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Posts posted by chillzatl

  1. Regardless of whether Obama or Clinton gets the nomination, I think McCain will end up beating them. Obama is too green and that will end up hurting him, he's surviving off catch phrases, which is delivers masterfully I might add. Clintons past will do her in. She won't be able to hide from it in the big race.

  2. well... "by the numbers", it doesn't really deviate from your traditional western in theme or character arc. You've got all the character types you'd expect in a western, they do what they're supposed to do. There's no modern reimaginings of how life in the old west was somehow different than we've thought up to this point. Then they hit the ending and it seems like they went out of their way to have the characters do nonsensical things just to be different and for me, and obviously many others, it didn't work. It almost feels like they wanted to throw a twist in there when it didn't need a twist.

    Like I said, I like the movie, 8/10. But the ending didn't fit the rest of it. Which really says a lot for how good it was up to that point. Few movies are going to get that high of a rating from me after blowing the ending the way they did.

  3. My winners look the same as yours except I think Horn will take his match. He's a heck of a fighter.

    Lesner gets a bad rap for his fake wrestling career, but before the MMA and the UFC, ex collegiate wrestlers didn't have much to do in the world of athletics after college or the olympics. He's freakishly athletic for his size and very strong. Mir definitely has the skills to beat him, but I think Lesners size and power will be too much for him. It will be interesting to see how he responds if he gets a few jabs to the grill early on. Check out the latest issue of Fight! for a pretty good interview with him. Best MMA mag on the market.

  4. I don't buy that at all. The movie was played as a straight, by the numbers western the entire way through. Well, till the ending at least. Then they tried to go for the modern day action movie ending with lots of gotchas, forcibly playing everything the exact opposite of how it logically should happen. The movie didn't need a gotcha, twist ending.

    I understand what they were going for with the ending, but that's not what the rest of the movie was. They spend two hours putting you in that world, in that mindset and then they rip you out of it with an ending that just doesn't make sense in the context of what you'd seen up to that point.

    Still a good movie and an easy 8/10, but it could have been perfect with a more well written, better directed ending.

  5. well you never know how a combination might react. Some cough medicine or something combined with sleeping pills might do you in. It's hard to say. I agree that nobody accidently takes a hand full of sleeping pills, but it doesn't look like that is what happened in this case.

    They also say he was taking ambien and you're not supposed to take that if you're having respiritory problems, which pneumonia would probably qualify.

  6. They're saying they don't think it was suicide and was more likely an accidental overdose or a bad combination. He had pneumonia as well so who knows. he was a good young actor. At least we will get to see his full performance in The Dark Knight, as he finished all his post work already.

  7. As soon as the fit hit the shan I said "this should be in 3d". I've seen Beowulf and A Nightmare Before Christmas in 3d and that's some cool ish!

    but yah, I enjoyed the hell out of it. Like you said "what a ride!"

  8. I give it an 8/10. Some of my friends said they really enjoyed it, but gave it 5/10 or 6/10, which really makes no sense to me. If you really enjoy a movie, how can it only get a 5-6/10? owell, it's an experience that everyone should see.

  9. Quote:

    I don't know Chillz. If Mac prices were competitive with Dell and Gateway prices... and the software availability had always been even... There would be nobody else. I used a mac for 10 years straight without having it crash or have a virus. I bought a gateway and it had a virus in the first month.

    In my last mac, the one thing I really liked was the self updates. I didn't have to wait to use a certain application before I'm given the option to update the software. The Mac would update itself... which was pretty time saving.

    As far as Business need...

    I think part of that is the historical problem of software availability. However, I think I told you that once Mac made a computer than was Windows capable, they could possible change the face of computer sales.

    You didn't have a crash or a virus because nobody writes virii that will only affect 100 people and it's hard to crash a system when there are no apps to install on it beyond the ones that come with it and the few the manufacturer creates for it. Apple products limit your options and by doing so, they create a more reliable environment. As any honest Mac user who admit to, as they have become more open and more software has become available for them (from non apple sources) , the stability simply is not what it used to be.

    The difference between the two platforms is that one tries to limit what you can do in order to maintain the appearance of stability while the other does not limit you, but requires that you be somewhat educated and responsible in what you're doing in order to maintain that stability.

    The last virus I had in my home was back in the dos/win31 days. I used XP for years with no A/V software installed and never had a virus because I'm an educated user who doesn't click on or install just anything that pops up in front of me. Apple products have plenty of security flaws and bugs and if you do some searching you will see that apple is dead last in lead time on patching those bugs and security holes.

    The fact that Mac's can now run Windows does nothing to help them. They make great hardware, but hardware is still generic and people running Windows on a piece of apple hardware actually does more to hurt them than help them in the long run. I've set up two Macbooks in the last month for clients who spend all their working time on these systems in Windows. The only reason they purchased an Apple product was so they could say they owned a Mac. All their day to day activities take place in Windows and who does that benefit?

  10. Quote:

    About Xerox. While that's true... Xerox computers were never sold in the homes... So Xerox brought nothing. Had it not been for apple, this technology now called windows would not have seen the light of day.

    That's simply not true man, you need to go read up on computer history a little more. Both Microsoft and Apple "borrowed" what they saw on their trip to Xerox/parc. You're just recycling what you read somewhere else. What xerox had was simply an idea, not a functional product and technically neither of them stole it. They simply took that idea and made it into functional products.

