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Posts posted by chillzatl

  1. lots of teams passed on him. it's not like he was a grade A sure thing prospect. I guess people forget all those early years when Pop was benching him for making stupid, non-team oriented decisions. He was a project that good coaching turned into a great player. He's still not what I would call a great point guard. He's a great PG for their system, and a very good overall player, but he's not a great PG. If he became a free agent I wouldn't throw big money at him because I'm not convinced he would have the same impact anywhere else.

  2. I think you're overstating the role of the manager, as we all often do. Torre deserves very little of the blame for the Yankees lack of post season success of late. Look at that team. It's nothing but a paper champion full of check collectors. That wasn't torre's fault. If you're going to blame someone, blame the GM and owner, the guys who call the shots on personel.

  3. The only reason we ever got to Ru San's is if we have friends with us who are new to sushi. From a price standpoint I don't find Ru San's to be all that cheap. Especially not when I can go across the street to Ume and get a large Kirin, a bottle of sake and 8-10 pieces of fresh nigiri for $20. It's hard to beat that for sushi in Atlanta. If only I could limit myself to one kirin and one sake...

    We're actually going this friday and I can't wait... FEEESH

  4. my favorite place is Umezono off hwy 41 (cobb pkwy) behind Boomers. It's as authentic as they come, has been there for years and actually supplies fish to many other sushi places around town. Cheap beer, cheap sake and good, cheap sushi.

    A friend of mine who loves sushi also recommends Tomo, which is also on Cobb pkwy but further south. By his estimate it was 10% better than Ume, but 2x the price.

  5. some of what you say I agree with, but some is just rubbish. Such as:

    "This is the NFL. You don't "get your players in". You adapt to what you have and what you can get."

    That's total rubbish. Every coach that takes over a team looks to implement their system and get players that fit that system. They only adapt with the last teams players because they have to until they start get the players that fit. Petrino is no different.

    "He took something that worked and without question dismantled it and has achieved very little in the way of results using his system."

    You actually think that the system we had in place worked? it was a hack job gimmick system by a clueless staff that appeared to work because we had a QB that couldn't pass and looked to run 3 seconds after the ball was snapped. Without that QB that system was garbage through and through.

    "The players do not respect him. And how could they? He was a qb coach in the NFL. oooh"

    Your attitude is just as immature and childish as the players who won't respect him because he came from college or was only a qb's coach in the NFL. As a player/employee, even if you don't agree with their decisions you respect the position they hold.

    "And he even dresses like a high school coach. What's with that white hat and tucked in white polo shirt? Juvenile."

    taking shots at the way he dresses? And you call him juvenile?

    get used to him, because unless he leaves on his own accord I think he'll be here for a few years.

  6. I"m not sure what anyone was expecting. Even I had unrealistic hopes for the team this season, but truth be told, we were in rebuilding mode with or without vick. We wouldn't be much better now with him than we are without him. The only thing I see wrong is the lack of professionalism from some of these players. I can understand players not liking a coach who doesn't grab ass with them like Mora did, but you still go out and do your job. If they can't handle that, they should be cut or traded, point blank. I don't blame Petrino at all. He was brought in to bring some discipline to the team and I commend him for realizing that he needed to ease back on the hard-assness some. I have no sympathy for the players though. They're grown men and this is football. There's no crying in football...

    Once we weed out the candy asses and get players who fit what Petrino likes to do, we'll find success again. He's the right coach for this team. His situation and demeanor aren't much different than Belichick's was when he started in Cleveland. You had people and players who all hated him but once he was given the chance to get his system in place(for another team) he showed that his way is the right way. I think we'll see the same from Petrino down the road too.

  7. thought hot fuzz was ok. Disturbia I've had for months but haven't watched yet. Zodiac I loved. Haven't seen the other two yet.

    I hated Death Proof. It had to be the most over blown, over hyped, go nowhere movie I've seen in YEARS.

    Fracture was good I thought, not perfect but a solid movie. Knocked up was pretty funny too.

  8. devs are putting out games. The problem is that other than nintendo everyone is cranking out these mini-games to try and cash in.. They're cheap and easy and have a lot less risk associated iwth them compared to a title with 10mil in dev costs.

