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Everything posted by akay

  1. And they will do so splendidly I am sure. Curious to see who we sign to fill in
  2. Throw a max at Ayton and f*** them pick protections, Trae/Murray/Hunter/??/Ayton is a championship caliber starting 4
  3. Cause some people think nobody in the league likes Trae and that no good players wanna play with him lol
  4. Woot! Hawks finna sign Ayton, KD and Murray today! ahh damn
  5. In a vacuum id agree with you, but as Tony is a billionaire, I do not want to see cash saving moves. It doesn't help our team at all as Tony has the money to spend. If Ryan Rollins and the person we got at 51 were on the same tier in our scouts eyes, I'd rather just get our guy instead of giving him away for $2 mil that doesn't directly help that Hawks. Indirectly it makes Tony happy to spend more or whatever, but I still don't like it lol
  6. Do the Timberwolves have the assets to pay the price for Murray? Heard they were trying to trade Dlo and picks for him, but I'd have to think JC + Griffin/picks is a better offer than anyone else could/would make. Especially considering JC is probably worth 2 Frp himself, so if SAS want to rebuild, getting essentially at least 4 Frp picks for Murray has to be the best deal around? Really want this to happen more than any other move
  7. Is it fair to say we dropped the ball if SA upped the price to an un-reasonable amount?
  8. Sub tweeting Trae cause he said something dumb != players around the league not liking him
  9. Can anyone explain how Gallo's situation will impact us going after Murray or KD? Do we have to waive him before we can do anything?
  10. Ok, he gets roasted on social media. How does that translate to no one around the league likes him and good players don't want to play with him?
  11. Interesting... seems we have been making an earnest effort to snatch him. Would still rather acquire Murray tbh, I feel like KD is gonna command a lot more to get him.
  12. As much as it pains me to say it, I hope we can move on from Bogi. He is one of my favorite players, but I really want some players without injury concerns. I love that Trae is an iron man, but the rest of the team needs better health. Also, is there anyone on the roster who's going to challenge Aj for minutes? I feel like he's gonna get more pt than JJ and Coop cause his skillset is more easily translatable to the nba, and he actually played in college
  13. You could make the case that Warriors have been good at picking out diamonds in the rough, and because they wanted him, it can be assumed they see high upside with him. Though, our scouting department has been pretty good as well, so I personally am not so upset with trading Rollins because I think he can be good, I'm upset we traded him cause what is the point of getting $2 million in Resslers pockets?
  14. Uh, who cares? We were dealing with more injuries/covid cases than most teams, and still ended up with a positive record only a few games away from our projected win rate. Also, I'm not sure how we like to handle topics going off topic, cause rumor thread really shouldn't be a Trae is actually good for us thread lol
  15. Because Capela is Trae's partner as the roll man, and JC can stretch the floor. I really do not understand what you are criticizing right now. Of course having JC as Trae's PnR partner would be ideal, but unfortunately John cannot play defense as a 5, and Trae can make any big man a good partner on offense as we saw during Trae's freshmen and sophomore season. These criticisms seem to be more based on emotion than taking into account what's actually going on.
  16. Him, and frankly the rest of our team, not getting any calls in the Miami series was horrendous. I don't really know how to fix that other than playing at level of intensity, but our current squad isn't built like that
  17. So sounds like it's not really as much a Trae Young problem as it is a coaching/system issue lol
  18. People were friends back in the 70's, 80's, and 90's as well. This rose colored view of the past game being "tougher" I just have never understood. Though speaking of toughness, it would be wonderful to get some guys with passion and energy on our team. I know Murray has that in him
  19. I'm confused on what you mean, what more do you think he can do in his current capacity? I am very sure there's a chart or stat out there that shows that Trae creates the most/easiest looks for his teammates than anyone else in the league. If you're referring to him holding the ball a lot, you can thank Kevin for being too timid to drive and attack. Trae does not have any reliable secondary options around him, really not sure what you expect him to do
  20. Villain narrative is funny cause Trae is genuinely one of the nicer and low key guys in the league. Doesn't start or cause drama other than knocking the knicks out of their first playoffs in forever, destroying the process, nutmegging people and making old heads (Ariza lol) upset, and.... anything else?
  21. The future hall of fame point guard being the reason we're not a contender is a fun one to talk about
  22. The deal with Trae dribbling is no one else in the starting line up has a good handle or the confidence to drive to attack/playmake. I am sure Trae is more aware than anyone how he needs the ball out of his hands, and it's been the main focus of our off season target, a la the secret trade Mr. Sothron described a while ago for Murray.
  23. We had a chance to win one just last year with him. This pessimism towards our franchise player who isn't going anywhere any time soon(in the next decade) is strange. Surround Trae with a secondary scorer, an elite rim protector, and defense first players at the 3/4, and that's a championship caliber starting 5. We currently have the elite rim protector, have a good defensive 3 in Hunter, and of course Trae Young in our starting line up. Just need to complete the Murray trade and get a defensive 4 and that's a contender! We realistically could be fighting for a championship within the next 2 years, and I really believe we'll make it to the top with Trae.
  24. What are you basing this off of? Trae seems to have plenty of friends and people who recognize his game around the league. Officials and older players like Campster said, sure I can see them thinking he's arrogant, but I don't think Trae reaches the level he has without that innate confidence in himself. Also, he's buddy buddy with people like Donovan Mitchell and others who he grew up playing with, so I doubt that players his age would take any issue playing with him. Playing with Trae gets you PAID.
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