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Everything posted by cowa

  1. Why would Miami EVER do that deal?????? I doubt the Lakers would do that deal as well. There's not many teams that are looking to add a $12/13M player for next season who is not a key component of a championship run this year by giving up expirings. Honestly, I can't think of any playoff caliber team that's looking for that.
  2. Actually, I think Seattle goes for this. I just don't think there's a chance in hell that the ASG goes for it. Seattle gets rid of $11M off it's cap for next year, and saves even more money from Speedy's insurance if he can't play. This would make them a player in th FA market next year (if they want to be) or the following year (more likely). I'm sure there's some FAs that would love to play with Durant and Green. They could also do another Kurt Thomas type of move where they absorb some salary and get a #1 pick from a team over teh luxury tax threshold. I just don't see any way the ASG goes for this deal from a financial standpoint. They'd be adding $11M to the payroll for next year over where they are before the deal, and they still would only have 11 players under contract (including the Joshes). If you put the Joshes in at a combined $18M ($11-12M for Smith, $6-7M in for Childress), that would put the Hawks at $69.2M for 2008, with only 11 players! We won't go near that luxury tax threshold, so I don't see this one even close to happening. The only possibility would be if they were able to move Wally's expiring contract before the trading deadline in 2009, but I still don't think this one has a chance. Here's a more financially reasonable plan going after the same type of players (although not as flashy): 1) trade Lue for Rasual Butler 2) sign Wilkins next summer, as he will probably opt out of his contract since he's not getting any burn now 3) trade for Watson or Ridnour in a deal involving Sheldon and AJ. If they were willing to move Petro, you go for him as well, but I doubt they want to move him. I can't see ASG making more than one move, I think the most likely scenario is Watson or Ridnour (most likely Ridnour), but I'd rather save the cash and go after Calderon next summer.
  3. Best one yet! Thanks for the laughs!
  4. cowa

    Why Not...

    Bibby would take care of so many of our problems (outside shooter, great penetrator, 2nd scoring option to JJ), but everything I've read says that Sacremento is unwilling to move Bibby or Artest without taking on one of their bad contracts (Kenny Thomas at $7.3M, $7.9M and $8.6M, or Shareef at $5.8M, $6.2M and $6.6M). I would much rather go after Shareef, and I think an offer of Lue, Sheldon, AJ, Chills & Zaza for Bibby and Shareef would still make sense. It's a lot to give up, but Bibby could be the guy that makes everything go.
  5. Sheldon has much more trade value than just an expiring. I'm not over valuing the guy, but don't sell him short to the rest of the league. In my mind, a much better trade would be Sheldon for Channing Frye. Neither are getting any time on their respective teams, and maybe they both just need better opportunities. Porland needs better rebounding, while the Hawks need a running big man. This has been talked about on RealGM, and everyone from both sides agreed this made a lot of sense. Plus, you may be able to get another pick from Portland (they have their 1st and 2nd, plus two other 2nds next year), as they have too many players/picks going into 208/09 season, so I'm sure they would move a 2nd rounder (so you could make those crazy 7 for 3 deals!) Don't just give away Sheldon.
  6. Kaman is signed through the 2011/12 season, so I don't think they need a safety net for free agency. Now, they may still like the deal, but just not for that reason.
  7. I really don't even know why I'm replying, but... Stop drinking the Kool-aid, Joe is not going anywhere. If that prevents us from going after Pau, so be it. You don't get rid of: 1) the ONLY high profile free agent we have signed in the past 10 years 2) our only all-star and olympian 3) the defacto leader of this team Just stop this hread now. It's a waste.
  8. Hey Diesel, I did calculate the loss of those contracts in my number. Did you? This trade puts us in horrible cap position. I did forget about Horf. My bad. You can't have a team of NBDL players and plan on no injuries, unless you're Boston.
  9. The Hawks made what, 2 FGs in the 4th quarter? Something like that. And at one point we were 0-12 on FG attempts. you can't blame that on Woody. When NOBODY is hitting any baskets, it doesn't matter who you sub in. And Joe was getting his shots deflected in the paint. He just didn't have that needed level of energy. I also don't think Woody diagramed Milwaukee's inbounds play to leave Bogut all alone for a dunk! Face it, the player's jsut didn't execute in the 4th quarter last night. It happens, but hopefully the lesson has been learned.
