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Posts posted by chillzatl

  1. from a player standpoint I agree. Many here get their panties in a bunch over a couple of losses, but we've been down key players. I'm not going to get bent out of shape considering the circumstance. It's a long season and we've seen this team play well enough that I'm not going to pretend that a few early losses with injured players are that big a deal.

    As for coaching, Woodson needs to go. His situational management skills are sub-standard. I honestly don't care who they bring in at this point. While I won't say I've ever defended the guy, I at least gave him the benefit of the doubt. He's proven that he simply can't manage a game.

    I am one who is quick to not give the coach too much credit or too much blame, but one of the things that a coach has to be able to do is keep his team from losing games. When we have leads he does nothing to stop the other teams surge until our lead and momentum is gone. Often times he calls timeouts and draws up a play and that play ends up being a head scratcher. You're literally sitting there saying "he took a timeout for that?". I am convinced that a video game could make better in-game decisions than Woodson does.

  2. haha, to clarify. Rickrolling is an OLD internet phenomenon. It has been replaced though.

    the question that needs to be asked is...have you seen 2 girls 1 cup?

    If not, go to youtube and search for it. You won't find the video, but you'll find videos of people watching the video. Those reaction videos will either scare you off or make you so curious you can't resist.... report back. .

  3. If you have issues connecting via our chat applet, try going to www.chat4all.org. At the top put in your nickname and select Chat now. Once you're connected, at the top select the channels drop down and then "new channel". Type in hawksquawk and then click ok and you should be in.

    If those things don't work you either have network or java issues. You can try java.com to verify that java is properly installed and working.

    BTW, annoying chatters will be removed.. so don't be afraid to attend.

  4. I don't think so because outside of this board, Marvin wasn't considered some flop of a player. He was thought of as a young, high draft pick who had a lot of potential. He's steadily improved since his first season and going from 13/5 to 18/6 this year was kind of expected.

    The fact that he's playing well and giving no reason for the haters to pile on makes him standout to us more than it does anyone else because we're used to hearing him talked about as if he were the biggest bust in NBA history.

  5. if he continues to play the way he has and they continue to win as a result, you have to give it to him. I know Brady has been off the charts, but he has a lot more to work with than Favre all the way around. I wouldn't be surprised to see Brady get it, because the Pats are the Yankees of football in this era, but I think Favre will be more deserving if he keeps it up.

  6. I want to see some of these all knowing sports columnists who hammered us after making the trade for JJ when Diaw came out that season and looked like an all-star. most of them gave him a pass last year when he came in fat while still calling us hopeless. If we make the playoffs this year I wonder if we'll get any hindsight retractions?

  7. I have a hard time reading too much into random sentences from guys who don't go around trying to measure every word they say for the best result. President Bush doesn't his words disected to the extent that some of our players get here.

    it's just a slump. two games ago people were hammering childress for a two game slump, now we're on JJ for a two game slump. I'm as desperate as anyone to see this team become relevant again, but sometimes it just gets crazy around here.

  8. Quote:

    Seriously, right now what is the difference between Smoove bringing it up and anyone else? Law isn't ready, T-Lue isn't a Point Guard. Joe and Chills are only marginally better at handling the ball.

    seriously, you must be joking. Law might not be ready and Lue might not be a PG, but both have infinitely better ball handling than Josh. Joe and Childress are both significantly better as well. You can include Marvin in there too.

    The only way he can "take it to the cup" is if he has a very wide up lane or if someone catches him on the move. That's really the only time he should too. He needs to be broken of these habits before they become hallmarks that are used against him.

  9. I read your post and was already forming a response in my head on how I'm 100% sure we'll have someone read his comments and form some outlandish theory on what it all means. Little did I know it would be the very first reply.....

  10. personally I don't think it's something he'll ever be much better at than he is now. He could improve marginally, but it's not like he got to the NBA and learned that he needed to dribble more. He's been playing that style game his entire life. It's just that at this level his dribbling ability is outclassed by the defensive capabilities of his opponents. I think it should be accepted that he's not a "give the ball and get out of his way" type of player and there's nothing wrong with that. While he is freakishly athletic in many ways for a guy his size, that doesn't mean he can do everything or should even try. He needs to be made to understand that too. He needs to learn to play to his strengths and stop thinking that his athleticism will allow him to do everything at this level that it did in highschool.

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