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Everything posted by Nique21

  1. The Hawks are looking for a PA Announcer, and I was looking at the script they want you to read. It happends to have the Hawks starting lineup. I know this isn't the proof in the pudding, but you can say for now, that JT is the point guard and Dermarr is the SG. Here is the direct link: http://www.nba.com/hawks/fans/Hawks_Public...r-51460-33.html
  2. Diesel is Dominique, and all along I thought I was? mmm? I guess our mom will have to decide.
  3. and I don't think trading JT is something that is even mentioned now. We were not a playoff team last year, and considering that Theo is healthy our frontcourt looks good. I believe moving JT was one of the most logical scenarios we had on the table at the end of last year. Face it, you have to give up something to get something. JT was going to be our trade bait to attract something in here that could possibly make a difference. Now fast forward to the summer, when we gave up little to get Dickau. I think this was a good move in trying to make us better at the BACK UP POINT GUARD POSITION. Vaughn played well at the end of the year, but struggled mightly at the first of last season. So now having drafted Dickau we might have a better backup point guard than Vaughn. Terry is still mentioned in trade rumors, because we have to shake something up and maybe bring in another guy to put us in the playoffs. Hoping that Theo will make the difference, seems like too much of a gamble, since we didn't have him last year. Now to the present, where we have added Big Dawg. Now we have a guy that changes the makeup of our team in a big way. I don't see any type of urgency to move Terry now, and I think the Hawks front office would agree. We have improved ourselves by leaps and bounds, with GR and a healthy Theo. To me personally, this is JT's team. He has the Atlanta personality, works and plays hard, he doesn't complain (he has a great attitude), he has the ability to change the game with his steals, speed, or his dead aim shooting ability, and he always seems to be the first player from the team that greets the new guy. I can't be the only one that can see these qualities. So whether you want him or you don't, JT will be flying high in the Hawks Uniform at Philips this year.
  4. If we don't sign Ira, and have to find someone for that 12th spot. Who would you want to have Shawn Kemp or Kevin Willis?
  5. Not the Lakers camp, but his own youth camp. http://www.accessatlanta.com/ajc/sports/ap...haq-Basket.html
  6. I wasn't meaning that SAR is our main go to guy from 3 land. If Dermarr has trouble defensively, and Newble needs to be inserted for defense. Then SAR could keep the defense honest or stretch the defense more by having him play outside on a play or two. If left alone from 3 land, SAR could make teams pay. I think he will have a big present in the post, but saying the other team gives Terry and Robinson the perimeter respect they deserve. SAR could shoot the jumpers from 15, 18, or 22 feet away (most likely scenario, on the weak side of the floor). Theo isn't a bad post player. If he catches the ball on the baseline, he has a good touch from there, when he turns toward the baseline, and shoots that jumphook shot from the side of the basket. It's just about imposible to block.
  7. Don't forget our lone appearance on ESPN, which we will face the Big Dawg's Ex-Team.
  8. Yeah, with each day now the tension mounts. I think not having Ira here, would be somewhat of a let down. I want us to have at least the same players we had at the end of the year. We were really learning how to win at home, whether Ira was or wasn't the difference, I would prefer we kept all our bases covered.
  9. SAR can make the 3. In the first half last year, Lon kept running that two man game with SAR and JT, that brung our offense to a halt. Later on he let SAR roam away from the basket and got his share of perimeter shots. SAR has got a great perimeter game too. He shot from the perimeter all the time in Vancouver. I think we are in a win, win, win situation with DJ, Glover, or Newble. Soon we will learn who will be the most valuable out of the 3.
  10. Perfect response back on the other board. I was feeling outnumbered over there and was having trouble with #47. First starting that post, "For those of you who don't know", then coming back with his insider sources. I was struggling to find the right words or links to show him that he was wrong. I really apprecitate the help and been the media isn't going to do it, I feel we need to educate some of the outsiders about our team.
  11. Thanks Hotlantadude for posting on the other board, I definately need the backup. Playoffs, I do have the link of the Press Conference on my Real Player. When I copy it, it will not give an option of pasting it. I can't figure out the paste part of it.
