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Posts posted by ATLJA316

  1. You'll see what I mean when you get about 1/4 of the way into the current season of Sons... it may not be quite as big, but it's a pretty shocking moment considering that A LOT more people die in The Walking Dead.

    I think it's safe to say that anyone who didn't experience a little heart-ache at the end of Sunday's episode needs to have their pulse checked.
  2. My player mode is really fun if you stick with it. It takes forever to earn coins and upgrade your player, but it gets really satisfying as your guy gets better and better and you're able to carry your team.I only played a reg. exhibition game in the demo w/ OKC/MIA.It seems like the new shot stick only works well with the star players. I just shoot with the regular X button for normal guys.Love the new postup system too.

  3. Ugh. Stickers on hats are the worst. I really hope its a phase.The only thing that trumps a regular sticker on a hat is when the hat is old and the sticker is bubbling up and warping along with the bill. Way to let us all know how 'new' your hat is.

  4. The guy is hoping to get pulled into a training camp.


    Aside from the fact that he's the best NBA meme in the business, the guy has been around winning franchises for years now. We could use some of that winning aura on our side.

    (and who wouldn't want to hear Scalabrine chants at the highlight factory!?)

    What's the worst that can happen?

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