year's supply of Propecia. Atlanta gets a legitimate one-two punch (Joe Johnson and Gasol), while the new Memphis owners dump two of their two biggest contracts and firmly position themselves as the leaders for the Oden/Durant Sweepstakes. Just throwing it out there. "

    If he wants to do comedy he should try out for Last comic standing. Sports fans want facts. Sure he can state his opinion but get the facts straight.

  15. has been tough to handle with all the close losses. 3 losses by a total of 4 pts is a tough pill to swallow BUT if we have to lose this is how I would like to see it happen. Think back to last season and how many times we were blown out. Only once this season have we been blown out and that was on a back-back with 4 top players out so you could see that coming. This team has taken huge steps forward so far and everyone in the league has noticed. I am still very excited about this teams future. the losses hurt but it could be a lot worse. When we get a fukll roster we should be just fine.

  16. I mentioned Billups a couple of days ago as a possible target for the Hawks next offseason. I think he would be the final piece to the puzzle. We would have the best backcourt in the league. Great defense on the perimeter. Scoring. Passing. they can do it all. Oddly enough i think this would give us an inside game as well. Against most teams at least 1 of them would be able to post up against smaller gaurds. Trade speedy for a decent backup big man.

  17. Its nice to not have to say "wait till next year' but I was just wondering what you guys would like to see the team do in the offseason. 1 name I dont believe I have seen mentioned here is Chauncey Billups(drop the u great 1st name). Good defender, scrorer, distributer and championship experience. Plus, and this is most important, we could FINALLY stop hearing about Chris Paul.






    Thats a pretty strong 1st unit but the scariest thing about this team would be this....




    Big via draft off the bench!!


  18. I am not a fan of Moss at all after he walked off the field couple of years ago but he could be huge for the falcons. Talk about deep threat..Moss and lelie together, wow. Crumpler would absolutely blow up with those two on the outside.

  19. Lets give this guy a break please. Take a close look at Carlos Boozer who also played at Duke, is same body type as Sheldon.

    Boozer's rookie season(82 games)

    25mpg 53%fg 77%ft .7stl .6blocks 7.5 reb 10 pts

    Sheldon(only 7 games)

    20mpg 44%fg 2-2ft .4 stl .6blocks 6.7 reb 3.7 pts

    Not much difference. I think Sheldon will be fine wether here or somewhere else.

  20. Yes, I have played all my life and I am a head football coach, so i think that qualifies me to say what i did. laugh at me all you want but as a caoch the last thing you want is someone siiting on the sidelines pouting, for whatever the reason. Do you not understand that team morale is very important for chemistry which is 1 reason we are playing so much better this year, we have chemistry. Salim is doing nothing to help himself by not being involved during games. I understand he is a competitor who wants to play BUT that doesn't mean you sit and pout when you don't play. Team players do what they are asked to do, PERIOD, to help the team win. If that is to sit and chear and motivate your teamates form the sideline then you do that unitl your time comes to play. Its a long season and I am sure that he will get his shot. But for now i would liek to see him at least act as if he gives a damn about this teams hot start.

  21. You completely missed the point as usual. He has done something and he is paying the price for that now. He will continue to be disciplined and to lose respect form his teamates until he shows that he cares about the TEAM and not just himself.

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