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Everything posted by emeans

  1. Not only would he have wasted the Hawks time, but the team would still be in limbo because AOL really wants to move the Hawks off their books. AOL is not going to do what is best for the team in terms of winning if they are forced to keep the team. They are totally going to look at the bottom line and that is profit. So if this deal doesn't go through we would be in worst shape than before and in a state of unknown. An again what FA is going to want to come into a instable situation like this. Man what a mess!!!!
  2. I think the best move to get a proven head coach that will not take any BS. Build the team the way he wants it and start with an identity. I am like an earlier poster....While I wouldn't hire Nique as a head coach, I wouldn't necesarilly thumb my nose either at his hiring. But again I would go with a proven coach right now.
  3. Very interesting article... I personally think the Hawks should start over once they get their ownership in place. Everyone said Stotts was a decent coach, but I still didn't know what type of identity he had as a coach and his team. We need a veteran coach that has an identity through his philosophy of coaching. (i.e. defense, offense, running, etc.) My vote would be to move to a new regime like Iraq is doing.
  4. Dolfan, You kind of contradicted yourself in two statements..... "players do like Atlanta. They like the city and they like the team. [Contradiction] Once this team gets a good owner, a good coach, and starts playing together as a team with a good core of young players there will be plenty of FAs that want to play here." I totally agree with your second sentence and I agree with only one part of your 1st sentence (They like the city), but they DO NOT like the TEAM. Once we get an owner and identity and some hope for success in the NBA then yes FAs will want to come here ala The Atlanta Falcons. Right now that is not the case with this organization. Right now players like the city because of the nightlife, women and the quality and price of land and property. It is an excellent place to raise a family and/or just have a good time if you are single. Most players separate the two (living and team). A player would rather play for a winning team than have the easy living because basketball is their career. Now if they can get both then great. Bottom line they like the City for other reasons than the Hawks....right now. I hope that changes very quicky!!!
  5. You are right... Cap space might mean something a couple years from now when we start showing we are a stable organization and are building a winner, but right the Hawks have absolutely no identity. No one in their right mind with impact talent would sign with this team. So cap space is useless right now.
  6. Well said Hotatlanta. Finally someone who realizes the reality of our situation. Everyone repeat after me: Nobody of true value in the FA market will sign with the Hawks. Nobody of true value in the FA market will sign witht he Hawks. Nobody of true value in the FA market will sign witht he Hawks. Anybody who signs with Atlanta will truly be role players. No impact player is coming into this situation. I am glad you pointed that out.
  7. I totally respect and agree with a lot of your posts because you are very knowledgaeble of this game and this organization and I totally agree with your assessment of the Glenn Robinson trade. I like a little fantasy every now and then, but most of the time I like to deal with fact, reality and even rumors that may or may not be true. But talking all day about a "what if" trade doesn't do it for me, unless it is SUBSTANTIATED by an INSIDE LEAD or a LEGITIMATE RUMOR from the organization or a news agency. I can sit here all day an create "what ifs" with all the players in the league. But again that is more fantasy than reality to me and knowing that this organization is in shambles and will not get a top free agent, it is hard for me to stomach a lot of "what ifs", because it just won't happen this year. We really need to be focusing on what in the H*&^ll is going on with this new owner. Has anyone got recent news as to why this negotiation hasn't been closed?? Does anyone have any information on what type of coach he likes if he completes this deal? Does anyone have any information on if he wants to keep Billy as a GM or is he leaning toward scraping everything?? These are the things we need to be discussing. Trades are an after thought with the state we are in because there will not be any significant trades with the Hawks until we get grounded.
  8. Again read my earlier posts "Is this a Fantasy League Board??." The Atlanta Hawks are not going to get any solid free agents with the situation it is in. No free agent of great value will come to this organization, so we are going to have to do most of our rebuilding from within which may take a long long time. First we need an owner.
  9. Guys....No disrespect but I think board has been regressed to a Fantasy League Board. It is just too full of bogus unrealistic proposed trades that will never ever happen. First of all has any member on this board ever....ever proposed a trade that actually happened???. I seriously doubt it!! Secondly, unless someone is living with the Hawks interim GM or works in his office or is in his brain "Being Billy", why are we trying to play fantasy GM. It is total waste of time and debate because all of these trades are not happening. Thirdly, are we that bored with this team that we have to make up all kinds of bogus trade scenarios to keep our interest?? WOW!! Lastly, no one of significant talent really wants to come to the Atlanta Hawks unless we overpay them. Now that is the TRUTH and REALITY of our situation. These stupid fantasy trade proposals are killing me. Also, we are still in limbo with an owner and GM for that matter. REALITY: The Atlanta Hawks are going to have to build from within the organization until they get some credibility. Credibility is not going to come until our ownership situation gets solved regardless. Absolutely no one wants to come and play in this situation. You guys are proposing trades as if everyone is dying to come to play for the Atlanta Hawks. Some of the names you guys are throwing out would retire before playing here. Bottom line lets not get too outrageous with our fantasies. Lets talk about realistic Hawks situations and propose things that can be done REALISTICALLY within the organization. These threads are outrageous!!!
  10. emeans

    Diaw MVP????

