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Posts posted by Atlantaholic

  1. I don't really know how long Acie Law will be out, I don't know how good he will be when he comes back, and I don't know if, in the future, he develops into a great PG. I would love for all those things to work out, but as of right now, I don't know that they will.

    What I do know is that when BK took over JT was our PG... five (or has it been six?) years later, JT is the leading scorer for one of the Elite teams in the league, and the Hawks are running a platoon of Lue and AJ (when he decides he wants to suit up) at the point... If you are asking me if BK has done a good Job of being GM, RIGHT NOW, I'm saying "Nope... not even close." Maybe if Law pans out that will change... but that is still an if as of right now.

  2. Mostly I see people complain about his "value". They think that he is not producing up to his paycheck.

    Last I checked he is drawing the NBA's 28th highest salary this year... I think it's safe to say that he is most freaking definitely in the top 28 players in the league, so frankly, I don't get how people can think we aren't getting value from him.

  3. Joe Johnson is fourth among SG in points, and first in assists, and he is still only 26... The season is still young, so the numbers don't mean much, but he has done nothing but produce for us since he has been here, and yet people continue to doubt his worth... The only shooting guards I would rank above him right now are Kobe, Wade, and TMac (when healthy). Joe Johnson carries the youngest team in the NBA on his back on a nightly basis and though he is not perfect I, for one, am damn glad he is a Hawk.

  4. I really haven't heard of any Golden State fans regarding Biedrins, and haven't seen any games of them this year... but I don't find it too hard to believe that fans are mad at the defense of their teams starting center, when said team is allowing 110 + points a game.

  5. I can agree with this post, except for the part where you say Biedrins would probably have better numbers in our offense than in Golden States'... if you check the stats of Golden States' players FGA per game, you'll find that they have better shot distribution than the Hawks. Also, Golden State actually runs an offense, which makes it easier for players to get buckets. They have a higher team FG%, PPG, and, more Assists than the Hawks, and they are getting a million times better PG play.

    I agree that Biedrins would eventually improve the scoring numbers that he is putting up now, were he to become a Hawk, because he is so young and has such room to grow, but I really do think there would be a steeper adjustment curve that Biedrins would have to go through in coming here than most people think. On the other hand, Smoove is already showing (at least IMO)that he can contribute to our team on defense and offense... So my thinking is, Why mess with a good thing?

  6. My disbelief doesn't originate from a bias that I won't believe anything said in any message board ever... it comes from the fact that if something doesn't make sense to me, AND it comes from a message board, then I won't believe it UNTIL it starts making sense to me... The Biedrins trade, and the Woody situation, don't make sense to me at all, and the explanations that I have been given don't convince me otherwise. Does that mean I'm right? No. And I haven't claimed that.

    I don't think I have been flaming Sothron... though admittedly the initial "I don't want to call the man a liar post" was slightly tactless, the point of it was to try to get some input on why the Woody situation may be developing the way Sothron explained. I didn't want to "discredit" Sothron and even advocated against, what I perceived to be, an attempt to do so by TP.

  7. I'm not flaming him. I just don't believe it. I have no problem with him posting ANYTHING at all(as long as it isn't Lawstudent material.) , and I respect his right to do so, just as you should respect my right to not believe stuff I read on a message board

    I actually like the posts, despite not believing in their accuracy, because they at least spark some pretty decent discussion... so, basically, I apologize if I seem to be flaming Sothron, it is honestly not my intention.

  8. There's really no proof that either you or Soth are telling the truth... The fact that the media "broke" a similar story that Soth had been talking about on the message board is not even remotely close to proof. Most sports media at the time during the draft will look anywhere, and I mean ANYWHERE, for any kind of scoop or rumor. ESPECIALLY message boards... they will brake a story without a single valid source or research, (heck a lot of all mainstream media does this) and call it a "rumor". It is very possible in fact that they took the story directly from this message board. They saw a guy post that "he had insider info" and that is good enough to them... they don't really care about being right or being wrong, since by calling it a "rumor" they cover themselves from any accountability.

    TP, you could also be making stuff up for all I know. (How the heck can you prove that you had a phone convo with Levinson???) Everything here is a matter of what people choose to believe, so discussing "who is right and who is wrong" is pointless.

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