  10. 2 things: 1) Isn't he a free agent at the end of the year? 2) Who would we cut to make room for him? And don't be saying Speedy would retire, because that's just not gonna happen.
  11. Wow, besides bringing in three good players, here's what this trade does for 2008: 1) you've just taken our salary for next year to about $69M (assuming you pay the Joshes a combined $18M) 2) the main back-up for both PF and C next year is Solomon Jones 3) only 11 positions have been filled, and you still need to fill at least 2 of those, which will probably put you over the luxury tax threshold at 13 players! Not happening in our lifetime.
  12. My rant continues... With the financial situation that I previously laid out, here are some moves (HIGHLY controversial, I know ahead of time!) and the timing that they would have to happen in to work. 1) Before the trade deadline, trade Lue for Rasual Butler. New Orleans is looking for a PG, we need a 3 pt specialist. Unfortunately, he isn't a great overall shooter, but he is stil relatively cheap. He makes about the same as Lue, and his salary doesn't go up much for next year. 2) Here comes the controversy! Before the trade deadline, trade Chills and Zaza for Ron Artest. I know all about the baggage Artest carries, but he is the best lock-down defender (maybe Bowen is better, but it's close) who also can be the experienced 2nd scoring option that his team needs. For those of you who don't know, Artest, I don't feel, is the same craxy man he has been in the past. Everything I have read has commented on his daughter's illness, and how he has turned the corner from a maturity standpoint due to his personal situation. He has a player option for next year, so we would need to talk with him before the trade and get him to accept an extension (around $10M/season). 3) To replace Zaza, pick up either Jackie Butler or DJ Mbenga. Both would have a minimal role on the team, but it basically would be a try-out for next season. Diesel brought up Lang on a previous post, which could work as well. 4) Lastly, once the season is over,but before you sign Josh Smith, do a S&T with Toronto. Calderon for Marvin. Calderon will probably cost about $8.0M, which is more that Toronto will want to pay their back-up (hopefully). Though I love Marvin, Calderon could take us to new levels. And because we would be under the cap, we would just give Toronto a trade exception for the difference in salaries. 5) Sign Theo Raliff to a 1 year deal. He lives in Atlanta, and could mentor all the kids (Horford, Solomon, Sheldon). Sign him for no more than $1.5M. 6) Resign West and Salim. 7) Let Wright and AJ's contracts expire. That leaves the team looking like this: C - Horford, Solomon, Ratliff PF - Smith, Sheldon, Butler/Mbenga/Lang SF - Artest, R. Butler, West (resign) SG - Johnson, Salim (resign), 2nd round pick PG - Calderon, Law, Speedy (unfortunately, can't move him) All these moves would leave the hawks in the $67M area, which is where I think we are after signing our RFA's next year anyway. I just think this team would be set up better while JJ is in his prime to move ahead in the playoffs. Will this all happen? Of course not, no way we'll trade for Artest (though the other moves are somewhat realistic). Should it happen? My opinion is obviously yes.
  13. Ex, I agree with what you're saying, but want to add on even further. This team needs five things in my opinion: 1) Better PG play 2) An outside shooter 3) A defensive big 4) A lockdown defender at the 2/3 5) A second legitimate scoring option to Joe Some of these things can be combined, so I'm not saying we need 5 new players. I've got my own ideas of what trades/FA pick-ups could be made to get us there while staying fiscally responsible (as this is a prerequisite of ASG, since we are not living in a vacuum like many on this site seem to think). I think everyone agrees we need better PG play to become an elite team. Maybe Law will become that, but the jury is out on that. Everyone also agrees we need an outside shooter. I just think this slot needs to be a fairly inexpensive player, nothing above $4M, as they really won't be a starter. We've been saying forever it seems that we need a defensive big to clog the middle to help stop the lay-up drills. That position also should be relatively cheap. The two things I'm adding are a lock-down defender and 2nd scoring option. I am tired of seeing the superstars light up the Hawks in the 4th quarter (Lebron, Wade, etc.) We can't afford to put Joe on them, since if Joe fouls out, your can hear the fat lady singing. And I think everyone realizes how our offense stagnates when Joe is out of the game. There needs to be another scoring option that the other team actually game plans around, not just a guy who happens to be hot on a given night. With all that being said, we have one big obstacle in our way: the salary cap / financial situation of ASG. First, let's look at our cap position going into 2008/09. We have $39.9M tied up in contracts for next year excluding the Joshes. Smith will take up a cap hold of $6.7M, while Chills will take up a cap hold of $10.9M, which leaves us at $57.5M (I think the total of these two salaries is about what they will actually make, just that Smith will make the higher number and Chills will make the lower one). That still doesn't replace Salim, AJ, Lue, Wright or West. Combined, they make $10.8M in 07. You can't just fill these slots with guys making less than $1M, so you really need to hold at least $7.5M for these 5 slots. That puts us at $65.0M for next year. The luxury tax for this year is $67.865M, and will go up to about $70M next year. By trading away all our expirings for a player, you're adding that much more onto the payroll. Personally, I don't think there is any way the ASG goes over $60M next year, which will still be higher than the salary cap, which should be around $58.5M. My point here is that while expirings are a nice idea to trade, they come with financial consequences that no one seems to want to admit to. I'll propose my trades/FA pickups in a separate post!