    I read a report last week or so saying that many devs were hesitant to develop for the Wii now due to it having such a low attach rate (games sold per console). while it's selling lots of consoles, it's not selling games. At least for 3rd party companies. A lot of that could be due to 3rd party devs making crappy games, but there's also the long standing perception that 3rd party titles just don't sell on nintendo consoles and nintendo does little help reverse that.

  9. I was the biggest Wii appologist on the planet, but the shine wore off for me (and my 5 or so friends with Wii's). Wiisports is STILL the best game available for the console that actually delivers on the promise of what the Wii was supposed to be. "interaction beyond traditional consoles", that was the promise and Wiisports is the only new game so far that really delivers on that. Most everything else are DS games for the Wii, GC ports with hacked on controls or games in which the controllers really don't add anything better than a gamepad. I didn't get it just for some fun games, I got it because it was supposed to be more than that. Heck, now they're even putting out games that are, by all accounts, better when played with GC controllers (smash bros.).

    It's not that I dislike the console, it's just become a disappointment to me. I know what's possible with the controllers. Wiisports built expectations in me and nothing else has yet to match it. I'll be getting Mario Galaxy, but that will likely be it in the near term for me.

  10. just as you ask people not to overstate it, I ask you not to understate it. yes it's the pre-season, but it's not summer leagues or b-list exibition games. Everyone is out there trying to win, especially the less established teams. It's not like we're playing teams of 3rd stringers.

    the wins don't count and that's about the only thing we need to remember. The way the team plays, what works, what doesn't work and the chemistry we see in action are all just as real now as it will be when the season tips off.

  11. It's going to be a good season, regardless. At least I think it will be. We've got a lot of talent on this roster, a lot of young guys have shown why they were drafted and we've almost weeded out all the tweenerness in the starting lineup. At the very least we've weeded out enough of it that it's not holding us back. I say 20 games in we'll know how things need to be structured and who needs to be dealt. If both Josh and Marvin continue to play as they have been playing, they will both be valuable trade pieces at the deadline. From a money standpoint I don't think we can keep both, as they will both likely command starter money.

  12. There are IF's involved, like "if marvin continues to improve" and "if horford can be a consistent PF threat", then yes, Josh is naturally the odd man out. It's not a knock on him, but he's a tweener.

    BK has been hammered around here for years because of the tweener roster he was building. Now if these if's become reality, nearly all that tweenering will be gone. We'll have a real PG, SG, SF and PF. The only thing we'd be lacking is a real C, but the fact that not many teams have one of those either makes that less of a problem than it would have been in years past.

    So yes, he's the odd man out as far as starting rotation goes. He'd be a heck of a bench guy, but I don't think he's going to accept bench player money at this point. Do you pay him starter money and let the chips fall where they may? Do you SnT him?

  13. I thought that at first, but man, I saw him out in space a few times against the giants and he flat out looked old. Like he would get the ball, turn and from step 1 through step 5 there was no acceleration, no burst at all. He's never been a fast guy with breakaway speed, but he was always somewhat quick footed. I'm sure a lot of it has to do non-vick factor as you said, but to my eyes he's looked significantly slower this year.

  14. I thought we established long ago that in application, Josh is a tweener. He doesn't have the size or game of a PF and he doesn't have the handles or shot of a SF. The only way he ever plays full time SF for a team is if they have a very specialized lineup, well coached lineup (phoenix, dallas, etc). Otherwise he's always going to be shuffled around because of his tweenerisms.

  15. I don't blame him at all. He's not the problem. First off, he's made Harrington look the best he's ever looked. Between Harrington and whatever he's doing on the coaching end he's made Roddy White look like the prospect he was drafted as.

    It's not his fault that his O-line is garbage or that his vet running back has lost two steps since last year or that his defense is hit or miss. Factor all that in with disaster of The Mike Vick Experience.. he deserves more time than most coaches get.

    Personally I wouldn't blame him or hold it against him if he went back to college. I have no doubt that if the team was built the way he wanted it to be, we would be successful, but right now it's a patchwork roster. Also, having vet players (crumpler, etc) acting like little bitches because he won't help them put on their jocks like Mora did can't help.

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