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Everything posted by phx_suns

  1. Quote: My guess is that he still can't get over losing Joe. I've never had anything against Johnson for wanting to make a life of his own with another team. It was how he went about it that I dislike him for. Basically giving a big FU to Nash, the ownership, and everyone else that came to him to plea that he stay with the team. That, I cannot respect and thats part of the pleasure I get seeing him fail at his 'quest for respect' with the Hawks. The more he fails, the more I smile. The better Diaw gets, the more I smile. In short i've been a pretty happy mofo for the last 2 years.
  2. Quote: Seriously mods. When is this guy getting banned. ALL HE DOES IS TROLL. And all your team does is lose. I guess you're screwed either way eh?
  3. Quote: Quote: Only the Atlanta Hawks could lose like that! ONLY the Hawks! I love this team. LOL. 4th pick of the draft here we come! Go Hawks! Look at that everyone. I want you to study this work of art as a shining example of good sportsmanship. We all should work hard each and every day to show the type of decency dripping from this amazing, amazing post. I gasp lowly to myself. I too have dreamed that maybe, juuuuust maybe, I can develop and grow to be a fourteen year old virgin boy, laden in the pubic juices and facial cloggery of boyhood. And this post proves that this wonderific poster of great nobility, is slathered in it. Please please, oh sir phx_suns, he of the creative username, I beg upon you. Grace us upon your wisdom on how you, a mere fan of these mighty championshipless Suns were able to singlehandedly create this fortress of a team with such minor adjustments such as purchasing the MVP of the league? And again, I emphasize how you yourself did this, with no help, making the idea that you are a better person than all those below you, a bright beacon in the cold bitter night. Like a Shallow glow if you will. Alas, I must tear myself away from this cyberness scripture of intelligent fortitude and goodwill. No, I have not been called to dinner by my mom as you may have been this evening (and cheers to you good son, to stay and keep company with your parents at such a stately age of 14). But alas by your simple moment of pure geniusosity, I have been inspired to give back too to my community as you have done so. If others had just pinch more of your generosity, we would have legions of people wearing red suits, ringing an annoying-asseth bell in front of walmart as i will be tonight. So good sir, I would like to make a toast to you, our most humble and classiful phx_suns. To phx_suns, kiss my mutherfing azz and get a life moron. I was 14 in 1996 and your attempt at a burn was pretty weak IMO, but I applaud your creativity. My mom can cook her ass off but I have a woman that does my cooking for me, even if she sucks at it. Food and my age are not the point of emphasis however, it is instead your team's lack of a killer instinct last night. Maybe, just maybe this will convince some of you to get rid of that loser of a Coach and get someone in there that will take this team by the horns. Woodson will only bring your team down, and now you see what others have been trying to tell you.
  4. Only the Atlanta Hawks could lose like that! ONLY the Hawks! I love this team. LOL. 4th pick of the draft here we come! Go Hawks!
  5. Quote: and there's a huge difference in your posts then and your posts now. Now, the only time you post, is to remind everyone of your opinion that: 1. we're not contenders and never will be with this roster 2. We made draft decisions that you don't agree with what you want is something that isn't here yet. You know that. So why keep trolling around with the same tired posts? WHY??? That's what I want to know! WHY???! Why can't you get it through your head that everyone is tired of reading the same things from you? Are you 13 years old? Do you read my posts and the posts of others, asking you to stop already, and just giggle to yourself, happy in the fact that your annoying people? Is that what it is? Are you just trying to be obnoxious because think you can? That's what children and internet trolls do. I want to know. Because an adult wouldn't continue to drone on and on, after being asked to stop, unless they were going out of their way to annoy people. Maybe its because he's the only one with common sense around here? Maybe because he's the only that sees that BK is a total tool and a joke of GM? Maybe because he was one of the only ones that pointed out the mistakes the organization was making and now that his predictions are being validated by the Hawks losing you all have your panties in a bunch? Maybe because he isn't content with being average and actually wants the team to be a success, i.e. a winning team/contender, and everyone else seems so content to be subpar?
