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Everything posted by buckyboy2

  1. They have some vets sprinkled in..... Illyasova, Bellineli, Amir Johnson,and REddick.lol
  2. RAptors fans are going crazy. Raptors up 8 with 3:00 to go!!!! Milsap just got dunked on. lol
  3. Im also watching Denver-Toronto..Denver's leading going into the 4th. Ugg
  4. I dont want a pg in rd 1...UNLESS we pick at least 7th or later(which I doubt)..I might take SExton/Young if that happens..IF they want to move on from that is....BUt who knows whats on Travis'mind..
  5. You might be right...Cant have the pg(leader) of your team acting like a damn fool. But what can Mr Dui (Bud)say though? lol..
  6. buckyboy2


    Yeah I think the team is tired of Thibs stubborn ass already...
  7. buckyboy2


    Im more worried about Sweet LOu and the Clippers..
  8. buckyboy2


    Denver sucks? But dont they have the great Paul Milsap??
  9. buckyboy2


    But if we still had teague.........Nevermind....
  10. Theyll probably take Bridges from Villanova. He wont have to travel far. lol
  11. Imagine if they wouldve taken Porzingis instead of Okafur...
  12. buckyboy2


    Im still wondering what made Bud take that dude. smh
  13. Collins and Dorsey look like keepers. Good job Schlenk..Trust the process. lol
  14. McGee should be cut after the game..................
  15. Bud playing Dennis the entire game on a bum ankle tonight to prove to the league hes not tankin. lol. Good optics Bud..
  16. DEnnis is back out there.No tanking in bud tonight...ugg
  17. Leave it to clumsy ass Javelle McGee to fall on Stephs knee. smdh
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