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Posts posted by sillent

  1. Detroits problem I think was not making the correct decisions on who their core was. IMO it was Billups ( all-star), RIP(all-star), and Big Ben(defensive all-star). Instead they kept Rasheed ( aging former all-star) and Prince ( young player with all-star potential) longer than both Big Ben and Billups. Their fluid starting positions should have been SF@ Prince and PF@ Rasheed. Not center @ Ben and PG @ Billups IMO.

    This is why I say when you have a all-star core of players that compete well you build around them. And I think JJ and Horf compete well together and fit their postions in a much more rounded way ( offensively and defensively) than our other three non all-star position players.

    Could we have a core of three and keep Smoove? Sure but what and how do we get replacements for Marvin and Bibby/Teague? And making up for Smoove @ PF and Horf @ Center is another delimena. IMO it is a much more classic lineup and easier to build around with just JJ and Horf. But I really do not think our owners are going to do anything other than stay under the lauxury tax.

    Marvin, Teague/Bibby, nor Smoove are going anywhere. If anything we may move Craw. But I am having my doubts about that since his ten million added to Evans four coming off the books will allow the ASG to sign Al and stay under the luxury tax.

    Their goal is simple, stay under the tax thresh hold. If we make moves involving our expirings to better this team, they will not accomplish that goal. The only way to really improve then is to trade Bibby/Teague, Marvin, or Smoove. Smoove is obviously the best trading peice for a good player and IMO this is where the gutless part comes in, the ASG is afraid to make a bold move like that.

    We are going to be stagnant once again as it involves our starters or adding one more solid bench player. Its funny honestly, we add Craw last season and give props all year long for that one great signing. The trend to notice though is that the only position that has really stayed fluid has been our 6th man coming off the bench. We never change starters and never upgrade 7 through 9.

    This is where the good teams make multiple changes almost every off season. One or two starters, and 6 through 9. We make one change every two seasons and they want to call us ( themselves included in the us ) being like the Pistons and Spurs. I think it is hilarious that some fans are actually buying into that line of B.S.

    If they shock me and make a major deal, I will be more than happy to eat some crow. But right now the ASG is just running a line of B.S. as far as I am concerned.

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: I was with you until I read the comments under the bold comments. http://www.hawksquawk.net/community/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsdownsmileyanim.gif

    All these talks of trading a player like Smoove but who would you trade Smoove for that will actually be a worthy improvement. You must admit his natural ability his natural ability is far and few but you must also take into account that this is a home grown talent that came straight out of high school. All players grow at their own pace but the great ones show steady improvement and the ones that have done this coming out of high school are pretty darn good. Look at Garnett, Jermaine O'neal before the injuries and after spending four years on Portland's bench. McGrady after he got out of his cousins shadows in Toronto and gaining his own team in Orlando. I shouldn't even have to mention Kobe and Lebron. What about Josh's home boy Dwight who is still getting better at his own pace. These players no doubt excel talent wise and when they understood/understand the mental aspects of their game and the nba is when they are at their best.

    We have a rare talent that is not only improving year to year but can also be a convincing assists man in bringing in a force of his own if the trend that Lebron, Bosh and Wade started continues. Imagine Dwight Howard coming back to his hometown to pair up with his long time childhood friend in Josh Smith without us having to lose much. JJ's contract alone should be enough to make any intangibles work if he were to force a trade.

    Trading Smoove would be a bold move but it would not be the smart bold move. Talks of traditional lineups should be thrown out the window. You don't get better by standing still you get better by evolution. Even back then you had your Charles Barkley's and Anthony Mason's who were Jordan size playing power foward. Now of days you got your tall but skinny Noah's playing center or your short but hustling/quick centers like David Lee or a 6'6 Chuck Hayes.

    We are going to be stagnant once again as it involves our starters or adding one more solid bench player. Its funny honestly, we add Craw last season and give props all year long for that one great signing. The trend to notice though is that the only position that has really stayed fluid has been our 6th man coming off the bench. We never change starters and never upgrade 7 through 9.

    This is where the good teams make multiple changes almost every off season. One or two starters, and 6 through 9. We make one change every two seasons and they want to call us ( themselves included in the us ) being like the Pistons and Spurs. I think it is hilarious that some fans are actually buying into that line of B.S.

