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Everything posted by NickJYD

  1. I always get a kick out people that say "The Hawks are idiots. They just gave away their future!!!" To all of those people, I ask them to name one player drafted by the Hawks in the last 15-20 years that is better than Joe Johnson is. Nobody can do it. Just because you have a pick doesnt mean you get a great player. JJ is a sure thing as a bball player and I will be the first to say that there arent any sure things in the 2006 draft, where we most likely lose on of our picks.
  2. Any lineup with Josh Smith coming off the bench is not our best lineup. Mine lineup and I imagine most everyone elses is JJ, JC,JS, AH and Zaza
  3. Joe didnt have a whole lot to say.
  4. All they said about the picks were that they were conditional. I guess the protection that has been rumored is probably accurate.
  5. Mr. Levenson, I am a college music professor out in South Dakota so i wont be able to take advantage of this offer, but I just wanted to say that I think you coming on the RealGM board and now this one shows a lot of class and a lot of passion on your part. I think despite what the media says about a lack of true Hawk fans, you will find some incredibly passionate Hawk fans on this board. It is amazing how we all united on this JJ deal. Never before has this or any other fan board I have seen come together in this type of manner. Despite minor disagreements on various smaller issues here and there, I think you will notice that all of us on the board are so excited about the direction the franchise is taking. The combination of young athletic talent and now the addition of JJ, Marvin, Salim and Zaza will make the Hawks an exciting team to watch for years to come. When I moved to South Dakota to start my job, the real estate agent asked me what was the most important thing about my future residence. I responded that the most important thing was that I needed to be able to put a Direct TV satellite on the top of my place so i can watch all of the Hawks and Falcons games. Thanks for caring about what we think, and thanks for reaching out to us. We have a lot of faith in the Atlanta and Washington groups and we think you guys can work together to accomplish great things in Atlanta. Sincerely, Nick Curry
  6. This is great news. Now we can get down to buisness. He'll never own part of an NBA team again.
  7. Earl apparently wants the full midlevel, which is why he is still around unsigned. At this point, if we can get Lue cheaper, Id say roill with him. Lue really wants to play for us, which is a good sign imho.
  8. Wilkins signed an offer sheet with the timberpups and diop is signing with dallas. Im glad we wont be signing wilkinns, but I would have liked to take a cheap deal with diop.
  9. I am fired up on all counts. I just wish this JJ crap would get done with. Unfortunately, I gotta wait till Sat at 3 to see the Birds game..when it shows on NFL network.
  10. NickJYD

    Curry to LAL

    If the Lakers get Curry for Mihm and cheese that would be an amazing pickup for them.
  11. NickJYD

    Jerome Williams

    Hmmm...I kinda like this guy. He plays with tons of energy and hustle despite a lack of skills offensively.
  12. Are we after Damien Wilkins?? I mean, its not that I hate the guy, but dont we already have 15 small forwards? I hope these reports are bogus and that we are going after guys that could actually help us. Because if we spend 4 million a year on Wilkins when we could have gotten Curry for 8-10 million, I think we will have seriously screwed up.
  13. Are we really willing to trade Al for a guy that wasnt even a dominant center at Colorado in the 3-4 years he played there?
  14. Hmm. I think Al is worth more than those two guys.
  15. NickJYD


    If anyone has AOL, I could use some backup against a few idiot trolls over there on the Hawk board. I'm fighting a one man battle against a bunch of JJ haters.
  16. Someone over at the REALGM board says he heard on 790 that the Hawks have 3 offers out waiting to be signed after JJ's deal gets done. I wonder who the 3 guys are if this is true. My guess is Salim, Lue and a big body....perhaps Songalia?
  17. Jaric and Chalmers just went to Minny for Sammy Cassell and a lottery protected 2006 1st round pick.
  18. Its always good to have a 5 foot shooting guard in the mix. I'd be fine with Lue back as our backup PG as long as we arent paying too much.
  19. I like Wilcox. Hes a bad MF that hasnt gotten a ton of time because of Elton Brand.
  20. I constantly say this...about the winning % with Vick at QB. They are old school jackoffs that cant stand a QB running around. They bring up passing %'s and all sorts of other crap. Funny thing is, these guys were calling for DJ back when Vick got hurt, saying we'd be better off. Those same guys havent learned from their mistakes and think Schaub is the answer.
  21. Now that Hunter is going to Philly, maybe we check back in with EC and throw him some bones.
  22. Hunter just signed with Philly. See front page of RealGM.
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