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Everything posted by djcorley

  1. I don't think BK is going to move AL right now...I think he holds onto him for now..especially since he's in the last year of his contract. Come trade deadline time that's gonna real valuable to some team that's capped out and needs to make some run under the cap...AL could potentially bring a kings ransom at that time if he has a good first half of the season. I think he'd only trade AL for Dalembert or Chandler right now. Otherwise he sits back and let's AL's value go through the roof then package him at the deadline for players/picks that we probably couldn't get right now. If BK wants Curry all he has to do is make him an offer above the qualifying offer for 4 or 5 years and he's got em. I think we make a Max offer to Chandler when he visits and if Chicago matches that. Curry is ours for the taking. I would rather have Kwame personally but, I think we could get either for about the same money 7 to 8 million a year would get em. Neither Wiz or Chi would match that money. No Way!
  2. I don't think we need to be in any kinda hurry to sign Kwame Brown anyway...At this point he's still a Power Forward. He could grow into a center at some point but he's not right now. Therefore, who would you rather have at the 4 Al or Kwame? I'd much rather have Al considering they'll be making about the same money on an annual basis...I say we go after Dalembert and Chandler. If we lose, then we go after Kwame. And, in my opinion Curry is a last option at the 5. Moral of the story is, Kwame's on the back burner right now where he should be. Along with Swift, and Watson etc. etc. Chad Ford says that BK is wrong for talking to guys "he knows" won't play for the "bottom feeding" hawks..I say that you won't know jack until you try. I applaud BK for talking to the premier guys on the market. You can't undersale yourself. If you don't try you'll never ever know. He probably knew they wouldn't sign. He just wanted to let them and everyone else know that he's not afraid to talk to them even given the state of the Hawks right now. BK has a plan and I feel as though this team has some direction for the first time in a long time.
  3. I wasn't trying to fool anyone...just letting you know the only REAL way he will become a Hawk. You guys are too sensitive.
  4. Well...There goes all the cap room and flexibility. Not to mention a super weak bench cause there's no more money left to fill out the roster. Those would be the only five guys on the team!
  5. ONLY IF HE REALLY WANTS TO BE... The only way there will be a sign and trade is if JJ Wants out of Phoenix...That's the only way! Otherwise Phoenix will glady match the offer and ither he or Marion will be traded before Amare's contract hits the books next year! Because no team wants a player on the team that doesn't want to be there and it's much better for the team to let the player go so long as they get something in return. Although they wouldn't have much leverage for bargaining...something is better then nothing at all and it saves a little face with the fan base in the process. So it all comes down to if JJ really and truly wants to become a Hawk. If he does he's ours and if he just wants the Max money the he'll go back to Phoenix. Because they will match the deal. Something to Ponder...Will JJ have ill will with Phoenix because they didn't come forth with the money to begin with???
  6. I think we'll get JJ and Kwame. Those will be the two major names I think we get. I also think we'll end up with Watson at the point. I think that Salim is gonna surprise some people with his playmaking ability. I don't think he's gonna be a floor general in the mold of Kidd or Nash. But, I think he's got some lead guard ability and he'll get his first real chance to show it here with us. And remember...Miami didn't have a "true" pg either. Damon Jones is a shooter and that's about it. D-Wade was the primary b-handler. Maybe that's what BK has in mind with the JJ signing??? Not on the level of a D-Wade but something similar.
  7. Could it be that a SNT is on the way with Phoenix??? I can't imagine them having four max players on one roster. So, unless there is a plan in place to trade Marion before Amare's max deal hits the books they almost CAN'T AFFORD to keep JJ at a max contract. That would give them Nash, Marion, JJ and Amare at max or in Nash's case near max salaries. It's been said that the owner wants to stay out of luxury tax land. If this is indeed true there's no way they can give out that much money to four player and still field a competitive team. The signing of Raja Bell pretty much told the story in my eyes. He's an insurance policy. I think they knew they were going to lose him as he played himself right out of there price range. I think they would be very, very excited to get someone younger and cheaper (Chillz or Diaw) in the place of JJ as they just can't afford him anymore. I think they're trying to coax BK into a SNT by saying they'll match the offer...But, who and how many players??? Stayed tuned
  8. Once you sign a RFA to an offer sheet you can't do a SNT. so there would have to be communication between the two teams and understand the need to work something out. It's like this: Phoenix wouldn't want to match but would if we didn't agree to a SNT. Therby protecting their initial investment and not just letting JJ walk. If they couldn't get together on a trade then they would make us wait a week and tie the money up and the match the deal. THINK about it!
  9. Phoenix doesn't want or need AL they would be looking for a replacement for JJ. Like I said there will be more players involved for different reasons. IMO these players: Chillz to Phoe...AL to Wiz Kwame and JJ here...makes sense to me.
  10. I don't think that's how it works with RFA Max players. With Max players if their current team isn't going to pay them the Max then what'll do is agree to a sign and trade. Kinda like what happend to K-Mart last year. That's part of the reason why they extend the qualifying offers to RFA. Teams want to protect their investment. So as to avoid a Larry Huges situation. Also, it gets the player another year and about 20 million by doing a SNT because of the "Bird Rights" rule.
  11. Bob Rathbun said it on 790 this afternoon...I think we can get more then Kwame and JJ for Al and Chillz as well. But, IF this rumor is true that there's a three way deal being discussed between these three teams...it's the only trade that makes any sense for all teams involved Phoenix is cutting payroll so they can sign Amare to a max deal soon. Wiz want to get something for Kwame and I'm sure they'd be more then happy to get Al as a replacement. They would probably have to put someone else into the deal to make it work...Jarvis Hayes maybe? And we get one sure peace to our young puzzle in JJ and a potentially huge peace in Kwame...if he gets himself together that is. and possibly another young bench player that we could develop. I sure would like the outside shooting of Hayes on this team...not to mention he played his college ball at GA Remember...there's a reason why Ekeize and Thomas were released so soon...Something is Brewin'...I can feel it.