    Stagnant is not improving every year. We still have young talented players that improve every year individually and collectively. A Hawks fan that has been one at least since this core has got together would notice at least some of the steady improvement. It is hard for people to realize changes that are right in front of you when you see them every day so you may have to step back and look outside the box. For instance if you plant a seed for a tree and stare at that spot daily you are going to see little to no growth. What will happen if you leave and come back a couple years later. Growth/Greatness takes time. Patience is something thst most fans lack. Luckily our ownership is a lot more understanding than us in a basketball and business sense. If they stay the course you will see as you have seen continues improvement which we should continue to ride until we see a real peak. Getting swept in the second round because of lack of effort and intensity is not a peak unless the chemistry issues continue. "The grass is not always greener " which you may not ever know if you don't look or step over to the other side but I have to revise an old saying. "If it ain't broke don't brake it" just to have a new toy which you might get tired of just the same if not sooner because you are missing what you had. The minute our talent shows us the best they have to offer on a nightly basis including the playoffs, is the minute we can truly judge whether to keep a team that has continued to rise, together or make major changes. No team/franchise in their right mind should make drastic changes (that may or may not work out) to a team that is steadily improving. This year however and maybe next depending on circumstances( under a new coaching system/super power in Miami) should be the test.

  2. Not really. My whole point is teams like the Spurs, Pistons, Bulls, Lakes etc...dont say things like we have a good core that we think will only improve. They are always in motion it seems and their rosters except for a few players at most are extremely fluid.

    Our owners seem to think we are good enough whereas most championship caliber ownerships never think they are good enough. The Spurs and Suns ( two teams trying to build under the tax thresh hold) with Duncan, Nash, and Parker appear to make more moves involving starters and important bench players in one off season than we do in three or four.

    What do you mean their rosters were fluid. When you look at the Championship teams for the last couple of decades you will notice a common factor. All of these teams had a solid roster for years. They may have tweaked the roster here in there like a (Robert Horry/Rasheed Wallace or in our case Bibby/Jamal Crawford) but their core remained solid. You knew it was going to be Jordan, Pippen, Kukoc, Kerr coming at you most nights when you faced the bulls. They made necessary/minimal tweaks every now in than mainly just replacing a missing/needed role like getting Rodman after Horace Grant left.

    Spurs had D Robinson, Duncan, Bowen and later added Parker and Ginobilli as the core.

    As already stated in an earlier post the Pistons had their core of Ben, Chauncey, Prince, Rip and Rasheed became their X Factor.

    The Lakers of course had Kobe, Shaq, Fischer and Horry was a key factor for a couple of championship teams.

    Their recent championships came with getting a win-win opportunity where they got Pau Gasol without having to give up their core of Odom, Bynum, Fischer, Luke or give up their key guy in Kobe.

    Rarely do you see a team that makes drastic moves get there and even if they do it is hard to maintain their elite status.

    Celtics traded their young core for a big opportunity but that move will now restart the rebuilding process as age continues to be a factor. With players like Rondo who was considered to be not ready or tradable ala Teague will help their rebuilding process be a lot easier because of his skill set and age.

    Miami made the big move for the Big Fella and added a not to shabby cast at the time (Antoine Walker, Jason Williams, James Posey, etc.). They could not keep that core together for too long because of chemistry, contracts and age. The only reason the Heat were able to remain relevant is because they got a guy name Dwayne Wade.

    The ASG are following the course of true "Championship Caliber" Franchises. They are keeping a good “young” core (yes the main core/draftees are still young) together that continue to progress individually and collectively. They(ASG) attempt (financial restraints or not) to add the best suited tweaks(Bibby/Jamal) for reasonable prices while maintaining our core (with the exception of Chills but you can't win/keep them all). This is a very difficult tasks. Our players know each others characters and tendencies and have been through big ups and downs together which is a big plus for chemistry. Add our players being very familiar with each other and a coach that is just as familiar and you might have a winning formula. For a coach like Drew (that has studied/assisted under the likes of Phil Jackson) to say he has an offense that hasn't been seen in the NBA should be very intriguing. He grew up with our core just like Woodson, which is another bonus for chemistry and to top it off we got him for a very low price. In my opinion that sounds like a move that someone with good basketball and business sense would make. Let the experts do what they are spending "their" money to do. Two heads are better than one (Belkin) and believe it or not we got a lot of good basketball/business minds on our side. A lot of us as fans lack the sense to have both and with our lack of patience will usually end up on the losing side. Just ask a well known fan with money (Mark Cuban). If you have taken notice you will see his maturation in his latter years as an owner. Although he still has the win now mentality he is starting to understand that it takes time for a roster to gel and get that chemistry. The old Mark Cuban would have picked up an available Shaq in a heart beat. Although he still may you notice he is working more on getting players that will compliment his core and being more cautious of moves that may cost without getting the ultimate reward.