  6. Hows it going Hawks fans? Not too good! 4th draft pick baby. Go Hawks!
  7. Quote: I cant wait unitl we hit our stride and start kicking the east's butt. I will be leading the charge throwing people off the bandwagon. I can gaurantee that when we strat winning and going deep into the playoffs that guys like bill simmons will start praising bk for his vision to draft marvin instead of the pgs. Cocaine's a helluva drug.
  8. Every team looses. Just not as much as the Hawks. Things will get better. Chin Up.
  9. Since I'm Mr. Popular, I'll clear some of the nonsense being said. First and foremost, I cheered because I now know without a doubt that we will get a high pick this year. I was a little concerned, even with speedy's injury, that the Hawks would win some games this year. But that concern is no longer there. Marvin is a big blow to you guys, so I know everything is ok now. And make no mistake about it, an entire state and fans all around the country are watching everything that goes on with the Hawks for the very reason I am. Regardless of which Suns fans come here to kiss your butt. Secondly, Im not your enemy. I don't even know any of you, nor do I loose sleep over whats said here. I didn't break Marvin's hand, so Im not at fault. Don't use me as a scapegoat for your misfortune. Do I wish an injury on Marvin? Hellz no. I didn't care which way we got a high draft pick. Whether it was an injury, some players getting sick for a little bit, or your coach retiring to become a superhero and wrecking your season.. I don't care. As long as the end result was you guys being on the cusp of something good, but not quite realizing your potential this year. That curse crap being spewed by some Suns fans is just that.. crap. I live in the real world, not a world of fairies, goblins, and wizards. Our teams haven't won a championship simply because of bad breaks and being outperformed- simple as that. Lets try to leave that cursed nonsense for the movies. Marvin will be back sooner than you'll know it. Until then enjoy your team for what they are, buck up, and go kick some butt next year.
  10. *Pumps fist* Yeah! Hellz yeah!
  11. Quote: Amare retires within 2 years, maybe at the end of this year. I don't think so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-YBoCwXrHg
  12. LMAO *Bookmarks this thread*
  13. Its only preseason fellas. However, good start.
  14. Quote: Quote: LOL u got no shot at a top 10 pick this year son. let it go. i'm not even mad at ya. you're so pathetic. I think he has a shot. Did we really improve 6 teams better over last year? W I saw your post in the other thread. You may be the only one that understands why the Hawks are going through a tough time right now. The day you guys get rid of Billy Knight you'll win at least 45 games and will be a playoff contender for years to come.
  15. Quote: classy people who enjoy it when others are injured generally have severe inferiority complexes. they delight in the misery, suffering, injury, and death of others because it lets them know that someone has it a little worse than they do--at least for a little while. Put down your purse hunnie, and stop watching so much Lifetime. Its not that serious. I don't wish injury on anyone, but Im not gonna complain when it slows you guys down. Had this been a serious injury that kept him out for the entire season it would have sucked because that would've meant that you guys would get the 1-3 overall pick. All Claxton's injury does is assures 3-5 extra losses on the board. Chin up.
  16. This isn't a huge development, true. Its just a broken finger. But as someone else mentioned, this will slow down the process of the team gelling. Every little loss helps.
  17. 1-Fist Pump 2-Point to God 3-Thump Chest Repeat and Cycle
  18. Quote: phx suns - I think the Suns are taking some unfair bashing here but you lose a LOT of credibility when you try to make it out like Boris Diaw is better than Joe Johnson. Diaw is not on the same level as JJ. Arguing stats on that is like arguing from stats that Jason Terry at him prime was comparable to Jason Kidd because he scored more, shot a much better %, etc. Nash, Marion and Amare are all much better than Diaw and Diaw has prospered because he is playing in his ideal style with a host of offensively talented players. Nash, Marion, JJ, Amare, etc. all could play in a variety of styles with or without stud teammates and be great. Diaw is going to have to show a lot more for a lot longer to get me to believe he is near any of those guys. I laid out my case in the post above, its clearly obvious that Diaw is at least just as good and Joe Johnson. Diaw's 3rd yr numbers destroy Johnson's 3rd yr numbers. And as shown, is even better than Johnson's 4th yr numbers with the Hawks. And Diaw may not be as important as the big 3, but we call them the big 4 now. Diaw is vital to this team's success. Behind Nash, he IS the best playmaker on this team. Im just glad that he has the COMMON SENSE to not be a spoiled, egostitical loser like Joe Johnson to demand a 70 mil dollar contract. Diaw is a steal in every sense of the word.