  11. It was a very good game. I felt he inventory system hurt it a bit but overall a very good game and yet another reason why the 360 is the gaming system to own.

    Gears is simply fantastic in both presentation and gameplay. It's a gaming experience that few can match and even fewer can surpass.

  12. Apple computers and MacOs will never be more than a niche product, regardless of price, because their philosphy does not fly in business and business is where dominance is decided. Businesses don't want to be told that "you can't do this because we won't allow it yet", and then 8 months later be told "you can do that now, just upgrade to this new model". That's how apple survives. That's how they're able to release new ipods that offer little more than slightly more storage than the previous model and convince people they need to upgrade.

  13. Quote:

    Wasn't the iphone the first cell phone where the company making the phone wasn't restricted in it's functionality by the cell service providers? If I'm correct, that in and of itself makes it sort of a pioneer new product. I can also honestly say that my use of Mac computers in high school(around 1993) was a very positive one. They just worked so well and the desktop publishing programs were so easy to use and understand. It sure blew wordperfect out of the water.

    NOt sure what you mean by unrestricted functionality. I know full well that you can't simply install any app you want on it. THey do have an SDK for it, but it's still limited by what they choose to let you do. Once someone makes an app that they don't like, you can rest assured it will result in voided warranties.

  14. until the latest release you couldn't send text messages and even with the release it's buggy as hell. You still can't attach pics to those txt messages. That's only been a key feature in phones for... years now..

    Edge is the only option you have and it is dialup speed. For a device that's billed as convenient and "on the go", having dialup level service kinda defeats the purpose. Wi-fi isn't available everywhere and even when it is there's no guarantee you can gain access to it.

    To be honest, I guess the keyboard is a matter of personal taste. But as someone who has used a variety of qwerty flipouts, the apple keyboard is attrocious. I use an HTC with a flip out full qwerty and I assure you you would not think the apple keyboard is better. I sacrifice thickness (about 1/2 x thicker than an iphone, but I lose nothing on the screen when using it, my fingerprints don't smear the screen and it provides real tactile feedback.

    And i'm sorry but that is not what apple is selling. It may appear that way to you on the outside, but that's simply because they are DAMNED GOOD MARKETERS. Granted their marketing only works if you choose to let it work, which I do not, but the very nature of their feature limited, apple-locked products disturb me. The fact that they are called innovative is laughable. I give them credit on their packaging, they make truely beautiful products, but shiny and sparkly doesn't defeat usability for me.

    I can break apple products in seconds. Their OS is billed as being more stable, but only if you limit what you do on it to what it comes with. The minute you start installing "other things", you know, some other non-apple software that you might actually want to use in the name of personal preference and choice, good luck. If you're talking hardware, I need not mention the rash of bad screens, failed batteries, cracking finishes and various other issues that have plagued them in recent years.

    Their stock price means nothing in the context of the discussion.

  15. only because you haven't tried something else and you're content to only use itunes to get music from point a to point b. Also if you choose to buy music from Itunes, it's only yours as long as you have an ipod to put it on. So technically, it's not yours at all. If company X comes out with a neat new player and you buy that player, you also have to buy music somewhere else to put on it.

  16. it's time to rant... Apple, the company that brought you such "innovative" products as the ipod, the iphone, appleTV and now the Macbook Air, must die. They are a pox upon the landscape of free thinking and consumer choice. It's distrubing to me that this company continues to find success while offering nothing in the way of true innovation beyond cool packaging and brain-washing marketing.

    for instance:

    The iphone can't do functions that people want and have been using for years now, but because the packaging is pretty, it's hailed as innovative.. The web browsing is slow, you can't send SMS, the "keyboard" blows, but again, it's hailed as innovative because you can flip through pictures and music with your greasy fingers?

    The Macbook air is thin and light weight, but it also goes completely against what the rest of the laptops in the industry are doing. When other manufacturers are trying to give you more of everything in as small and convenient a package as possible, Apple puts out a laptop that gives you less and is hailed as innovative. You can only have 2gb of ram, but according to their website this is "more-than-generous". The hard drive is literally last decade technology and also can't be user upgraded. It only includes one USB port, has no optical drive (nobody burns dvds anymore), has no wired ethernet porta and like all their other produts, you can't buy and replace the battery yourself. Yet this is innovative because it's thin and light? How light will it be when you factor in the 5lbs of gear you have to carry around with you to make it truely usable?

    I won't even get started about AppleTV, becuase for the most part, it's a flop product but they do keep trying..

    Apple is corporate communism. They only give you what they want you to have and they know you will be happy with that. Because really, you have no choice but to be happy with it. but rest assured, after everyone complains about what they can't do, they will give you another model within 12 months that ALMOST gives you everything you need at only 15% the markup over what the previous model just cost you.

    Apple MUST DIE.

  17. Quote:

    Thank you, I appreciate that! I am excited for it to go live as well and that should just be a matter of days now. If Chillz were as much of a slacker as the rest of us on here during the work day we could go live anytime but unfortunately he apparently works at work and doesn't get on the site too much during the week.

    At least not the last few weeks! That should change soon though.

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