  3. Our major offseason addition is the subtraction of a chemistry killing head coach. Yeah, I said it.

    The Hawks are in a very interesting position. Assuming players do what they are supposed to do in the offseason, only Bibby and Mo Evans are older in a bad way. Every other player is on the improving end of their aging (or in Crawford and JJ's case, at his peak). So for starters the Hawks should should get better with Al, Josh, JT0, Marvin, Zaza all one year older, smarter and better.

    The biggest addition the Hawks could make in my humble opinion would be to bring back Josh Childress. If Josh Smith is our energy player our super hero that turns the tide of the game, then Josh Childress was his sidekick that always had a spare utility belt to throw him.

    I can't tell you how many times I watched the Hawks losing 4th quarter leads last year on easy baskets in the lane, bad switches, poor wing defense and lack of energy and all I could think was, "Josh Childress would have had that one!"

    Agreed!! I feel like with a Shaq/McGee and Chills back we have a great chance if everyone plays on all cylinders(plays their role correctly). Chillz knows how talented our team is and how to fit in. Hopefully he sees what the guys in Miami are doing and can mend fences.

  4. I have little doubt that the offense itself is probably well-designed in theory and on paper.

    As you suggest, the real question is whether players will execute very well in the heat of a game what they are taught on the practice court... that is, if it is a particularly complex offense, then it becomes literally a question of intelligence... more specifically, the ability of players to mentally process and make productive decisions based on what they are seeing on the court at higher rates of speed than their opponents can. And when a player has multiple options on the court... by the way... that can produce confusion which predicts a ratcheted-up assist/turnover rate.

    My thinking is that part of what dummied-down our on-court play under Woody was much the same thing as when you have a pitcher who takes too long on the mound to get the sign and make his pitches. That is, our offense previously was so focused on isolation and kick-outs, it permitted the other players to become mentally disengaged. I do think the advantage here is that we have assembled a roster with more pure athleticism, and that motion plays to our advantage for that reason... and too, because we have big guys who actually can handle the ball and pass well--not many teams can say that.

    A key, as almost all of us seem to acknowledge is Teague's development.

    I either read a recent article or saw a video of LD saying his offense is based on movement and instinct. Basically saying that it was simplistic in the matter of movement and easy shots. I know I need to find my source but from what I heard/saw it seems to be something that takes a lot of pressure off of all of our players and gets people in spots that cater to their strengths.

  5. I understand that people want more movement in the offense. I understand that people don't want to see ISOs ( which won't happen, because all teams run ISO to some extent ).

    But the main reason we didn't give a better showing in the playoffs, was because our defense was pizz poor.

    Remember my sig:


    This comes from Pat Head Summitt . . womens basketball coach at the University of Tennessee. And she's dead on target when she says this. Boston doesn't have a great offensive team. But when they win games, they do 2 things very well. Defend and rebound the basketball.

    Ironically, this was the philosophy of the departing coach. And when we did these 2 things, we won games . . a lot of games. But in the playoffs, we couldn't stop anybody.

    I like what I hear from Coach Drew about the offense. But even with a new offense, it won't mean a thing if we don't become a much better defensive team. We'll simply be a good offensive team that can't stop anybody when it matters.

    The coach, and especially the front office, must address our defense and rebounding issues. The focus can't mainly be on the offense, because it wasn't the ofense causing us to lose games. It was the DEFENSE.

    I Agree!!

    The real belief is that not only will our offense improve but morals will change for the better. We have defensive minded players but if their morale is down because of lack of ball movement they are not going to want to play defense. The switch defense works because or when you have long athletic guys that are committed to helping and playing hard defense. We are not changing the players just making them more affective. If they are getting easy shots on offense it's going to be a lot easier to flow on defense. The team will be saving more energy and be able to be more aggressive and in sync on defense.

  6. No matter what coach we hired there would have been pros and cons, Drew is no different. BUT the biggest fear concerning him is that he will be the same as the coach that was not brought back after a 53 win season and 3rd best team in the east record wise????

    People need to realize that this team is not and was not planning on rebuilding. Therefore there only needed to be tweaks made, not wholesale changes. You take the same roster from a 50+ win team, and bring in somebody who can get better results from those players. That is the goal of the Hawks new coach regardless if he may have worked on the last staff.