  19. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives...diaw_extension/ You have go to be kidding me? If Phoenix pays Diaw even the 8 million per year number they have lost their mind. With Amare coming back, they will see Diaw's numbers and effectiveness diminish. If they pay him 10 million that he wants I will troll the Phoenix board until they beg for mercy. BWWAAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAA!!!!!! Where is that Phx troll when you need somebody to laugh at?!?!?! LoL. Where do I begin. Joe Johnson_________Boris Diaw 20.2 pts____________13.3 pts (24.2 in WCF) 4.1 rbs_____________6.9 rbs 6.5 asts____________6.2 asts 0.38 blks___________1.05 blks 1.26 sts____________0.72 sts .453 fg%___________.526 fg% .791 ft%___________.731 ft% .356 3pt%__________.267 3pt% (.429 in playoffs) 40.7 mpg___________35.5 mpg Eff +19.01__________Eff +20.09 13 double doubles____17 double-doubles 0 triple-doubles______3 triple-doubles 70 million___________40-45 million So let me spell it out for you. Boris Diaw, whom is on his rookie deal and plays 5 fewer mins, is not only better overall then your 70 million dollar franchise player, but will make 30 mil less. Now tell me, Hawks fans, which deal is better? Who is LOL'ng now, hmmm? You and Billy Knight, OWNED . If you think the stats on the right are better than the stats on the left them you are blinder than Stevie Wonder. Jojo beats or matches him in pretty much every category, but to boost him up, you throw in inflated playoff stats. Also keep in mind that Jojo has about 3 years of good production as opposed to Boris' one year. Go ahead and pay that stiff 10 million dollars...but then again your franchise is too cheap to pay for Kandi man's plane ticket..so it probably won't happen. Your right about one thing. Diaw just finished his 3rd year and JJ his 5th....and Diaw's already better or at least just as good. Maybe its denial on your part, but I could never look someone in the eye after seeing those stats and say that Joe Johnson is worth 30 mil dollars more than Boris Diaw. 3 triple doubles? And he did it without Nash even playing in those games, and did it playing PG! He is the ONLY player in the NBA that can play PG, SG (I thought he couldn't shoot, Billy? Could have fooled me), SF, PF, and Center. And he's just in his 4th yr now, so that means he's just scratching the surface of his potential? The dude is a STUD. How can anyone of you say he isn't worth 8-10 mil a year? Diaw is about to blow up, and Knight will be left looking even more stupid for trading him + 2 draft picks. Diaw is younger, plays ALL positions, is a triple double waiting to happen, makes everyone around better, shoots better, is better in the post, and does it all in fewer mins...and he got even better in the playoffs! If Diaw is worth 8-10 mil/yr, then Joe Johnson is worth 6-8 million/yr. It was a pleasure watching Leandro Barbosa eat him alive in the world championships anyways. Oh and about the cheap owner thing, don't make me laugh at you son. Don't ever, everrrrrr accuse ANY owner of being cheap when your owners won't even let you sign players for more than 1 yr deals. Phx Suns- over 65 million dollar payroll. 10th in the NBA Atl Hawks- over 44 million dollar payroll. 29th in the NBA Thank you and good night, OWNED.