  12. There is a reported three team deal in the works with Us, Washington and Phoenix??? The only deal that makes any sense for all teams involved is this: ATL Trades AL and Chillz Wiz Trades Kwame Phoenix Trades JJ ATL Recieves a Signed JJ and a signed Kwame Wiz Recieves AL Phoenix Recieves Chillz I'm sure there will be other players involved for salary cap purposes. But, these are the the major names involved in the deal. I'd hate to see Chillz go. I really like his game and his leadership qualities. Not to mention I think he'd be great for the community of Atlanta and a great representation of a professional athlete and role model. However, I think JJ has a much higher ceiling and is a potential go to guy and def. a BK kinda guy. I think it would be a strong trade in that reguard. As far as Kwame goes, if he can't get it together back home on a team where he has no pressure and no expectations to live up too??? I don't think he'd ever get it together. My only concern is that we don't invest too much money into him up front. Maybe we could back load the contract with team option years at a higher number if he proves worthy???
  13. Sorry, GP ain't comin here...He didn't report last year and he ain't comin' now either.
  14. Personally I'd like to see Joe Johnson on this team. He's very young and he's ascending. He's improved every year in the league. That's something that is very important to look for... If we could somehow pull that off I think it would be a major coup for us. By making this move it gives us another valuable trading piece in Chillz and if we hold onto him and JJ we have great depth... Smoove and MWilliams I believe are the only untouchables on this squad right now. And, with the addition of JJ we'd then have AL, Diaw, Chillz and Salim as pretty valuable trading pieces which we could use to pick up the pieces we need to move to the playoff level in the next year or so... Said it once and I'll say it again. gather young talent, gather young talent, gather young talent. You can't go wrong.
  15. I think you need to read what I said again. I was saying that Marbury is willing to play for a bad team in NY because it's where he's from. Most professional athletes would like to be able to play in their hometown if possible. It's just a fact. I know he played at GT. He got paid big money to come here and play. That you can bet. I think Isiah has a plan for that team personally. Although, I can't say that I know what it is. Point is if Marbury can stay at home and lose. Why in the heck would he want to come down here to what is a rebuilding situation as well?
  16. We don't need Marbury. He wouldn't want to be here right now away. Which would make him a malcontent and a cancer to the team. Even though NY isn't very good. He get's to play at home! and that makes up for them not being very good. We need guys that are young and are willing to help us build this franchise back to respectability.
  17. All we need to do is keep doing what we're doing. Stockpiling talent. If you have talent, cap space and extra draft picks you can always trade for what you need. You can't trade with or for anyone if you don't have those three thingsPERIOD. And we have all three. With talent like AL Diaw,two first rounders next year, and all the extra cap space we're in real good position to either aquire a player(s) and take on salary if we need to We can also broker a deal between to other teams that aren't in the position we're in and benefit. I love the position we're in
  18. Well Put! Most of the things he says never ever come to pass! We're all doing what he and ESPN wants us to do: TALK ABOUT IT!
  19. He said someone needs to pull the plug on the BK era right now! He's an idiot....BK has given this team hope and a nice nucleus in only a couple of years. Not to mention that's he cleared all those bad contracts off the payroll and given this team some cap flexibility. Don't know about you guys but, I like BK I think he's done one helluva job cleaning up Babcoks mess!
  20. Not bad. I really don't think Chillz and Smoove need to be on this team with all the time they got last year and are gonna log again this season. Maybe Smoove because of the lack of experience but not Chillz. I would have like to have seen Gilchrist on this team though. I still think that guy is gonna be a stud in this league. AND, WHERE THE HECK ARE THE BIGS!
  21. Nah, Marbury doesn't fit what we're trying to build. I think his presence would sell tickets and he'd be fun to watch. But, he wouldn't want to come here at this stage in his career. We need guys that want to be here because those are the ones that play hard and don't cause problems. We don't need Steph. WE NEED BIGS!!!! Young athletic bigs that can run the floor with Smoove and Chillz block some shots, rebound the ball and outlet! That's what we need. not Steph!
  22. All very likely signees. I really like Ivey. I think he slowed a little after the ankle injury and he started to come on again toward the end of the year. I think he is somewhat similar to Watson. I do believe Watson to be quicker and a little better on ball defender as well as more adept a running a team. However, I believe Royal will become a better floor general with more playing time. I still say get the right bigs and pg at the right price and keep our cap flexibility and let the young stallions develop and grow together. We're gonna be really good really soon not to mention fun to watch! FYI...Even though AL may not be in our long term plans he's still or most valuble trading piece and if you let him go you want to get equal or better value for him either in the form of players, picks or cap room.
  23. Are you kidding? I'm not even going to go into details as to why this might be the SILLIEST trade idea i've ever heard!
  24. Absolutley no good! Jerome James is lazy and had a good year in an attempt to land a big FA contract. He's gonna go back to the toilet once he gets his money. I don't really like swift for this team at all. At least not at the money is looking for. I think he's a back up energy spot player in the mold of the role McDyess plays for Detroit. No to McInnis. Morris should go back to school. The only player of that lot that I think we should consider is Antonio Daniels. I like his game and I think he'd be a good fit in the backcourt playing with either Chillz or Salim.
  25. Why in the heck would we ever want to pick up Toronto's mistake from last year's draft? That wouldn't be very smart on our part. Also, Toronto wants Maglore to play along side of Bosh not to replace him. And last but not least, how in the heck wants Jalen Rose?
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