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Everything posted by ATLJA316

  1. his statistical decline got alot of press during the playoffs.....i guess it's tough to care when your a S.A fan and you get 50 wins every year............ahhhhh, i wonder what it feels like.
  2. you didnt get a laugh out of the 40 year old virgin!? i really enjoyed that one... do u like will ferrell? talladega nights looks good..
  3. ATLJA316

    The Descent

    i saw it last night, it's got my recommendation... get there early too -- there is a preview for SAW III
  4. Quote: When was the last time we actually won a home opener? the 03-04 opener vs. Utah... since then we've lost home openers to Indiana (close-exciting OT game), Cleveland, and LAL. looking foward to the season start!
  5. i like it, at least we're not stuck on an away trip till like........novemver 10th or w/e as usual.... maybe we got some sympathy this year. a home opener w/ NYK though?.... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  6. Quote: Quote: Yea we need the new one to kind of change the face on this team and start wining just like what the Falcons did. Just like the Pacers did they got New Uniforms just to try to get rid of that Pistons Brawl image.We need something new to get rid of that NBA Doorstep image. the 1st year Denver and Cleveland got their uni changes, the outlook on the team went from bargain basement to playoff contention. of course the team changes had alot to do with it, but the change of uniforms and court def. help the image
  7. Nice job for an amateur avatar, but def. not NBA logo material.
  8. i'm gonna go w/ the Boondock Saints.... great movie
  9. what an idiot... sorry, but what exactly do you feel you accomplished?
  10. Quote: it doesn't work. why not? getting an error or what?
  11. oh man, when i read the title to this thread i was PISSED. awsome, he really started showing some promise at last season's end....cant wait to see what he can do this year
  12. wow, it's awsome how she asks him if he's OK with sooooo many thing's and he's so relaxed like........yeah, that's ok mam. lmao good find
  13. wow, nice find. cant wait for this one!
  14. Marvin was lit up by Aroujo, who got ejected after a scuffle between the two. (that's where Marvin got his tech.)
  15. Quote: Who is the best highlight reel player of all time? gotta be Jordan.... i have a 4hr-long DVD w/ nothing but his higlights....it's nothing short of amazing
  16. great video, makes me wonder where dominique would rank today amongst the nba if he was in his prime
  17. it sucks to me, cuz everyone still sees NYK as a "dynasty-type" franchise, and NY is a place everyone would love to play for (ESPECIALLY HARRINGTON)...... they had this past year labeled as a disaster...yet the franchise is not "lowly", and though they've been a mess since their finals appearance in 99, the doubters all know the knicks will be back in full force soon.....because they are the KNICKS.......but what about us? I rambled a bit there, but what im trying to say is: the nation opinion on the hawks is pretty low, and though we've seen a bit of promising media lately....it still doesn’t look good. ugh, it's just annoying to me.
  18. Quote: BTW - Going forward, I can't see a damn thing you type. HAHA! "User Ignored" and yeah, worst post ever? it's got my vote!
  19. what ignorance....... why would you insult him like that? you can see noone else agrees with you, and childress is gonna think you are a complete idiot. he needs to block you from facebook for that
  20. Quote: Quote: Why does he consider GS, NY and Indiana, winning environments? But Indiana has only made the playoffs 16 out of the last 17 years. not to mention making the Finals in 2000......and the team they have now aint' so bad...considering they just got through with one of the worst catastrophe's in the history of the NBA november before last. Indiana also has one of the best fan bases in the NBA...who WOULDNT want to play in such a city?
  21. Quote: "There's pretty much no situation where the coach can say he can't have me on the floor." what about when the coach wants to keep stupid shots to a minimum, and wants defense on the other end of the floor?
  22. agreed........but hell, no less than 6 months ago, there was a good bit of talking on this board about how good marbury might be here. (granted, a majority see the light though)
  23. ATLJA316


    lol -- that was crazy stuff....... i wouldnt mind seeing both of em in a sparring match!
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