  20. Quote: While I think some of the things you said have kernel of truth, much of it is patently false. Quote: Let me drop a little secret on you....the Suns are the 4th youngest team in the NBA Of the top of my head, these teams are all significantly younger: Atlanta Toronto Chicago Cleveland LA Clippers New Orleans Portland Boston Charlotte Orlando Milwaukee Golden State New York (yes, even New York) I don't feel like going through all the teams to find out just how many are younger, but I wouldn't be surprised if the Suns are older than average. If you want to look at average ages, you can go to ESPN.com. I'm not saying they're old, and I'm not saying the Hawks have anything on the Suns. I'm just saying you're wrong about this *fact* you so adamantly and confidently state. Quote: Marion is just about to enter his [prime] If by "prime" you mean "decline", then I agree. It's widely accepted that NBA players enter their primes between the ages of 24 and 27, with 26-27 being the most common age to have a career year. Most players begin to decline in the range of 29-32, and the descent is generally faster than the ascent. There are always exceptions, of course, but it's silly to count on them. Finally, to say that James Jones is "already very good" at age 25 and expected to be better in 3+ years is silly, given that he hasn't really shown that much to date. I mean you have written off Marvin Williams at age 19 in another post, claiming that he "won't be any good". You obviously expect your own players to improve (even after age 30) while the Hawks teenage players stay exactly the same or get worse. Do you see the contradiction here? I think the Suns are a great team, and I enjoy watching them, but I think you are unable to see your team or yourself from any sort of objective point of view. You expect all of the Hawks players to decline while the Suns all peak at un-natural ages. You are certain that a 32-year-old Steve Nash will play well until 40, using the rare example of John Stockton. However, you conveniently ignore the much more common case for other great points: Isaiah Thomas retired at 32 Mark Price declined severely after 30, retiring at 33 Tim Hardaway declined severely after 33 Gary Payton suddenly lost it at 34 Walt Frazier became injury-prone after 32 Bob Cousy began his rapid decline at 32 Oscar Robertson declined more gradually after age 31, playing his last "good" season at 34 You ignore all of these cases of resilient point guards, blinded by hope, despite the fact that Nash relies on his youthful quickness more than any of these. He's a great player, and I hope he plays a long time because I like watching him, but you never know when an NBA player is going to hit a wall. From this list, it looks like 32 or 33 would be a good guess. Whatever is the case, I would bet last season was Nash's best. This season may be very good, too, but I wouldn't count on too many more. The time is NOW for the Suns. In 3 years, you might be asking some tough questions such as whether to trade Marion while he still has some value or whether Nash should just go ahead and bow out gracefully. I appologized for calling Marvin a bust, but he won't be the best player in that draft, ever. I hope he'll at least become a good contributer that can give you guys some substance. This is a key year for him, I'll change my tune altogether if he averages double figures. James Jones isn't part of the core, our core is Steve, Amare, Shawn, Diaw, Barbosa, and Raja. But James is a solid player that was giving us 12-15 pts per game until injuries slowed him down for the entire second half of the season. I expect the dude to blow up this year. Both he and Marvin should improve, hopefully. Steve Nash plays soccer in the offseason, the man is in tremendous shape. No one runs around the floor as much as Steve Nash does, which is the reason why we want to rest him more. No I do not expect him to suddenly forget how to play, he just came off his best statistical season at the age of 32! None of those guys you listed can say that they had their best year at that age, their time had already passed. Therefore I can state with confidence that Nash has more than a few years of being a very good point guard left in him. Plus the fact that he won't have to run around so much now that he can just dump it into Amare in the post, and will get more rest due to our defensive stud stopper Marcus Banks. Every team saids 'this is the year Nash starts going down'. They have said it for the last 3 years. Come on, give it a rest. He's great now, so what if he's just very good next year? A very good Nash is more than what we need, and is still the best PG in the league.
  21. Quote: Quote: About Amare, the prognosis was a 100% recovery in 18-24 months. Its only been 11 months, and everyone is expecting something in the 80 percentile to start the season, ending 90% in the playoffs. Is there any talk of not playing Amare this season entirely or waiting until the All-star break? His game is so much dependent upon his explosiveness. I'm sure he's busy figuring out new ways to have impact but I think for a guy this young to have his knee problems. It might be better to just lay low another year or most of it. W It was best that the docs caught this at it's earliest stage and not years down the road. Realistically he could have played on his knee for a few yrs, but it would have gotten much worse. As for brining him back later, the worst thing for him is to sit him down for a long period like that again. He won't let them really, as he's been dying to play with the team. Plus, the FO is trying to satisfy the fanbase that want so bad to see Amare. He and others within the organization have been saying that they expect him to be in the 80% range to start the season, with him becoming better throughtout. I don't think anyone expects him to be 100% by the playoffs. If that happens then I just might consider giving all my money to church. He's been training with the guy that worked with Kidd, and its said that he's progressing rapidly lately. It'll only get better throughout the season. Probrably the only concern physcially will be a long road trip with multiple back-to-back games. Mentally is where most of his hurdles are. An article during the summer leagues had him saying how he's timid about dunking in traffic as of that time. Timid and Amare don't belong together. Until he regains that confidence that should he dunk on someone he won't get re-injured, Amare won't be Amare. But I'm hearing that he is feeling more comfortable lately about letting loose on a hard slam in someone's grill. So maybe he's conconquering that mental hurdle. The season will tell.