    Play ......again I don't no why we are debating about Glenn, he is history. However, to say he brought nothing to the team is a far stretch. If he was that useless like some of you guys claim then he wouldn't be in the NBA. Glenn has already proven he can be very important part of a team that made it to the Eastern Conference Finals and probably should have been in the finals. He has been further in the playoffs than any other Hawk on this present squad. So again to say he brings nothing is a far stretch and sounds a little personal. Also, I don't want to keep harping on this but I think Glenn does well with the right coach and right scheme. Milwaukee was a force for 3 years with the Big Three. Lastly we keep jumping on Glenn...Why not jump on some of these other guys that play for the Hawks right now. What about JTs turnovers, what about Shareef's turnovers, what about Chris Crawford's bench warming. What about these sorry coaches we have, not to mention GM and owner. The point here is that I could find 100 more reasons the Hawks failed other than Glenn Robinson. He is a good scorer that has done pretty well in his NBA career. Lets not forget that.
  11. emeans

    Diaw MVP????

    Exactly Play. We have never had an identity. Are we a running team? Half Court team? Is Defense our core? Who are the HAWKS?? I have no clue and most of the players probably don't either. That is why I can't blame this on the players per say. Right now we don't even know who the owner is, so we definitely have no identity right now. Detroit is a prime example of a team that has an identity and knows what type of team they are trying to put on the floor. They also know what type of coach they need for the system and players they have. The Hawks did the opposite. They brought in the players and then they tried to figure out...What is our team identity?? What are we trying to do?? Who need to coach the type of team we have?? All of these are questions that should have been answered before any player should have been signed with this organization. This is why I say everything need to be rebuilt from the top all the way down to the bottom. But tinkering with the middle (the players) every year will not solve the problem.
  12. emeans

    Diaw MVP????

    You said "So, it was that two guys were very "immoble" on the offensive end." Well again the solution is simple Coaching 101. Glenn and Reef should not play together at the same time on the floor. Or make sure Reef and Glenn's time overlap each other by a minute or so..... Anyway all of this is gravy...Glenn is gone and it is useless talking about whatifs. He is history. I am just tired of changing the core every year which again means rebuilding and people putting the sole reason the Hawks lost last year on Glenn Robinson. It was not Glenn Robinson's faught that the Hawks lost. There were mutliple factors in the teams sorry showing last year and a lot of it had to do with COACHING. Now when Glenn does well in the 76ers uniform this year and we have problems scoring, then what will people say???? I guess it will be Reefs and JTs faught next.
  13. emeans

    Diaw MVP????

    I agree Traceman....Good points!!!
  14. emeans

    Diaw MVP????