  12. Jay, I need your help at Sports Central Message Boards. There was a thread started on the Big Dawg's arrival to Atlanta. It later became a debate on where Jason Terry will play this year. There is a guy claiming to have more than one inside source on this. I posted a link over there to this message board hoping that one of your replys would have explained it. I failed to tell him who you are. Would you please reply to this post or the one on Sports Central on who you are and where Jason Terry will play next year. I am the only Hawks Supporter on this other board and I need some back up. Here is the direct link to the debated topic: http://www.sports-central.org/community/bo...p;threadid=4458
  13. Yes, the Atlanta Press Conference is scheduled around 2pm today. Dan Patrick show around 1:30, and Jim Rome is 6:30, and there is a chat with NBA.com at 5:00....a lot of stuff should be said today with all this going on.
  14. Well today is Big Dawg's day to bark and growl. Can't wait to see him on the Jim Rome Show tonight. I'm also getting the radio ready for the ESPN Show this afternoon.
  15. I have never been a hockey fan either. I only used to watch Sportscenter and hoped the Thrashers won. I never cared to watch them. Last year, I finally got into it and it wasn't bad. I still like basketball, baseball, and football much better. The thing that is great about hockey is our local team the Thrashers. Like I said earlier, they were the worse team last year. It was only there 3rd year of play. They have two minor league systems, the Chicago Wolves and the Greenville Growl. Both of thier minor league's teams won their Championship's last year. The Thrashers have never been big on signing free agents in the off season, this year they have signed 5 so far. Their two biggest stars are Kovaluchuk and Heatley , who will be 19 and 21 years old this year. They finished 1 and 2 in the Calder Cup Race (which is the rookie of the year in hockey), with Heatley winning it. You know being the worse team, you can only get better. This team though is going to get better quick, and I love watching young althetic guys impove. Jarvis Hayes in age wise is considered a senior. He transferred from East Carolina (with his twin Jonas Hayes), and they had to sit out a year, because of the NCAA Regulations. So technically he has only played 3 years of ball, and would be eligible to play another year. There was a few rumors he might come out, this past draft. But many thinks he wants to return to Georgia because of all their talent. Now, all of Georgia recruits may not even play, with academic problems. Damien Wilkins will be playing for Georgia this year, son of Gearld Wilkins and the nephew of Dominique Wilkins. Hayes has the NBA body, and will be an instant success at the next level. You mention Glover, well Jarvis is a lot better than him in my opinion. If you like Glover's Hops, then just watch Jarvis jump a time or two. He really gets off the floor great, and he scores from all over the court. He will have a job in the NBA someday, and I can't see him staying another year at Georgia.
  16. I don't know if you guys are serious or not. So I will assume that you are. Ilya Kovaluchuk is an 18 kid that scored 29 goals in the NHL last year for the Thrashers. He missed the last 16 games of the season due to his injury. He is a phenom in the making. Dany Heatley was only 20 years old last year and won rookie of the year honnors in the NHL. He is a Thrasher too, and has the all around game like SAR. He does it all, and Kovaluchuk is a sniper. The Thrashers had the worse record in hockey last year, that will not happen this year. Jarvis Hayes will be a top 5 pick in the NBA Draft next year, if he comes out. He plays for the Georgia Bulldogs. He has great a great touch for scoring, incredible leaps, and shoots all the big shots at the end of the game and usually makes them. He will lead the Bulldogs this year, deep into the NCAA Tournament. Bill Elliot is a Nascar Driver from Dawsonville, GA (AWESOME BILL FROM DAWSONVILLE). He is the hottest driver right now in Nascar. He has won the last two races, and has qualified 1st or 2nd in the last 3 weeks. I am pretty sure, that the race later today he has qualified in the top 5. Elliot was the first driver to win the Winston Millon. He won it the first year they had it. 1987 I think, and it took a long time before anyone else matched it.
  17. #28 Green.... this would be running back Harold Green #18 Hayes.... this is probably a misprint, it is probably Michael Haynes (not Hayes) and his # was 81 (not 18)
  18. Good article, thanks for posting this. This is good news, he could have been upset, suprised, or thinking retirement, but he's not and it looks like we can count on him giving his all.
  19. Just a side note: I think David Robinson matches up well with Shaq too, and Duncan can help out if the Admiral gets in foul trouble. Also, the foul line plays Shaq consistently too on most nights.....lol
  20. Perfect!!! Send it right away Jay, that is a great respose back.
  21. he seems to greet all the players we get. I like that about him. Thanks, for the times and all the appearances he is going to make. Boy, it looks like Monday is going to be a long day for him.
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