  14. I would LOVE Arenas here, but it's not gonna happen. He makes too much to do a S&T unless we give up Smoove, and that's not going to happen. Also, if there is a S&T, Washington isn't going to do it in their own division. If he decides to take less money to join a team, he's going to a championship contender now, not one that may be there in 3 or more years. He'll either resign, go out West, or the rich will get richer.
  15. Don't see anything like this happening for the Hawks, strictly from a financial standpoint. You're replacing $8.5M in 08 salary (with an open slot from Wright expiring) to taking on $7.0M in 08 salary from Noah and Damon, as well as Gordon wanting another $10M minimum. With the probable team salary between $60M next year (includes resigning both Joshes, with roster fill at minimums), you can't realistically propose taking on an additional $8M in salary. Reading the latest on Damon, sounds like he's about to be bought out of his contract anyway, so this would fall apart the minute it happens. I feel their are deals to be made out there, but we shouldn't be going after restricted FAs that are looking at big increases for next year unless we are dumping the same (Smith, which I am not advocating).
  16. For PG, you have to include Jack. He has a VERY reasonable contract, and he's expendable. Blake isn't going to be traded, as far as I'm aware (he LOVES Portland, and took a lesser deal to go back there in the off-season). Williams makes too much for too many years (blocking Law), and Udrih isn't who Sacremento is trying to move, it's Bibby who is probably available. Farmar isn't available either, unless you're willing to take Kwame and others. He doesn't cost anything, so why would they want to trade him for our crap? For 3 point shooters, I think we should be looking at Rasual Butler, who NO wants to move for a PG. GS also makes sense for Pietrus. I would love McCants, but just not seeing a fit with Minnesota unless we take back salary, which ASG won't do. For bigs, most of the guys you mention aren't available. Haywood has no real replacement, as Blatche isn't going to start at C right now. And Blatche isn't available under any circumstances. Miller is too expensive. So is Dalembert. Okafur would cost too much, and won't be moved unless he asks for a trade to a team willing to pay a max salary for his next contract (which I don't think Charlotte will do). Gasol is still a possibility. Foster has no offensive game, and makes too much money not to be multi-faceted. Przybilla is still starting for Portland, and they won't want to move him until Oden comes back, as he LOVES Portland as well. ASG isn't going to be making many moves before the deadline, so what you see is basically what you get, unless something gets done for Gasol, which I still think is doubtful (he's been playing much better over the past month).
  17. Gadzuric has one of the worst contracts in the league. His contract goes out 3 more years after this one, averaging about $6.7M per year. There's no way we pony up that kind of money for a back-up, not with the extensions needed for the Joshes. Mo Williams is to much money for too many years. Not happening either. One trade I would love BK to explore with Milwaukee is Villanueva and Voshkul for Zaza & Jones. Voshkul has an expiring contract, and Villanueva is a luxury with Yi. We'd probably have to add a 2nd Round pick, but it's something to explore.
  18. Unfortunately, we have a full roster of 15 players. To pick up Mbenga or anyone else, we have to cut someone (or make an unbalanced trade). D-League guys count on your roster totals. And I don't see us cutting any of West, Salim or Solomon, so we probably won't be active on picking up other teams cuts.
