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Everything posted by DavidSomerset

  1. So much negativity on the board, I'm curious to see who actually WANTS us to win tonight. Just wanted to see who the real fans are. GO HAWKS!!!
  2. Quote: Quote: BDiddy/JChillz/Jsmoove/JO/Deke Reserves Law/Salim/Shelden/Solomon/Zaza/Lue.... Room for 1 SG/SF from camp. I won't even consider how unlikely it is to do simply any one, single move of those. It's just a very bad team however unrealistic it is. Let me add. How does one pay for JS or JC with JO's $20 mil, Davis' $15 mil deals? W The "Larry Bird Exception" takes care of that problem.
  3. Bump for the tankers!!! LOL!!! Big win, guys! Maybe the "tankers" will actually start cheering for the TEAM again now that we're winning. There's a perfect description for people like that.... BANDWAGON FANS!!!! Stay away, please, anyone who ever cheers for the Hawks to lose does not deserve to be called a fan.
  4. What a thrilling victory! I'm LOVING watching these young kids man up without JJ and keep winning! GO HAWKS!!!
  5. Quote: How about you just leave for a few years and come back when the Hawks are tearing it up...Save yourself the sorrow of cheering for us to lose. Please go find another team.
  6. I don't spend my life on this website. Honestly, I don't know who the f*** you are, but you have a mighty big ego. How can you expect me to have read your history of posts on the subject? I don't sit on here reviewing what you've said so that I will be able to refer back to it later. This is the first I've seen of your opinion on the matter. So don't act like some stuck up d-bag that expects everyone to know who you are. As for the content of your post...I'm not willing to encourage a losing environment for the improved chance at getting Oden (the only player that really fits our team that high). I want our players to get used to giving every ounce of effort they have to winning. This will pay great dividends in the future when our developing talent catches up with us. As a fan, I will never cheer for my team to lose. That negates the entire point of being a fan. I want us to win a championship because we earn it. not because we intentionally lose for the **chance** to secure a prospect, who by the way, could be a bust. How about you just leave for a few years and come back when the Hawks are tearing it up...Save yourself the sorrow of cheering for us to lose.
  7. Quote: Yeah, I was sort of hoping the Hawks would never win a championship. As such, I cheer for everything that takes us farther from acquiring a franchise player. Fostering and employing a losing culture does WAY more harm to the team than the good that would come from **possibly** getting the #1 pick.
  8. YAY!!! WE WON!!!! Even with JJ and Marvin out, we were able to beat one of the best teams in the East. I am proud of our guys for continuing to give it their all, even when our best player is out. Keep giving it all you got, Hawks!!! You've got at least one fan here that is going to cheer for you to win no matter what!! SCREW TANKING!!!
  9. Quote: Competition is dirty, my friend. You probably would support using steroids as well. Heck, if you can get away with it, why not?? Competition is dirty, gotta get some mud on yourself before you can win a title, right?
  10. If I had to choose between the Hawks intentionally tanking this season and it resulting in a championship due to us losing on purpose, vs. us playing our guts out and never winning a championship, I would choose the 2nd option. I want a championship, but I hope our team doesn't "sell their soul" to get it. That goes completely against the entire principle of competition. I want us to get it through hard work and learning to win, not by learning to lose.
  11. Quote: Quote: If you cheer for a team to lose, you aren't a fan. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, chief. jdu00743, let's be clear here. The only difference between you and I or most any other pro-tanker is our relative desire for the team, be it moderate or significant success, and what we believe will best, meaning most likely, quickest, etc. achieve that. I want significant success for this franchise. I want to contend. That means I want to win, even more than those who would settle for mediocrity of any kind. Wanting that and knowing enough about the NBA to make the very reasonable statements that this team will not contend remotely as designed and this ownership and our capitol situation all but preclude improving significantly through draft, trade, or FAcy withøut a top 3 pick, I am soundly, unquestionably a fan. If we are arguing relative fandom based upon my desires for this franchise, I am a better fan than you as I want more for it and have a reasonable, legit plan through which to attempt to get it. However, I don't play the unpatriotic fan card unless someone goes all fascist fan on me. You aren't a fascist are you? W The point of any and every sport is to win. When, as a team, you choose not to win (for whatever benefit) or as a fan, you cheer for your team not to win, you are completely missing the meaning of the game. It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in my life. If you don't want this team to win, and if you ever cheer for them to lose, then please leave. This team already has crappy enough of fans... We don't need idiots who want us to lose around here. It's further negativity that is not needed. If you want us to lose, go find a new team.
  12. Don't let the door hit you on the way out, chief.
  13. Would this be enough to pry Howard away from the Magic? -Top 3 pick -Marvin -Zaza Prob not, right? What if we add in Shelden?? He would just be so perfect for us...
  14. We have the 2nd worst 3 point % in the league. We need to get some guys in here that can shoot the 3 ball every now and then (thank god we traded for AJ). We also need to take MORE 3 pointers...It is so freaking frustrating watching teams like Dallas, Phx, etc. keep nailing 3's on us, and we almost never shoot them ourselves... UGH...sorry...had to vent...
  15. To another move??? Is there any possibility of that??? I need to take some angle to this trade so that it looks like a positive move...
  16. Speedy/1st/SW for Ridnour/Collison?
  17. Isn't he an FA this offseason?? I know this is pretty much out of the question, because of the contract we gave speedy, but man wouldn't he just be absolutely perfect for this team? Real solid defense, good distributor and shooter, and a great leader... I would pay him anything he wanted to come here...
  18. He has already improved a lot in this regard, but I hope to see continued improvement...I have really been encouraged watching him go to his right more and more in the post as well...He is WAY too quick for NBA PF's...
  19. Honestly, I wasn't very impressed with him when we played the Nets...but, I mean he was voted into the All-Star game...he's still got some skill left in him. ESPN had an article that said he COULD be traded...I know his salary is very high, but good gosh, if we got a solid PG on this team we could make the playoffs THIS year!! Not to mention, he would be perfect to develop a PG behind with whoever we pick with indy's pick in the draft. Not sure what we would have to give up though...Might be too steep a price...I bet they would unload him for under his market value though because of his high salary. How much would it take to get him??? Too much???
  20. Any idea what those #'s would look like (at least JJ's) if they were updated for this season??
  21. I was debating whether or not to go to sleep near the end of the 3rd quarter...Glad I stayed up!!! WAY TO GO BOYS!!!!
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