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Posts posted by Dexmethylphenidate

  1. I was pulling for the Eagles to play Atlanta, but was disappointed at the outcome vs Packers. Who've thought all-pro Akers missed two gimmes?

    Rodgers didn't use his legs against the Eagles and could be a factor in this game. But looks like from Abe interview, the Falcons are aware of it.

  2. That's not true.

    NY, Utah, Denver, etc has gone no further than us in the playoffs.

    The truth is that you get respect after your fanbase gives you respect.

    It may not be 100% true, but it's pretty close especially in Atlanta's case because they got no superstar.

    And Utah has a history of being consistent. They haven't buckled in the playoffs like being on the wrong end of writing the history books.

    Denver get the attention now since Carmelo is about to leave.

    NY... well... I got no Idea other than that's the destination likely for Carmerlo.

  3. What's wrong with Mo Evans? :cant believe: I like Mo but he's playing awful since returning from the surgery. Air balls after air balls... even inside the free throw line.

    Time for Larry Drew to give some time to Jordan Crawford.

  4. I am not saying throw him into the chaos. Just give him minutes when you can. There have been many times these past few games where we had a decent lead and could afford to throw JC2 out there for a 5 minute pop. I just would like to see him develop a little while JJ is out.

    He won't play unless there's a blowout.

  5. Incredible offensive display for a team playing their 4th game in 5 nights. Major clutch baskets down the stretch. You would think their legs would be tired but it sure hasn't shown up on the floor, at least on offense.

    That the reason you play the bench more.

  6. Not for nothing, but there has to be a little asterisk next to this win from the Magic's perspective because they clearly were playing without energy (which is what happens when a third of the team has gastroenteritis). Stomach bugs are nasty.

    That being said, the Hawks shouldn't care whether Orlando was healthy or reeling. They just beat them without JJ. It was the first win of the year against a playoff-bound team. That should give them a lot of confidence going forward.

    Indiana and NY are playoff bound.

  7. Zaza is holding this team back for sure. Anytime the Hawks get a lead and I saw him in the game with the 2nd unit... I feel the lead is going to be dissipated real soon. His weaknesses are glaring while his strength can be had with a D-leaguer.

    I'm surprise Larry Drew hasn't play Collins more.

  8. I'm not talking about anything other than to STOP SHOOTING when you are off, which has been every night lately.

    We cant afford Joe missing 15 shots every night. Thats potentially 15 points for someone else like Horford or Josh,

    who hit 50%. We get away with it against bad teams, but that wont continue for too long.

    He'll be Marvin Williams if he stops shooting :ph34r: .

  9. I'm just saying that the Falcons haven't beat a playoff caliber team except the Saints team (in which they shouldn't beat). And then you pointed out the Cardinals...which is not a good team (aka playoff team) which proves my point. What's wrong with that?

    Anyhow, they did beat the Ravens so hats off to them. They could compete in the playoff if they can get home field advantage which isn't that hard considering their schedule.

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