  19. cowa

    Carlos Arroyo

    They'd only shop him if they got another starting PG (Miller) in another deal. Arroyo is starting for them now, not Nelson. I don't think they will know what they want untilafter they pick up a new starting PG.
  20. Here are some reasons: 1) DS is 34 and JJ is 24 2) DS will cost $4.35 this year and $4.65 next, while JJ is at $1.2 this year and $2.0 next, with an RF the following year. 3) DS is 5'10", JJ is 6'3" Also, assuming this isn't a package deal including Gasol, what would you give up for DS, who is not expiring, knowing the ASG and how cheap they are? ASG is not going to give up an expiring to get him. Memphis has said at this point they are not going to negotiate a buy-out. Even if they did, why would he elect to come to ATL when he would probably rather go to a contender (Boston?)? Don't see this one happening. And that's a good thing from a financial standpoint IMO.
  21. Easy there. Jack would make a lot of sense for the Hawks short term, and even more sense long term. More and more teams are going to a two PGs sharing time, similar to what we're doing now with AJ and Law. AJ and Lue will be gone after this year, and to secure a player like Jack who will be cheap, likes the ATL, and would complement Law well would be a great move. Now, Jack for Chills straight up doesn't work cap wise anyway, so you'd have to assume there would be more parts involved (like getting Jones, or maybe adding other pieces as well). Just don't kill the idea because it would leave us without a backup to Marvin and JJ, as the trade would have to include other pieces. Watching Outlaw play last night was impressive, and his salary matches Zaza's (they need rebounding, whether it's offensive or defensive). Maybe there is a match out there with Portland after all.
  22. Nah, he's not hatin' on Marvin on this one. Rudy does play the exact same position, so it really wouldn't make sense. They also have Warrick as a back-up, so Marvin woudl just be overkill when they have so many other glaring holes. Also, Sekou was very clear that Speedy isn't considering retiring, that in all likelihood would have the microfracture surgery and see where it got him, including sitting out all of next year if that's what it takes. Not what I wanted to read, but very clearly written.
  23. The best deal I could come up with that might suit both teams is Jack, Frye and either Outlaw or Webster for Chills and Sheldon. Both Outlaw and Webster are playing great these days, so I'm not sure they would move either of them, plus they are in the luxury tax for both this year and next, so adding Chills to get his bird rights would just add further into the luxury tax equation. Of course, their owner is Paul Allen, who practically prints money, so maybe that's nto as big an issue to Portland. Basically, Frye for Sheldon makes sense straight up. Frye is 3rd string right now for them behind Aldridge and LaFrenz, so he is expendable. Jack is in no mans land right now, as everybody (including Outlaw and Webster) at his playable positions (PG & SG) are playing well (Roy, Balke and Sergio). James Jones is playing great too, but I'm not sure he has close to the same value as Webster or Outlaw. The other option is to take on additional salary (which the whole ownership court ruling thing blocks) in the form of Darius Miles or Raef LaFrenz, neither of which are appealing. Would anyone give up Speedy for Miles to make the trade work, knowing that Miles could be a cancer to the team if he was able to play again (which he is saying will happen in early 2008)? Speedy & Sheldon (and possibly Salim) for Miles, Frye and Jack? The SG I would really target would be Giracek in Utah. He is unhappy, and he can shoot. Alot. He is very much like Salim, except taller, and Management wouldn't ever try to make him a PG like they've tried with Salim. This is where you could move a PG for a SG (Lue for Giracek). would seem to make sense for both teams.
  24. I don't think it is a career ending injury eithther. Why would he even be showing up at games (in a suit) if his career is over? There just isn't a time table set for his injury. He probably is out for this year, but that's just a guess.
  25. Calderon is playing great in Ford's absense, which is exactly why Toronto won't let him go until posibly the trade deadline, and even that is unlikely. We need to go after Calderon in Free Agency this summer. If we can get Miller now, we should do it. The salary cap stuff next year is only an issue at the END of the year, not when we are trying to sing the Josh's. Miller would be an expiring contract who provides veteran leadership, and player's like that can be easily moved to contenders. Miller should have no impact on signing our players in the offseason. We should make the move if available. Sheldon isn't getting any burn due to Horford, and his value will in all likelihood just go down over time due to lack of minutes.
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