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Posts posted by Atlantaholic

  1. Yeah, I don't see what we have to loose by playing him. I really disagree with you about Woody taking heat, I wish to God every day and every night that he would get fired, but it isn't gonna happen. Unless BK leaves, Woody is not going anywhere... and he'll always have the "we have the youngest team in the NBA" crutch, well at least for the next two-three years anyway. The only way Woody gets fired is if we win less than 30 games this year, in which case both BK and Woody would be out the door quicker than you can say "worst GM-Coach combo in NBA history"... I doubt this will happen but this is the only scenario I see Woody leaving.

  2. I would pay to sit down with the coaches and have them explain what we are trying to do in our half-court sets, because I swear that for the life of me I can't figure out what the heck is going on. Is the one-on-one plays by design? is it a product of the players becoming frustrated and wanting to take matters into their own hands? Do we have Horford at the top of the key every other possession on purpose? Do we have J-Smoove set up at the wing when JJ posts up on purpose? Is he meant to be taking those outside shots? I really hope that non of these atrocities are "designed" and that they are just a symptom of having a young team, because if not, we will NEVER EVER, EVER, be able to win more games then we loose with Woody.

  3. I don't know if it's impossible to keep Acie, Marv, Joe, Horf, and Smoove... honestly I don't think Acie will ever become an "elite" pg, and I don't see him asking for much money. (probably less than the contract we gave JT.) Marv, Smoove and Horf will probably command some serious dollar, but with Lorenzen, Speedy, Lue and AJ coming of the books, we may be able to free up enough cap to keep them all.

    If Marv, Smoove, Acie, AND Horf all merit big deals two-three years from now, then that would mean we have been fielding a legitimate contender anyway... So even if we indeed can't keep them all, I stil like our chances with our current lineup over Kobe's

  4. If we win this game we will have to outplay them on the offensive end. You can't really count on shutting down their offense when they have three all-world scorers who can all get it done in different ways.

    We have to be efficient protect the ball, rebound on the defensive end, and RUN. We are the younger more athletic team, our best shot is to try to use our athleticism in the open floor.

  5. The problem with having JJ and Kobe on the same team is that they are both the same type of player... I would never do this trade; sure, we would be relevant for the next three - four years if we did, but then we would be back to being cellar dwellers after Kobe retires. And in case people haven't noticed we have sold out our first two home games, and are ranked 13th in the ESPN power ranking and 8th in the Fox power ranking... we don't need Kobe to be relevant; we need to win games, and I think we can do that with the group we have right now.

  6. haha.. we were also playing the second of a back to back dude... and Nash played terrible besides getting 30 + points and 11 assists??? Yeeeeah. Nash had 10 points and 7 assists against the Bobcats and they won by 20+, so I don't get what your point is. Nash has had a massive amount of games worse than the one he had yesterday in the last four years and Phoenix still won the majority of those games. If Nash hadn't been unconscious from the three point line and/or Joe didn't have the worst shooting night of his career this game is a blow-out.

  7. Quote:

    Paul is a system pg...like a qb at BYU. He'll put up stats but ultimately that team will not win anything of note.


    They have had NO BODY in New Orleans who can put the ball in the bucket aside from David West (who was nothing but an above average scorer the last two years) and he still put up tremendous numbers while almost leading the team to the playoffs in a conference where we wouldn't have won 10 games any of the last two years. To say his team won't win anything after only two years of him being in the league is as asinine as saying that Marvin will never amount to anything because he hasn't put up great numbers his first two years.

    Chris Paul is 10 times better than any PG we have on the roster. If New Orleans would give us Paul for Marvin, Law, and Zaza I would take it in half a heart-beat.

    Still, the pick is not a disaster, and may I repeat MAY turn out to be the better pick depending on how Paul's and Marv's careers pan out... Still, if I'm rating BK's building of the team, I'm looking at the past and at the present. And his decision making has been suspect to say the least.

    If we don't manage to re-sign Smith than BK's tenure needs to end.

  8. And how many playoff games has Childress won?? Last time I checked basketball is a team sport, so I don't see what playoff wins has to do with anything at all. Iguodala is averaging 5.7 TO the first five games of the year... big deal. Nash is averaging around 5 himself and is a two time MVP. Any GM in the universe will tell you that Iguodala has twice the trade value of Childress, not to mention Deng's value compared to Chills. The Lakers want to trade Kobe for a package built around Deng... I'd love for us to offer a package featuring Childress for Kobe and see how hard Jerry West laughs. Brandon Roy, Randy Foye and even Rondo have so much more trade value than Shelden that it is kind of ridiculous. Marvin may pan out to be the correct pick, and indeed was considered the most talented player in the draft, so I'm much more willing to give BK the benefit of the doubt on that one... however, forward was our only strength and PG was a huge, HUGE need at the time of the draft, so at best that was a debatable choice.

    The signing of Speedy and Lorenzen were terrible. The AJ trade was a total head-scratcher... all in all, the list of questionable and down-right wrong moves by Billy far outweigh his correct choices. Non the less, he is still probably around average in comparison to other GM's around the league.

  9. Going after Miller would be extremely dumb, he is 31 and is slow. He always has been a half-court set PG. He's biggest success by far was his last year in Cleveland when they had all those old jump-shooters and they just ran curls all game long... Everytime Miller has been in an up-tempo team he has played average. (his first year with the Clips when they had all those young players was a disaster.) If we go after Miller it will only help Philly.

  10. Last night was definitely him not getting enough lift on his shot. (all his misses were short)This happens to A LOT of jump-shooters on second nights of back to backs.

    The last thing in the world I'm worried about right now is Joe Johnson's shot.

  11. Quote:

    His one bad move when he gave in to some pressure was signing Speedy. Even that could turn into a decent move if Speedy gets some heart and finds a way to get on the court.


    Speedy, Lorenzon, Childress over Deng and Iggy, Marvin over Paul or Deron (though this one isn't so bad now that Marvin is showing vast improvement), waisting a second on getting AJ, and worst of all Shelden "I have the trade value of a non-drafted rookie" Williams

    The signing of Speedy and getting AJ (I believe he is signed to one more year, though I could be wrong) could prove to be extremely costly if we can't sign J. Smith to an extension... (which should have already happened)

    I'd rate Billy Knight a c+ at most. If he hadn't brought in Joe Johnson it would be a solid F.

  12. After the game, Woody seemed extremely pleased with Salim's performance, and even said that it was a mistake to not have played him in the previous two games.

    I'm guessing he will be seeing the floor more from here on out. However, with Woody at the helm, who knows?

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