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Everything posted by ggp

  1. Jarret Jack should go earlier. If not, the Heat will have the steal of the draft.
  2. jdcrockett, you make a good point about how scouts feel about Marvin. The only problem is that a Center or a PG would have the greatest impact for this team. When the right deal comes along, BK should make it and draft his PG to lead the team for the next decade. Marvin Williams sounds like a star to be, but no one knows whether he is the next MJ. He would have to be that kind of player to outweigh the impact of a very good PG.
  3. I don't understand the problem you seem to have with BK. The coach of a losing team rarely discusses his plans for th kind of team he would like to have. As a matter of fact, that question is rarely asked of any coach. The GM's handle that topic. I don't think that there is any problem between Woodson and Knight. If there is, then Woodson is gone. That is the way it works.
  4. Can a player like Nate Robinson or Luther Head be drafted in the second round and still upgrade our PG position?
  5. My biggest worry is that BK will ignore the very good PG's in this draft. The opportunity to draft a franshise PG does not come around often. I really want one of the top two PG's this year. Does anyone really think that Ivey will become a top PG in the NBA?
  6. You can throw Harrington into the deal. Nothing ventured is nothing gained.
  7. It's in the hole, it's in the hole! There's the King. How do you know he is the King? He hasn't got $#@+ all over him. I'm not dead yet. I'll be back. Squeal like a pig. Is this as good as it gets? He slimed me. Is it safe? you had me at hello and may their first child be a masculine child. walk this way if you build it, they will come they're here. I see dead people last time I saw a mouth like that, it had a hook in it
  8. I have not seen him play much. I am just curious. Is Wright a better Center than we already have on the roster?
  9. Quote: Noticed this comment by Woody: "Marvin, he's got to find his niche. We've got to help him find that niche." Sounds like he's already thinking about how to work him in. The quote sure looks like a dead give away.
  10. Buying Memphis' #19 would give us a shot at Jack. I think.
  11. ggp

    Is this possible?

