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  1. Thank you! Agreed... I don't think we'll ever see Smith's true potential under a coach like Woodson. The lack of a real offensive system allows Smith to make the mistakes that he does. There's no offense, so hey you go out there and improvise! If Josh knew where his offense was going to come from everynight, he wouldn't have to get outside of his range. But this offense runs no plays for him, doesn't develop a post game, so what do you expect?! To me it's the job of a coach to put his guys in the best position to be successful. Show him where he's going to be the most successful in this league. For Josh, that's on the low block trying to get easy shots at the basket. But there's no attempt in this offense to establish a low post presence. This is a kid straight out of High School, he's got a world of talent, but he still has alot to learn about the NBA game. Mike Woodson is not the one to teach it to him.
  2. HawksHope

    A Travesty

    khaos7, I couldn't agree with you more. To not even consider a new coach??... this is a travesty. In fact, they should be doing more than just considering. There should be no doubt that this team needs a new coach. After 4 years of watching just about every game Woodson has coached, it's obvious to me he has no offensive scheme for these players and doesn't know how to play to their strengths. Besides the fact that they don't run as much as they should (I understand that with a young team, they don't always know how to dictate tempo, and some teams just aren't going to allow you to run up and down).... But when they're forced into a half-court game, there's no movement whatsoever. You want Josh Smith underneath the basket? How 'bout running some plays down there for him?? There's no reason Smith's game can't be similar to Amare Stoudamire's. The pick and rolls to the basket, the plays where Nash breaks down the defense and kicks to Amare in the lane... I know we don't have Nash running our point, but the opportunities are there. This coach just doesn't know how to develop them. Like you said, everything runs through JJ. It's predictable and doesn't work most of the time cause JJ has a habit of holding the ball too long in the double teams. We need a new coach. I can only hope Gearon was being politically correct and not wanting to throw Woodson under the bus by saying the guy's gotta go. But he's gotta go.
  3. I like it, but can we afford him?
  4. I like to use Portland as the measuring stick for the Hawks. Nate McMillan has gotten so much more out of that team. Some might say they are more talented, but IMO the Hawks way underachieved, not just this year, but last year as well.
  5. Quote: Who is this Ramon Sessions kid? Looks like he's the kid who's got Mo Williams' job next season!
  6. Quote: They will be hard at work telling you why this is nothing to be happy about. Oh, but if you do happen to go to their game, "stop by our restaurant" (I won't say the name). The nerve. So true!! Those guys go out of their way to bash the Hawks. Any small bit of positivity is quickly followed by a sideways jab at the team. They refuse to focus on what's good about this team... the young players that are becoming stars in the league, the chemistry they're developing... nothing. Some on the 790 lineup come right out and admit they don't like NBA basketball, so I don't think it matters what the Hawks do, they'll always make their wise-ass remarks. If they don't like it then just don't say anything then. I'd rather they say nothing if they can't be fair and give credit when credit is due.
  7. Quote: I have no clue if it is protestable or not. Like I posted in the game thread though, I really think that Horford, I believe it was Horford, tipped the ball before it got to Ford. I'm not watching in high def though so it could have just looked like it on my tv but I'm thinking he really did. That is a very interesting scenario... that would explain the clock starting when it did if the ball was tipped. Although it didn't look like it was tipped, now I wish I could see the play again.
  8. Quote: just a bad lineup woody's got out there. He's forced to play SF Definitely a bad lineup
  9. Agree 100%.... when he came out strong in the 1H, I thought he was taking the snub personally. But his play in the 2H was disappointing to say the least...
  10. Can anybody give me Bruce Levenson's email? I wasn't able to find one that actually went directly to him, sounds like you guys are reaching him for sure... Thanks
  11. Quote: I would pay to sit down with the coaches and have them explain what we are trying to do in our half-court sets, because I swear that for the life of me I can't figure out what the heck is going on. Is the one-on-one plays by design? is it a product of the players becoming frustrated and wanting to take matters into their own hands? Do we have Horford at the top of the key every other possession on purpose? Do we have J-Smoove set up at the wing when JJ posts up on purpose? Is he meant to be taking those outside shots? I really hope that non of these atrocities are "designed" and that they are just a symptom of having a young team, because if not, we will NEVER EVER, EVER, be able to win more games then we loose with Woody. YES!!! You're exactly right! I am constantly wondering the same things when I watch this offense...If these things aren't by design, I simply can't understand why they continue to happen, and have been happening for the past 3 years!! It has to be bad coaching when after 3 years, you still don't have an offense with any kind of flow!!
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