    I agree with you Diesel....No one has ever said Big Dog is/was the answer to the Hawks problem. Let me go on record and say he is not the answer, but what I think Diesel is trying to say is that he is a part of a huge puzzle that is a work in progress. And the more you keep changing your core the more you continue to step backwards with this team. I think Big Dogs problem with the Hawks was with Coaching and the Scheme he played in. We all know Big Dog shouldn't handle the ball....We all know Big Dog is a liability on Defense. Well in my mind this is where Coaching is important because EVERY player on the court has a weakness. Some players can't shoot but can handle the ball or they can only rebound and play defense. The point I am trying to convey is that it is the coaches responsibility to use a players STRENGTH and maximize that STRENGTH to his potential, whether it is rebound, shooting, passing, or whatever.... Big Dogs strength was shooting. You will not find a better mid range shooter in the league like Glenn. THAT IS HIS STRENGTH... and as a Coach you put him in position to use that strength more than you put him in position to use his weaknesses........but you don't get rid of a player that is in the top echelon in his STRENGTH skill. You take the strong pieces and put them together so they can flourish within their skill set and hide them as much as possible in their weaknesses. How do you do this??? It is called COACHING!!!! What you guys don't realize is that we keep starting this puzzle over and over and over again, without realizing that every player you bring in will have a weakness and it will be glaring if you have a coach that doesn't know how to use a player properly, but every single player in this league has a weakness!!!!
  15. KB you are totally dilussional. This team will be terrible next year. Trading Glenn makes this team better????? What??... Who on this team can spot up and shoot the ball other than JT....No one. ESPN is right...this team is in total shambles and some of you guys on here are either blind or just don't want to admit the truth. This team stinks with Shareef and JT. We need to admit that we are totally rebuilding this team. I kind of agree with Diesel, we probably need to let Shareef, Theo and JT go to another team so that they can compete. The Hawks are in SHAMBLES!!!! We don't even have an owner.
  16. Excellent points. Stats alone can be very misleading. Also, those stats still don't put him up there with the top point guards in the league. They are solid but not spectacular in any particular area. JTs fate should totally come down to money at this point in the rebuilding stage. If he is offered too much then let him walk. If he is not then make a respectable deal here with the Hawks.
  17. I meant pawn not pond...nevertheless you know what I mean. The Hawks basically give talent away without proper compensation!!! I laughed at your analogy....It was good and I should inspect my posts before sending!!! Lesson learned!!
  18. You may want to sacrifice a bishop or a knight, but if you sacrifice your King......YOU LOSE!!! Someone please tell Shareef this. It is obvious he doesn't play chess and the Hawks management don't either. The Hawks will trade a Queen for a Pawn without any thought. This is going to be a very very painful year in Atlanta.
  19. First of all let me say this is a much better deal and I feel much better since they received a 1st round pick with the deal. Before this it was a very bad deal. You have to get something for Glenn. And as for you KB21.....9 - 4 is not a good barometer of what he is worth without playing, especially with most of those games being at home against weak talent. It is just not enough games for judgement and the loses with him weren't just his faught, as you will see this coming season when the Hawks wind up at the bottom portion of the East!!! Secondly you are the one that knows absolutely nothing about basketball or the Hawks. How can you say "It is idiotic to think that we could get anything of value for Glenn Robinson, an overpaid, one dimensional player that brings nothing to the team." What??!!@#....the last time I checked he was the Hawks leading scorer last year and he has consistently averaged over 20 points a game through out his career. He is no fluke!! To say he bring nothing to the team is straight out stupidity and one of the dumbest statements on this board. So again let me correct you......You don't know much about anything, not to mention basketball!!! Also, If we couldn't get anything of value for Glenn Robinson why did we get a 1st round pick also. Now who is the idiot?? Look close at yourself!!! Now I feel much better about this deal, but before they announce the 1st round pick this was not a good deal even though it freed up cap space....you have to get something in return for Glenn, but your non basketball knowing self was saying it was a good deal without anything else. Keep your day job because you don't know much!!
  20. Shareef just had back surgery. We may not be able to depend on him day in and day out for scoring. Can someone please tell me who in the [censored] is going to score on this now other than JT????? An JT is not a done deal yet!!!! If you lose him then we have aboslutely no scorers other than Shareef and he has a bad back I can not believe this organization.
  21. Your are right....Billy Knight is clueless!!! He is just as worse as Babcock and Kasten. I really hope our new owner CLEANS THE HOUSE!!! I mean fire everything that had something to do with the old hawks!!! Fire everyone down to the concession stand workers. This organization is very pathetic right now!! Trading Glenn for nothing!!! What is he thinking about!!
  22. Haven't we learned numerous time......Don't trade your leading scorer (Dominique and Steve Smith). Why are we going down the same road again? And to top it off we are essentially getting "NOTHING". Brandon may not even play anymore he has always been talking about retiring. Why in the [censored] would we do such a dumb trade. If you are going to trade Glenn you better get something good in return. So we are basically giving him away!!! I think this is a very very bad move and I know Philadelphia is happy to have scorer like Glenn. Man this is why the Hawks are in the hole that they are in. We keep trading our scorers, not to mention our leading scorer. Wow...total nonsense!!! Just my opinion.
  23. emeans


    This is some BS. This guy is lying and has no evidence of this happening. Don't believe this crap. Those three things would not happen in 3 days. No way!!!
  24. Carlisle should be the next Atlanta Hawks Coach, simply because he is a defensive minded coach. He would do wonders with this team.
  25. Josh Howard of Wake Forest exploded for 34 points last night to lead the Dallas Mavericks over the Toronto Raptors 92-87. For all of those people who said we should have drafted Josh may have a valid point. This guy is lighting the Summer League games up!! I hope this is not another blunder in the draft by the Atlanta Hawks management. Boris Diaw better be much better than Josh Howard or this team has truly blown it again!!! Personally I wanted Atlanta to draft Josh, but they didn't. Only time will tell.
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