    All valid points. So much for the Portland trade. Is there any other possibility for us to draft Marvin and still come out of this draft with a good PG? I know nothing about Ukic, so I am going to leave him off of my list.
  12. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse Here's Johnny! You can't handle the truth! Show me the money! I can't swim! Don't worry, the fall will probably kill you. I'll have what she's having. Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. Are you talking to me? Hey, I'm walking here! Badges, we don't need no stinking badges. Do you feel lucky kid? Well, do you? I coulda been a contender. Life is like a box of chocolates Ready when you are CB (not in a movie, but was said on a set) Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life. Light'em if you gottem. We are going to need a bigger boat.
  13. Fine, reports are coming in that Marvin looked like a beast. If that is true, then we are set with our #2. Still, we will not address our top needs....Center and PG. Some of us believe that we can trade into the mid first round and draft Jack or Ukic....not bad. Before we try that, why not go for gold? Why not draft Marvin with #2, then, offer Portland: Harrington, Delk, Diaw and a future first rounder for their #3. They need another guard (Delk) to pair with Telfair and they also need another Forward. We can offer them a Forward that can do more than Green on the court. The Blazers are also a team that desperately needs to add some good citizens. Diaw would be a good defender that can come off the bench as well as a possible sub for Telfair. If BK can pull this trade off, we will add Marvin, as well as our PG of choice. Then, we sign David Andersen and another Center in free agency. The second round could then be used to take the best player available.....maybe a big man like Bynum to develop behind Andersen. It would certainly be a bold move. I hope that BK has the cojones to at least try it. It can't hurt.
  14. PG's in Ukic's draft range include Jack and Gilchrist. He has plenty of tape on Jack and Gilchrist, so he has to work Ukic to make a decision on which he will draft, if the need should arise. I think that Jack, Gilchrist and Ukic are on the radar in case Bogut falls into our laps. Moving into the mid first round would allow us to add a good PG. If Bogut is gone, it would make sense to take the best PG that can lead the team for the next decade (I think that guy is Deron Williams).
  15. Working out Ukic makes sense for the reasons stated in posts of this thread. BK may not be working out Felton because Felton's agent may not give BK free reign over the workout....not a problem. BK has enough tape on Felton to judge him against top competition. The same can not be said about Ukic. I do not read too much into the "Felton snub."
  16. Quote: He shouldn't have to sell himself. This was the type of defense he faced all season long, yet still put up 20 and 12: The only reason Bogut has to defend himself is because there are so many that judge him only because he is white. If he is getting defended like that, then he is not getting rid of the ball soon enough.....so much for his passing abilities! Think about it, with three defenders on him there are two wide open team mates.
  17. Quote: The PG should be smarter than the ball. That eliminates The Nutcracker. Deron, Felton, Ukic, Robinson, or even Conroy. But I wouldn't want Paul on the Hawks. Bad kid with a bad attitude. yeti I have never seen anything written about Paul that would lead me to believe that he is a dummy or a bad kid. Yes, he did lose his temper and punch Hodge, but that was the only incident concerning him throughout his entire college career. Shortly after the icident, he apologized and many people spoke up to vouch for his character. I don't know whether Paul is the right choice for the Hawks, but I can not agree that he is a bad kid.
  18. Quote: Yes oh yes, thankyou BK. Sure you missed out on Chris Duhon and Trevor Ariza, but you did give us a good first round. That article says BK is looking for a player who he can develop. If you asked me Bogut's head has swelled up too much. He acts as if he has won 11 chamionships already and has been there and done that. One of his quotes, "I don’t think I need to prove anything, I think I’ve proven enough." And we can't forget this one ,"Kobe is probably one of the guys that, everybody knows it, he's got that cocky arrogance to him, everything has to surround around him the whole time." The whole time I'm wondering how does Bogut know anything about Kobe, and why does he think he doesn't have anything to prove. What do you mean you have nothing to prove, your motivation is to prove all of your doubters, all your critcs,come on you are a foreing prospect you have as much to prove as anyone. How can anybody trying out for any team tell them I have nothing to prove. Your past is the past, I don't give a rat's @ss on how you did in college. I don't think Andrew has any reason to do well in the NBA. After all he has already shown what he can do in the Olympics and in college. We want a guy who is good both on and off the court, I'm not sure we get either with Bogut. I see Bogut being a problem in the locker room after comments like that. He probably won't take too kind to criticism, since as soon as you tell him anything he will go back to the Olympics. I wouldn't draft any guy who isn't motivated, and is already starting confrontations with people he knows nothing about. It is funny that you say that. I was thinking the same thing. I know that if Bogut falls to us, we will draft him. However, something in my gut tells me that Bogut has been talking way too much the past four weeks. I can't describe it, but he just gives me the wrong vibe. If we draft him, I will continue to support BK and, for the sake of the team, I will hope that my gut is way off. I would feel much better about Bogut if I would have seen him play like an animal against tough competition. I did not get a chance to see him during the Olympics, so he may have already answered my doubts. It just seems to me that Bogut has spent a lot of time trying to sell himself. I understand that this is a business, but sometimes you get a feeling and it is tough to shake. I hope that I am wrong and I hope that we draft a future star with our first round pick. Lord knows this team could use a big turn around.
  19. This Hawk draft can be viewed from different angles. As was mentioned, the Hawks have had trouble attracting free agents. Part of that problem stems from lack of playoff appearances, but some of that comes from the lack of complimentary talent on this team....there simply is no player on this roster that can make other team mates look good. If we wish to address this problem, the best choice would be to draft a franchise Point Guard. A phenomenal distributor can make an average guy look terrific. If we wish to build the best team possible, we should draft the best player available, regardless of position. From what I have read, Bogut and M Williams are the two best players in this draft. Drafting Bogut would obviously fill a need. Drafting Marvin would not fill an immediate need but we have to keep in mind that Harrington has only one more season left on his contract. If our trouble with free agents continues, Harrington will be gone. In other words, we may shortly be in need of another Forward. Here is my opinion. We should draft either Bogut or Marvin with our #2 (Marvin is my guess). We should then use Harrington as trade currency to draft a Point Guard sometime later in the first round (Jarett Jack would be my choice). This move would allow us to develop Marvin more quickly as well as getting the most value from Harrington as possible. Jack would be given significant minutes in order to get up to speed. Next season, we would have a decent foundation and we will likely be more successful in signing a few very good FA's.
  20. The Bucks would be stupid to base their decision on whether Marvin was tired or whether he was cold behind the arc. This was his first workout and he was certainly very conscious of all of the eyes on him. Marvin's mechanics were flawless; that is what is most important. He is still quite young and you can expect his game to grow a bit more. If I were them, I would consider him a future star Power Forward. As a Hawk fan, I would be happy to have Marvin on the team. He and Josh would make a formidable Forward duo that could make an average Center's life a lot easier. If we take Marvin, we should trade Harrington and hopefully get a Point Guard later in the round. Someone like Jack would fit in nicely.
  21. If you start the game at 9 pm eastern, the game will start at 6pm pacific. The networks have figured out that they get the best overall ratings if they capture the majority of viewers at the start of games.
  22. This is the best trade idea that I have seen. Magloire is unhappy in NO and they have Chris Andersen as their Center of the future. Clearly, Andersen is not the Center that Magloire is, but why keep a guy that simply does not want to stay? NO would have their marquee guy in Marvin and we will get our C/PG combo. Both teams make the best of their situations and that is the hallmark of a good trade. Finding a power forward is easier than finding a PG and a Center. We could find a PF in the early second round or trade up and get a guy like Diogu. If that does not work out, we can go with what we have and wait a year to answer the PF situation next year.
  23. Welcome Cowgoes. I have to admit that this board has brought me back to the Hawks after a long hiatus. Your suggestion is sound. If only we could send our suggestions to BK.
  24. Maybe he is working out Ukic in the event he gets lucky and is able to take Bogut at #2. The Ukic choice would be made with a second pick in the first round.
  25. I really think that would be a bad idea for us. Telfair is a nice player, but his development would be thrown back while trying to learn to run the Hawks. It also does not make sense for Portland to ditch Telfair so soon. He played well as a youngster and will only get better if he is allowed to mature in Portland's system. I personally think that Portland wants and needs a player with a good off court reputation that has leadership skills. Obviously, Marvin Williams would be that guy, but if the Bucks or the Hawks take him, the Blazers will be left out in the cold. I personally think that Harrington would be an excellent alternative for the Blazers and I think that they should explore a trade with Atlanta. Atlanta can offer them Harrington, Diaw and a future first rounder for Portland's third choice. The Hawks would then go after either Paul or Deron. The real question is whether such a move would make sense for Atlanta. Both Deron and Paul are tremendous prospects, but this is the year of the PG and they may be able to draft someone later in the first round or even in the second round that can run the team. It is up to BK to decide whether a guy like Ukic or even Gilchrist can play the point for the Hawks. If so, having the extra first round pick next year may help us land the top prospect at Center in 2006.
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