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Posts posted by chillzatl

  1. Seriously, you don't trade Joe. 4-5 games ago people were yammering about how great he was, and he goes in a little slump and they're acting like he's just gotta go?! It's madness... IT'S HAWKSQUAWK!

    as I mentioned a day or so ago, I was told he's had a cold. I have no reason to doubt the source either.

  2. We have a legit, top of the class power forward here people! Plays D, rebounds great and while his offense isn't great yet, it's going to get better just like every other aspect of his game! It's been a long time since we a power player like him here. I mean hell, the last time we had a GOOD PF here period was maybe that one year by Hendu which was what, 98? Before that it was Laettner for a little while? In the end I think Horf will be better than both by a long stretch. VERY EXCITING!

  3. c'mon man, you're just trying to stir the pot. It has nothing to do with age at this point. He's proven himself beyond the need to excuse anything he does based on age. Comparing him to Lewis is fair in some respects, but then trying to back that up by saying "once lewis became at 17-19ppg scorer, that was it", pretty much invalidates everything you're saying because for Lewis, that was NOT it for him. He still got better.

    Marvin in his third year is where Lewis was in year 4-6, where he lingered for a while. This was when you would hear critics hounding him for not taking it to that next level like they felt he should, but then he took it to that next level and that's where he is still. There's nothing wrong with that either. You make it out like peaking as a 20ppg player in the NBA is akin to following the donkeys around the Zoo Atlanta petting park with a shovel and bag. Or at least you do in Marvins case.

    All I know, and this isn't blind Marvin love, is that he's the 2nd best, 2nd most consistent player on this team right now and that is still without plays being ran for him or without him having the luxury of calling his own shot. Once a new coach is in place and there is one fewer players taking shots that should go to him, I expect to see him step it up yet another level. After seeing what a little bit of confidence has done for him thus far, I have no reason to suspect he won't continue to respond and improve.

  4. Well yah, he still plays the same game, but what do you expect? You say it as if it's some sort of condemnation against him.

    I'll say this: Right now, the only thing holding Marvin back, IMO, is the fact that Josh Smith got here a year earlier than him. He's not a toe stepper or a me first guy.

  5. you can't? What I can't believe is that his team lets him chuck up so many bad shots game after game. I mean c'mon, how many players in the league couldn't make 39% of their shots if they were given 18 of them per game? The kid obviously has skills but most of what his doing right now is akin to throwing darts in the dark, eventually you're going to hit the board.

  6. Pulp Fiction and Resevoir dogs were both great. Jackie Brown had its moments. The Kill Bill movies were enjoyable, but not great. It's not that he makes bad movies, he just does things in his movies that ruin the experience for me. He loves having lots of pointless dialogue where the characters talk "cool", but really aren't saying anything important to the movie. He also has this thing for writing himself into EVERY movie he does. He's not a good actor yet he keeps writing himself bigger roles in every movie.

    Death proof was everything I dislike about his movies with extra helpings.

  7. I've had friends who did it, but I've never tried any that made me want to drink it over a Duvel, Chimay, Gulden Drak or even a Guinness. Any of those first three are wonderful food beers and I can recommend many others if you're interested.

  8. Josh has to be the trade bait, it's that simple. Sure he can fill up a stat sheet, but for every game that you cheer for him there will be three others where you're left punching the wall because he refuses to play team ball.

    I also think shine has worn off around here for the home town fans. Sitting in the stands for last nights game I heard person after person groaning every time he touched the ball. It's just that obvious how un-team-oriented he is right now. People are ready for the Hawks to be a winning team and I don't think Josh has to be a part of that team for the fans to show up. Would they like it if he was? sure, but the reactions I heard all around me last night make it clear to me that they would rather have a winning team.

  9. If not then it means the coach is not only inept, but also spineless. If it wasn't a mandate that he can pretty much shoot at will any coach with a sack of onions would pull him for chucking up the garbage he launches. Heck, JJ will defer to him at times. Pass off to him when he's pressured and just let him keep it rather than call for it back when he's:

    1. your best player

    2. with a more favorable matchup.

    There's simply no other options, this has to be coached in.

  10. Seriously, he's the best defensive player in the league as he stops nearly every run we go on with a stupid substitution. He has the worst in game management skills of anyone I can recall seeing. I mean I may have seen worse, but nobody has ever stood out to me as bad as he does.

    Tonight, in the closing minutes of the 1st half, Acie comes in and reels off 6 pts, three straight shots, to tie the game. Woodson pulls him almost immediately after his third basket and we go down 8 pts again in under two minutes. By the time Acie gets on the floor again it's the 3rd quarter and it's pretty much over.

    At another point, we have a rotation of JJ, Chill, Josh Smith, Marvin and Horford on the floor. We're playing well, Horford puts up a few shots and is finally getting some boards. He gets no fouls but THE STOPPER, pulls him and puts in, I think it was AJ... Who moments later chucks up an airball from the perimeter and basically melts down over the course of the next 3-4 posessions and gets pulled himself.

    Start a campaign, PULL THE STOPPER!

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