    The advantage that Drew has over any candidate that we could have brought in is that the players he will be coaching in a few months already RESPECT him, Enjoy the scheme he ran in practices, and want him to succeed. Where as any new guy would not know where he stood with this roster until midseason next year Add to that he already KNOWS where the problems are and has been probably planning solutions to our deficiencies for years.

    (Woody: I dont give s--t about offense." Drew: well, there goes all the work I put into this years new offensive sets, maybe I'll get to use them one day")

    The thing ppl arent seeing is that Drew's hire is another litmus test for this team which I already stated is not rebuilding RIGHT NOW. Managemnt will see now if Woody was really the problem or if this roster needs to be blown up someday. In which case a brand new coach can be brought in, bring in the players he wants for his system instead of being forced to make it work with somebody elses players. The best thing about this deal is that we arent obligated alot of money to Drew, SO EVEN IF HE DOES FAIL, we can let him go with not much burn.

    :thumbsupsmileyanim: Now this is a man that understands basketball concept and is definitely a Hawks fan. Why would you blow up your young 53 win franchise. Being able to grow together with familiar faces is always a plus for chemistry. Other NBA teams are starting to remodel using our blue prints( OKC, Blazers) and you are seeing the success. I don't think there is one true Hawks fan that really knows basketball think that any of our young core has peaked (Al, Smoove, Marvin, Childress, Teague). Why would you bring in some one who is unfamiliar with the talent level, personalities and personnel of the team when you have some one that is familiar with all of these aspects and believes he can bring out a lot of our untapped potential?

  7. I wish I knew what the road "problem" is. It does make me feel better that our home record is truly elite in the NBA. Which of these is the problem:

    a) we're "young"/immature

    b) can't play our style well without home fan energy

    c) road trip fatigue

    I dunno, but I don't buy a), and every team has to deal with c). You could argue b) pretty well. c) shouldn't be a problem in the playoffs with the extra days off, and far fewer flights.

    b) can't play our style well without home fan energy

    Our teamis still learning to focus on a game for 48 minutes and without the crowd cheering you on (waking you up) we may get caught sleep walking during the game.

  8. yeah lets not give the award to a man who led the team in scoring(22), tied for second in rebounding(7) assists(5) and steals (3) , you blind *ss fans can piss a person off with the quickness

    so clearly 19-3-3-1 is better than 22/7/5/3

    it would make much more sense to name this award , most suprising performance , not MVP

    Shame on you JJ if your a real fan. Take heath to Atlantaholic's post. This is a team game and on our team a average or slightly above average game by JJ doesn't top the waaayyyy above average game in a long time by Bibby. If Mario had a 17 point 8 rebound game in clutch moments in a win he may get it over a forced or easy 28/30 point game by JJ. JJ is a star we know that and expect that. Bibby surprised most of us by showing he saved some in the tank for the big games so give Bibby his props!!

    • Like 1
  9. Gotta beat da best to be da best and I think we can be just dat just put da pressure on our backs and carry like glue on our hands

    I think we can be da man ta be da man must beat da man so I prefer da toughest road ta show exactly where we stand!!

    Let's Go Hawks!! No talk just action all walk and backin it up wit above average play, ball

    not until we fall gotta climb rise to da top run our own race do it wit blind eyes like a horse

    out shootem out do em show your greatness and da next u'll know u can't do nothin to em stopin hatin

    if u a fan keep ya cool and

    feedem when they hot and leave da rest up to da basics

    May the Best Men Win!! Holic your last statement bringing out the flow in me. I know it may be difficult for most to read but hopefully you'll get the gist.

  10. I don't think it's that teams figure the Hawks out. I think we just try to coast it in instead of working to the finish. We're indicative of youth today. We're lazy. We want it just handed to us.

    I have a running joke with my wife.

    When I'm watching the game and we're losing going into the second half, I tell her, we'll come back because we're a second half team...

    and you know what... We do.

    However, if we're winning going into the second half, I'll say "I'm nervous"... She says "why? I thought you guys were a second half team." Then I would say "yeah, that's when we're losing." She think it's just me being hopeful, but the truth is that we don't exhibit the same kind of intensity if we're winning. That's our Achilles heel. If we could finish teams, we'd be probably the best team in the league. I think that there are about 10 to 12 games that we lost because we came into the second half with no intensity. Just lazy. I guess we need a deeper bench? or maybe Woody should use the bench because he has a lot of hungry players on it.

