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Posts posted by Atlantaholic

  1. I don't get why he never gets a shot to start at the 3 on a regular basis... He is an average perimeter defender and abysmal in the paint, add to that the fact that he has a perimeter oriented offensive game (with a post up game that compliments it) and it is clear as day that he is better suited to be a SF...

    If BK had been smart enough to realize it, we may have had a shot at really fielding a special team.(Beating_A_Dead_Horse_by_livius.gif alert: (Paul, JJ, AL, Smoove, Zaza)

  2. I think more than me having an "emotional investment" with Smoove, the thing that makes me not want to pull the trigger is the fact that I know what Smoove is, because I've seen him with my own eyes on a consistent basis, and I feel I have a good idea about how good he can become. I haven't seen Biedrins play as much as Smoove (not even close to be honest), but when I have seen him he has been a total non factor on defense... that, plus the fact that he is getting 37 minutes a game at Center for a team that is allowing over 110 points a game leads me to believe he is an overrated defender. The main thing people have to think about, when they consider Biedrins, is how his numbers would translate to our team... Biedrins right now is scoring 13 a game and shooting 60% from the field... this with Baron Davis at the point and Don Nelson at the helm... does anybody really believe that his offensive production won't suffer with Lue at the point and with Woody calling the plays???

    I'm sure if you ask the experts some would tell you Smoove is the player with better potential, and others would tell you that Biedrins is... personally I go with Smoove just due to the fact that he has put up better numbers (last year) in a less structured (understatement of the century alert) system.

  3. Yeah, that part makes pretty good sense... but then my question would be, If Adelman is not interested in joining an "unstable" franchise, which is more than understandable, then why did he contact the team in the first place? Did he not do any type of research on the team before contacting them? He must have obviously known about our ownership situation since just about every major sports media source has covered the Belkin - Spirit dispute... so assuming he did, why would he have been interested to begin with?

  4. That last time I ever saw someone run the box and one defense was in High-School.

    It is the defense you run when you face a team full of scrubs who have one player, and ONE player alone that can hurt you. It was nothing short of an absolute embarrassment that Seattle could get away with using that defense for an entire 5 minute stretch.

  5. I didn't want to call the man a liar. But I have to say, that I find it almost impossible to believe that any of the above is true... I just simply don't understand how it would be possible that we wouldn't go after someone like Adelmen because we don't feel we can afford him... I mean, we can afford AJ, Speedy and Lorenzen at 12 million + but not a coach?


  6. All of Gay's numbers aside from his scoring are an absolute joke...

    3.8 boards and under 1 assist a game in 33 minutes is not bad. It is absolutely atrocious. I don't know who will be the better player in the future, but Marvin is having a way better year than Gay so far.

  7. Quote:

    They don't. Its just a soundbite they would use to explain why they hired yet another cheap assistant coach as opposed to spending real money to hire an experienced NBA coach like Fratello.

    I don't understand this at ALL. so maybe you can explain. If money is such an issue that we can't get a real coach to come in, then why are we spending ridiculous amounts of money on players like Speedy Claxton???

    His 6.7 million dollar salary is as much as Adleman was making back when he was the leagues highest paid coach! Eyecrazy.gif

  8. So what is your point??? that because he was healthy four years ago that he will be healthy again now that he is 30 and entering his 11th year in the league? That is the opposite of logical you know... Centers usually start playing a lot worse (and a lot less after) their 11th season.

    Jermain has been on the decline the last three years (not counting this one) why do you expect him to all of a sudden regain his old form at the age of 30? Not to mention that his contract makes JJ's look like a sack of nickels.

    I'm not crazy about Biedrins, but I would take one 21 yo Biedrins right now over 2 30 yo Jermain O'Neals in a heart beat.

  9. Have any of these people who are slobbering all over Biedrins actually seen him play?

    He is not a defensive presence, not even close. He is the anchor for one of the worst defenses in NBA history. The thing that would be appealing about Biedrins are his height and his age.

