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Posts posted by Wurider05

  1. 1 hour ago, Diesel said:

    There was nothing about that Cleveland team or how they played that suggested that they are better than us.   So in essence we gave away this game.   The refs didn't help.  I think the refs wanted this game to be more competitive going into the 3rd.   The keys are our guys have to learn to win on the 2nd night of a back to back (that includes the coaches).  Our guys need to learn to win in spite of the refs.  Our guys need to figure out who is our 2nd scorer.  Unfortunately, there needs to be a hierarchy.   We can't say it's Trae and then everybody else can be the scorer... our offensive identity needs to be settled.  Great game from Clint.   For as much s____ as this board has given him over the past few days... give him praise too.


    I agree Diesel. We gave that game away. We didn't even play that well and barely loss. It did appear the Bogi was suppose to be the 2nd scorer last night but he was hitting crap. 

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  2. Man it appears that he get's lost in all the Hawk talk these days. I am looking for him to have a good year. He is only 22 and his numbers are very similar to Bogdan's. He needs to get that field goal percentage up to 45% though. We keep forgetting and overlooking his potential. There is a reason why he was the Hawk that most teams were calling about.


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  3. I want John here so let's get that out of the way first. He is producing and is an effective player. My question is what are the reasons that exist as to why we wouldn't want to pay him. Is it the fact that he want's a max and he hasn't proven himself long enough to earn it? Could we get the same production for a cheaper price?  What are the legitimate arguments for telling John to hit the road? For the squawkers that have been around we all knew that we didn't want Josh Smith around for obvious reasons--and based on how his career went we were correct. I know that there was that drug suspension so could that be used in negotiations?  He checks all the boxes or most of them but when you are talking about a max contract--I do think that too many are given out to players not worth it. So if you are Travis how do you negotiate knowing that you don't want to give him the max?  

  4. On yesterday on my grind to secure myself an Xbox Series X, I ran into two gentlemen at different stores. I am always rocking my Hawks cap (I own 7 different hawk caps) and my custom Hawks mask. One guy at Target told me that we did good in the draft but that it was obvious that Okungwu was JC's replacement because we didn't want to pay him. He stated that he liked that guard that we drafter because for as good as Trae is he will give up as many points to his man than he scores .He said that we needed someone there for when Trae's man blows past him.     Then I ran into another guy at another store who told me that our draft picks will shore up our defense. Ironically, he also said that Okungwu was John's replacement because we were not going to pay John the max.  He said that all we need for Okungwu to do is rebound, block shots, and play d.   I think that there maybe a general consensus that John is gone and that we did good in the draft. It's good to run into other  fans in the wild. These guys were legit fans and weren't talking nonsense. 

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    • Haha 2
  5. 6 hours ago, Sothron said:

    I want the Hawks to get their big signings done so I can FINALLY play the Hawks in NBA 2k21. I've had to settle for the 85 Hawks for my Hawks vibe which is fun but man I am jonesing to play the current team. 

    Man I haven't even purchase it yet. I refuse until my team is complete!!  I kicked major ass with the Hawks in 2K20!!

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