  22. Quote: Quote: Quote: Quote: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives...diaw_extension/ You have go to be kidding me? If Phoenix pays Diaw even the 8 million per year number they have lost their mind. With Amare coming back, they will see Diaw's numbers and effectiveness diminish. If they pay him 10 million that he wants I will troll the Phoenix board until they beg for mercy. BWWAAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAA!!!!!! Where is that Phx troll when you need somebody to laugh at?!?!?! LoL. Where do I begin. Joe Johnson_________Boris Diaw 20.2 pts____________13.3 pts (24.2 in WCF) 4.1 rbs_____________6.9 rbs 6.5 asts____________6.2 asts 0.38 blks___________1.05 blks 1.26 sts____________0.72 sts .453 fg%___________.526 fg% .791 ft%___________.731 ft% .356 3pt%__________.267 3pt% (.429 in playoffs) 40.7 mpg___________35.5 mpg Eff +19.01__________Eff +20.09 13 double doubles____17 double-doubles 0 triple-doubles______3 triple-doubles 70 million___________40-45 million So let me spell it out for you. Boris Diaw, whom is on his rookie deal and plays 5 fewer mins, is not only better overall then your 70 million dollar franchise player, but will make 30 mil less. Now tell me, Hawks fans, which deal is better? Who is LOL'ng now, hmmm? You and Billy Knight, Owned. oh I am hardly owned! Not only will Atlanta be contending for a lower level playoff spot this year, unlike Pheonix our team is built for the long haul. if you look at the two rosters and come to any conclusion other than Atlanta will own Pheonix in 3 years you are drinking some serious homer koolaid! In exchange for Joe Johnson the Pheonix Suns will receive the bad contract they sign the overachieving Diaw to along with the cash they traded for the Boston pick coupled with the mid teens pick they get from us this year which they'll probably turn into more cash. so in essence you'll wind up with a richer owner and a player that prostituted you for a contract much like Al Harrington did us. Welcome to the club son, we've got jackets! You are writing a check that your team can't cash. But if you got the belief in your team, then props to you. I support my team thru and thru as well. With that said, aint.. no...way...in...blue...hell will the Hawks surpass Phoenix in 3 yrs unless multiple players die in a plane crash. Let me drop a little secret on you.. the Suns are the 4th youngest team in the NBA. ALL of our core is locked up for at least the next 3-6 years. Our oldest players are Kurt Thomas and Pike who both will be gone by next yr, replaced by stud rookies. Nash and Bell are in their primes. Marion is just about to enter his. STAT, Diaw, Barbosa, Marcus Banks, James Jones, are still 5+ yrs from their primes.. and they are all very good already, so imagine 3+ yrs from now how much better they will be? Now check your team, who do you have on 5+ yr contracts besides JJ and Claxton? What kind of long term security does your team has for the forseeable future? What if Smith and Childress leave after the 07-08 season? Marion is signed for the next 3 seasons, Nash and Bell for 4, Amare and Banks for 5, Barbosa and soon-to-be Diaw for the next 6. And our 3 draft picks in the stacked draft next year for the next 4 yrs at least. Oh my Hawks fan, my team isn't going no where from the top. Not for a very, very long time.