    We would be a worse defensive team with Biedrins instead of Smoove... why the hell do you think the NBA's WORST defensive team is trying to get Smoove for Biedrins?... to improve their offense? no. They need to get better at defense and J-Smoove looks like a future Defensive player of the year, while Biedrins looks like another undersized center.

    Oh, and Biedrins' 2.1 blocks in 37 minutes a game is not even close to impressive for someone his size. Biedrins ranks 28th in Blocks per 48 minutes... behind other Defensive monsters like: Andrew Bogut, Chris Kaman, Yi Jianlian, David Harrison, Amare Stoudemire, Kendrick Perkins, Dwayne Jones, Stromile Swift, Darko Milicic etc...

    I love that the only proof that mrHonline gives for Biedrins being a good defender is an 8 game log... that just reeks of an agenda, not to mention he brings up the "fact" that Smoove is hard to get along with, when the only people in the entire organization he has ever had any kind of beef with are Woody and AJ... (the worst coach in the NBA and the player who WALKED out on the team... obviously Smoove is a punk pillepalle.gif) J-Smoove is well liked by all his teamates (except perhaps by Anthony, "I'm so good I can show up to games whenever I like, Johsnon). Erratic offensive play is the only real point that he brings up. That's a valid point, but, after seeing him in his last three games, I don't see why it is hard to assume that he will get better at it.

    After the Seattle and the Milwaukee game it amazes me how people can continue to underestimate Smooves' value to our team. He is the only reason we are not ahead of Golden State in Points per game allowed.

    If Golden State's package included a first rounder, I would consider it... but there is no way, in a million years, that I would take Biedrins for Smoove straight up.

  10. He's not dirty, he's just the biggest scrub to ever suit up. When you have dumb scrubs that have no business being in a basketball court you're gonna have plays like that.

  11. You don't mortgage your future for 32 yo guards. I mean never, ever, EVER!!!! If there was a GMing school this would be lesson #1. The AI-Smoove trade is insane... right now they have about equal value but in two years, or even as early as next year Smoove will be in another stratosphere of production than AI.

    I would have taken Amare in a heart-beat, because he is still young (though injuries would be a concern) and he gives us an interior presence, at least on offense, that we do not possess. I was also for taking a KG deal, but only if we could keep a core of J-Smoove/Marvin and JJ...Still, KG's age is a concern, and if Boston doesn't win a championship this year or next, they probably will be stuck with fat-ass aging contracts and no shot at contention for a while...because history has shown, time and time again, that players almost always see a sharp decline in their production when they turn 33, and KG is already 31.

    I agree with you that we won't be good unless BK makes some additional moves. He has really done absolutely NOTHING of any creativity other than field a god-awful team year, after year and then draft lottery picks. Some people see this as "genius" but in reality, it is gutless, and lazy. Though I don't agree with the AI trade, the Amare/KG potential deals are things that may have been the answer for our team... Regardless, it shouldn't be up to the fans to point out what needs to be done, we should have a professional GM making smarter moves than we can come up with... when people defend him saying "well, jeez... there's nothing available! what do you expect BK to do?" they are really gulping down that kool-aid. With as much young talent as we have accumulated, there is really one million things that could be done to tweak our roster. If a savyier GM was in charge he would be popping a boner at the thought of all that he can do to build a team, with as much attractive trade bait as the Hawks have right now.

  12. Childress has had a few good games so far this year. The Washington game was NOT one of those games. If you play 35 minutes and you get 10 points and 2 rebounds it shows you are doing nothing but taking space out there on the floor. 10 - 2 in 35 minutes is terrible. really. TERRIBLE.

  13. Anyone who believes this story needs to have their head checked.

    Why didn't the AJC cover this?

    Why didn't we see it on TV?

    Why have our players not complained of Smith's attitude?? You don't think Marvin, or Lue, or JJ would have something to say about Smith if he was yelling at everybody to give him the ball?

    Why has Woody not been approached about this?

    Just because someone writes something doesn't mean it's true. Especially when it's a nobody like the guy who wrote this article.

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