    Again it is nothing but a focus factor. Were blowing a team out we lose focus and forget we have to finish the game. We're losing we eventually snap out of it and focus in on trying to get the win. It's nothing to do with laziness it's just a lack of focus. When you have a team full of team players and nobody is focused in or they try to do it all their selves it usually doesn't end well. If the other team has enough momentum from our lack of focus it is hard to withstand or come back because we've already been mentally out the game for too long.

  11. I am by now way a Basketball expert (just a huge Hawks fan who has been following them for many years) but it just seems to me everytime the Hawks get a lead they go into a NFL like PREVENT DEFENSE (almost like they are just trying to hang on until the game is over) instead of keeping up their intensity and normal game flow. I know I could be (and, probably am!) wrong and there could be a lot of other problems (lack of bench depth, experience, etc.) that explain why the Hawks blow so many fourth quarter leads. Well, the main thing is the Hawks won the game and hopefully like Joe Johnson said in his post-game interview is that they have to learn something from that game and stay focussed! The Hawks sure do have an EXCITING & TALENTED TEAM! and might go further in these playoffs than many NBA fans think!

    Your not wrong at all. That is a direct affect of loss of focus. I'm assuming Woody teaches them time is on our side and in his attempt to get the win he has them slow the game down. That obviously has not been the key for us to regain focus. If we got the ball rolling keep it rolling. Basketball is a game of a lot of things but momentum is key. When the momentum is on our side keep it going by doing what ever we were doing to get the momentum in the first place. You switch that up you lose momentum or in our case focus.

  12. :thumbsupsmileyanim: All the above is true. I'm a fan that is so attached to the team that I kind of feel the pressure when the team does. Yeah the Bucks made a run which got me (us) in wake up mode but I didn't ever actually feel any pressure even when the score got to within 5/7. Not to say that this series or any for that matter will be easy. The league this year has been great/versatile and the best teams have made the playoffs. Every team has that fight in them from the #1 seed to the 8th in both conferences and nobody just slid in the playoffs this year (Not even the Bulls). Everybody earned their way and everyone is going to try to show why they belong. It's the Elite teams that find a way to win no matter how much fight the opposing team gives whether it is a blowout or putting in just enough work to get the W. This is the playoffs and at the end of the day all that matters is the W's. Yes there is a psychological factor that's in play about how the W's came about or how one team fared against another but again at the end of the day it's all about the W's.

  13. I agree with about everything you stated but this portion. I do think they compliment each other fairly well. I think they both do a decent job of defending their positions. I think the fact they both can handle the ball and get up and down the floor on the break makes them somewhat of a special combo. I don't think they compliment all that well in half court offense because they both need to be pretty much on the block to score. I think they would be a better combo if Josh could develop the 10-12 ft shot Horford has, but as far as 4/5 combos in the league, I think they are one of the better ones.

    Sorry I read this later and wrote too soon. As far as your beginning statements go, I agree.

  14. Horf has to work hard everynight.

    As Dr. Hubie likes to say, He's out of position. However, he's a bruiser. It would be great if he were playing beside Dirk. But he's playing beside Smoove. They don't compliment each other, but they get by. Something has to change because this is part of our flaw.

    A Power Forward and Center that can run the fast break and get alot of assist, rebounds and defense from feeding off each other. Seems like they compliment each other just fine. But I do agree that we need a taller yet athletic big to compliment those two.

  15. I think we are going to have a lot of problems without JJ, and here is why. No one on this team besides JJ is capable of taking on double and triple teams night in and night out and still remain effective.

    They would move the ball more and wouldn't get too many double and triple teams. Our bigs(6'9 above's) are unselfish and Crawford is a more capable passer. We move the ball and play team defense(rebounds included), we win!! Plus players like "Marvin" are holding back to blend in with so much talent the way Smoove and Horford have been doing a couple years back. Find your place and play team ball. If that means stepping it up when a piece is missing/needed, step it up!! That's why our chemistry is better than most when you compare to teams that look good on paper we defer to others to fit/play our roles. Knowing and playing your roles is the key to success doing any job.

    Crawford can take on this role in spurts, but not consistently. Smoove is not the type of player who could take on this role. Marvin doesn't have the attitude. Woodson doesn't have a clue. Time to rebuild.

    We don't need a player with JJ role in past years any more. Maybe in spurts or certain key situations but not full time. Our young players are growing up, meshing together great and getting better with time. We have our own All star team when everybody is at their best but everybody can't score 50 every night. I'm not one to push Joe out the door if he wants to be here but I'm not panicking if he leaves either. We have a versatile team to where every piece is important but if a piece is missing other people can step it up.