  23. Quote: Quote: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_archives...diaw_extension/ You have go to be kidding me? If Phoenix pays Diaw even the 8 million per year number they have lost their mind. With Amare coming back, they will see Diaw's numbers and effectiveness diminish. If they pay him 10 million that he wants I will troll the Phoenix board until they beg for mercy. BWWAAAHHAHAHAHAAHHAA!!!!!! Where is that Phx troll when you need somebody to laugh at?!?!?! LoL. Where do I begin. Joe Johnson_________Boris Diaw 20.2 pts____________13.3 pts (24.2 in WCF) 4.1 rbs_____________6.9 rbs 6.5 asts____________6.2 asts 0.38 blks___________1.05 blks 1.26 sts____________0.72 sts .453 fg%___________.526 fg% .791 ft%___________.731 ft% .356 3pt%__________.267 3pt% (.429 in playoffs) 40.7 mpg___________35.5 mpg Eff +19.01__________Eff +20.09 13 double doubles____17 double-doubles 0 triple-doubles______3 triple-doubles 70 million___________40-45 million So let me spell it out for you. Boris Diaw, whom is on his rookie deal and plays 5 fewer mins, is not only better overall then your 70 million dollar franchise player, but will make 30 mil less. Now tell me, Hawks fans, which deal is better? Who is LOL'ng now, hmmm? You and Billy Knight, OWNED .
  24. Quote: If we are assessing players I would say that: You are right about Amare with the exception that I think you downplay the risk of longterm damage from the injury, ala former Sun Antonio McDyess. I suspect Amare will return to form but there has to be some concern about the risk of reinjury and the risk of failing to fully recover given the degree to which his game depends on athleticism. I also think you are a little optimistic about Nash. He is not the same as Stockton (especially defensively) and the Suns play a much more physically demanding style as far as racing up and down the court than the Jazz did when Stockton played. I think he is a much higher risk to "fall off the wagon" due to age than Stockton was. However, that is really uncertain given that Nash has played better with the Suns than at any time in his career. He could easily stay an elite PG or at least remain a standout for the next several years. I do think, though, that expecting him to age like Stockton is asking a lot. I think you are overly critical of Marvin Williams - particularly trying to label him a bust. He is the equivalent of a sophmore who left college; he improved every month last year until he 12 points and 6 rebounds per game last April; and he then was MVP of the summer league in which the Hawks played. Calling him a bust is at least premature and at most totally unwarranted. In fact, in light of Marvin and several other player's development and age, I don't think anyone who replaced BK could do anything but expect significant and immediate improvement over the last two years. The team is in a pretty good place for that, IMO. I would like to believe that you will be rooting for the Hawks this year but have trouble taking that at face value given that the Suns stand to inherit a lottery pick if the Hawks don't reach their full potential. That is a bit like expecting me to believe a Bulls fan was rooting for the Knicks last year. Good post, and at a lot of your points are well taken. I appologize for calling Marvin a bust. Its just that he hasn't exactly been impressive like others in his draft class. But it would do me well to watch the kid another year to see if he shows something. I guess its hard to fathom why ppl would choose him over Wells. Unless they were afraid that Wells was only playing for a contract and won't give his all if he is inked. And no Nash is not as good defensively as Stockton was. I do think Nash is just as good offensively however. The whole organization saw Steve put the team on his back last year and we were all concerned about the physcial pounding he was taking, thats why Marcus Banks will be our savior in that regards. We would love for Steve to play no more than 30-33 mins a night. If that could happen, then he very well could play for a long, long time at a high level. About Amare, the prognosis was a 100% recovery in 18-24 months. Its only been 11 months, and everyone is expecting something in the 80 percentile to start the season, ending 90% in the playoffs. What we need most is his ability to draw fouls and get us free throws, which he should be able to do more than effectively this year. I've been around the home arena and there is definately a huge buzz going. I think the league is in for a huge surprise if they think he will be some gimp. And truthfully I think teams wish for that out of fear. And your right about me not rooting for the Hawks in the 06-07 season. What I meant was that I will root for you guys in the 07-08 season. Its about time for the Hawks to get back into contention where they belong. Nique was one of my all time fav players, and I was rooting for Atlanta when they faced Boston all those years. Those were good times. I just feel like you guys won't experience that as long as Knight is at the helm. We'll see though.
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