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Everything posted by Nique21

  1. Maybe Battle, I really can't see it that good. Could it be Kenny Smith?
  2. Good article, thanks! I don't think there's no question we can't win the East without a healthy Theo. It is a must we keep him in the middle. Mohammad stepped up well last year, but having him start this year gives us no backup. Mohammed will be a great backup, if he's not traded. Terry gave good props to Theo at the end of the article too, I thought.
  3. I want Ira. I am a Ira fan. Now, I do like Barry and if I had my choice between the two, I would take Barry. Newble to me, was the brightest thing for the Hawks last year. The brightest thing that we really didn't expect, is what I mean. He has a great attitude and approach to the game. I love when he gets called for a foul he didn't commit. Doesn't loose his cool and gives that mad stare, like everybody else does in the NBA. He matched up well defensively, against other teams top offensive player. He's got good hops. Agressive on the boards. His offensive game improved dramically over the coarse of the season, I thought. I really want to see Ira here this year. Now, I don't try to get caught up into what players make, or what they think they should make. If you are allowed to go over the salary cap and just pay a luxary tax. I hate to see money be the reason for a player not playing with us. Now, if you couldn't go over the cap, that would be a different story. Since you can, then I just assume AOL coughs the money up.
  4. Wow, the Big Dog and a banner, GO Hawks!!! lol....naa , the banner is cool with me too.
  5. One thing on the Dickau debate, I think we could stop, is where the guy was drafted from. Where you get taken in the draft is only the amount of expectations you can bring to a team at this particular time. Most guys that get drafted late in the first round rarely, ever have any significant impact. So the odds are against Dickau in that sense. Although there are few and far in between, there is always suprises late in the draft. Lots of teams passed on Nick Van Exel, and I doubt there is a team out there that wouldn't mind having his services. Regardless of how another Hawks fan thinks about a player, you should be willing to root for any Hawks player. I know we all have guys we like more than others, and some guys we will always hate, just by the way they are, for whatever reason. If there was another player on the draft board that you liked better than Dickau, you should be mad at the front office. Since none of us knew we were going to make the draft day trade it's kinda hard to have that feeling. No one should really hate Dickau at this point. Unless you can tell me something about the guy, that he has done. I don't know how many people watched that Bucks/Hawks Game in the Shaw league, but I for one was impressed. Didn't expect that much from him. I kept up with all of his stats for the Shaw League. I liked the assists/turnover ratio. The talent in the Shaw League was weak, but a lot better than the college talent he faced. Just please don't hold where he was at in the draft against him, it really means nothing. It would have been funny to see these message boards after the Michael Jordan Draft. What if a fan from Jordan's Team told Bowie's Team Message Board that they goofed, and Michael Jordan would be the best player ever. That person would have been shot down, and lost ever bit of crediability from any board, including his own.
  6. I agree, J.T. is the point guard, but don't be suprised during the game you see Email and DD running the point, with J.T. at the 2. On paper DD and JT are too small, but I bet they could do well together as a backcourt. I don't expect JT to start any games at 2, but you never know with injuries and lack luster performances.
  7. The Russians have produced some good NBA players and a lot of hockey players. Now with good ol' democracy in the country, they have gotten very lazy. The average weight for citizens of that country has been soaring, a lot like ours. Even the hockey program in Russia is lacking, and basketball even more. They don't put money into any of the sports activities and the politicians has made it hard for sports programs to thrive. They are trying to change it with Putin in charge, but so far it's just words. If they ever get serious about it, you would see at least two Russians in the first round of the NBA draft every year, and the NHL would be flooded with Russians.
  8. No $$$$$ gets you out of murder too. Ray Lewis and OJ Simpson???
  9. Nique21

    Key Dates ???

    The real trainning camp will begin Septemer 1st.
  10. Remember the 98-99 season, Payton only played in 50 games.
  11. One thing that we have been hearing about DD, is his scoring. I noticed in that Milwaukee Exihibition Game, his passing skills looked sharp. He amazed me the way he passed to guys that were open and ready to shoot. He is going to be fine. As for Parker, that guy is only 19 years old and has a tremendous upside, I think he is a star in the making.
  12. I noticed someone said 9pm Sunday, is then when everyone is going to be on?
  13. I have never heard that Terry was bad at defense with other point guards. Unless they are big, and the post up type point guard (Mark Jackson). The problem was we wanted to start Terry at the 2 guard. If we expected him to play D on the opposing 2 guard, it could be trouble. Especially late in games, teams could take their 2 down and post up. This is where Terry would be unable to stop the guy. His perimeter defense is fine, he doesn't block many jump shots, but usually he has the hand in the face.
  14. Go back and look at the "Home Wins" for that period. The Hawks learned how to win at home, and that is key for a good NBA team. You have to win those home games, and the Hawks I believe have already learned to do that.
  15. Nique21


    If it is more important to us to have D than O at the 2 guard. Then if he resigns, it will be the Nublizer. Ira can be a defensive specialist. Also, Theo is a double digit man. We always talk about his defense, but he has a good offensive game. He does a turn around hook, jumpshot from the baseline that is almost impossible to guard against. He isn't Mutombo. Theo will average at least 10 a game, that's a gimme.
  16. I would have liked to keep Jumaine Jones after we drafted him. He is an althletic player, and should complement Darius's game with the Cavs.
  17. His number was 13 right? That was Hanno's #, so I guess he could have his old number, if he wants it. Just find Hanno's Pic, and strip his jersey off...lol
  18. Isn't Alex English going to coach the Memphis Grizzlies this year?
  19. Hey Terrance, look at our record last year. What do we have to lose. We are not a playoff team year in and year out. We don't have to worry about making a mistake with our team. I don't think he realizes, at how many 20 pt. scorers are in the NBA. Give me 20 pts, and you can let your man score on you from time to time. Give me 20 pts. and I will see that you get your fair number of shots. Give me 20 pts. and you can beat your dog, get drunk, have a bad attitude, do nothing for the community, I don't care....just get me those 20 pts. a night, because I for one realize at how much that means.
  20. You still have to wonder though. Couldn't they dump Robinson to a western conference team? Now they have to play against him.
  21. Wow! Thanks Detroit Fan! I'm suprise you would say that. Detroit has a fine team, and Ben Wallace is a man, amongst boys. Ya'll are all saying that we will be in the finals, I say we got further than that.LOL!!!
  22. He is an outstanding defensive player, and he learned how to score before the end of last year. I like Ira a lot.
  23. the Hawks did not give up nothing and got a guy that averages 20pts a game. Nuff said!!! So what, let's say we do have trouble finding enough shots for Terry, SAR, and Glenn. Let's say the Big Dog comes in and we win less games this year, than last. It doesn't matter, we gave up nothing for a two time all star. Some people go out of there way to try and make a anthill into a mountain.
  24. Hey Sturt, thanks for that link that was interesting in hearing. I do agree that the two spot is the only position that is up for grabs. I like D.J. at the 2, but he is going to have to drive more to the hoop. If not, Glover is a true slasher to the hoop and might make better sense, been we have other guys that can hit the open jumper. Ira Newble is a key guy for us. If we need offense, we use the big dog. If we need to tighten up on D, then bring in Ira. He is an all star defender.
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