    TIME TO REBUILD ARE YOU SERIOUS!! Are we watching the same Hawks.

    The same team where most of their up and coming players are under 25.

    The same team that has gotten better each year individually and overall.

    Are we talking about those Hawks that are missing two or three pieces at the most (two in which we may already have in Teague and Chillz). Another being a JaVale McGee type big that can defend, rebound offensively and defensively and run the floor alongside our other bigs.

  16. :lol6:

    Now that really is funny....I used to hate to watch any media show when they start to cover the Hawks...to make matters worse, he was in Atlanta at least twice a week and still gave no love or shout-outs....look at Jamal Mashburn and how he gives us love....but keep it up Diesel, keep'em coming bruh :thumbsupsmileyanim:

    Charles actually was an undercover Hawks fan and still is actually. Like every Hawks fan he started to have high expectations and was a little disappointed that every time he had his hopes up on us we let him down.

  17. He most definitely isn't. Joe and Bibby both throw better passes than he does. Crawford does as well. Josh Smith gets assists, but he gets them mainly because the defense collapses on him when he gets the ball in the lane.

    Joe!! ISo Joe? Turn the ball over after holding it for to long Joe? Umm yeah, sure, ok!!

    No he hasn't. If he had been playing great the WHOLE year he would have been an All Star.

    Yeah, like Iverson!! How can you hate on Smoove after doing nothing but what everyone has asked? He stopped taking so many threes, playing smarter basketball, taking more/good shots near the basket and being a force on defense and rebounds. He has been playing a great all around and making the right moves at the right time (most games) and some people still aren't happy. The scariest part (like many of us already said and knew) is that he still has more room to improve and his ceiling is still yet to be found. When it's all said and done I see him as a hybrid shooting guard or point/forward (think Lebron or a future "hybrid" Jordan and Dominique). Ok I'm ranting a little too much but point is Josh has definitely been a big part of us winning this whole season and is an all star whether he was picked or not.

    That's a flawed argument. Big men hardly ever get the last shot. Just to clarify things too..I would say PP is Celtic's MVP. Although they were beaten last year in the playoffs w/o KG, they were still playing good basketball. Correct me if I'm wrong, but PP also won Finals MVP the year they won a championship. Bottomline the goal in basketball is to score the most points, and JJ is our best scorer. He makes everything easier for our players on that end of the court. Couple with that with the fact that he's our best perimeter defender, it's head scratching how people think Josh Smith is more valuable than our 4 time All Star.

    Again, All Around Game Defense(blocks, rebounds, steals, charges, etc..) and Offense( points, assist, rebounds, drawing fouls,etc..). When you look at it as far as All Around MVP Joe is not in Josh's League!!

  18. Great win. Craw was awesome and JJ picked up his game big time in the 4th. No doubt in my mind we are 3rd best team in the east now only behind Cavs and Magic. If we can shore up the PG spot just a little we are going to be a pain for anyone, including Cavs and Magic, to play against in the playoffs.

    Record says it best 2nd :thumbsupsmileyanim: . I still believe we can beat the Cavs and we are currently above Orlando so by the averages at least to me we are the second best team in the East.

  19. Nets are about to deal Najera to Dallas for Humphries and Shawne Williams. They will have to release Sean Williams to make space for a roster spot. Sean Williams can play. He's a great shot blocker and runs the floor well. Nets have been disappointed with his development but give him the playing time and he'll give you a boost. He is much better than Randolph Morris and is probably even better than Joe Smith at this point.

    Here's a video of him:

    I think this is actually a great idea!! We just released Othello and we want our roster at 13. We add another big shot blocker slash rebounder who would be a good compliment to Horford/Smoove/Zaza/Smith. He can be a little more revitalized and hungry playing for a winner. Even if he is not placed in our 12 man rotation he has a good chance to battle Collins and Randolph for it and he won't do any worse than what Othello was doing( sitting on the bench in a suit). If anything it will be even more competition during practice with another shot blocker present and a low risk insurance policy.

    We have Bibby, Jamal, and Teague and can play big with Joe. Sean Williams can be on the court with Horford and Josh and maybe Bibby/Joe or Jamal/Joe can be in the back court. Bibby and Jamal would not hurt as much on D with Smoove, Horford and Sean Williams out there. This move would be another piece to the puzzle that Woody would have to work with.

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