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Posts posted by swolehawk2

  1. In two years Al will be unguardable and will command double teams, why would you get rid of a player like that.

    Plus, he is a very good defender, no way I would trade Al Horford.

    But, if this franchise wanted to; I guarantee the list of teams wanting Al would be long.

  2. If this team doesn't go out and get a proven coach, it will just be another mistake in a long line of mistakes.

    This team has under performed for over a decade; we need a real coach, not someone learning as they go.

  3. It's funny when posters are pointing fingers at each player, but when a player plays good in one game than all the fingers are away from him. Remember how poorly Al played on the road? Very.

    Joe Johnson had his game or two, Josh Smith did, Al Horford, and even Jamal. All of them have had good games, but a lot of bad games too. Theres not one person on this team you should give props to. Al might have been the most consistent, but he has played poorly on the road. My point is.. stop giving one player props or pointing a finger at someone for doing something bad. There is no I in team.

    Just saying...

    I suggested after game 2 this starting lineup.....

    C- ZZ

    PF Al


    SG - Craw

    PG -Joe

    I still believe this lineup is the only way we compete against the Magic.

    Smoove and Al offer real help for ZZ and I think their length closing out on 3 pt shooters disrupts shots or chases them off of the 3 pt line. I rather give up 2s than 3s. Al is mobile enough to closeout on Lewis and would punish him in the post.

    Since we have not shot well, this lineup would also help us rebound.

  4. Avery Johnson would be better. He did nothing wrong in Dallas, he can mentor our guards, and he would make us better on defense.

    Jeff Van Gundy would be better. He would definitely increase our BBIQ and he's going to bring some toughness. I think he can outcoach his brother every day of the week.

    I think we will end up going after Doug Collins and will get him and will be disappointed.

    I mentioned JVG half way through this season and was laughed at; but I would take JVG right now if we could get him.

  5. I agree with the coaches, he's great but his overall impact on defense as of now isn't on Wallace's level. Kobe the best defensive SG, Bron without question is at SF, and Wallace is a SF but his defensive impact is higher than Smith's for now. For Smith to be a perennial 1st teamer. He needs to play next to a true center or a Sheed type(Det) type of PF. Has the size to defend centers is what I'm saying.

    Total bullsh*t.

    Smoove is a 6'9 PF with 167 blocks and 128 frickin steals! If gettin over 100 in both of those categories was easy, somebody else would do it. Plus, Smoove has more defensive rebounds. lol

    I guarantee you this: if the media hadn't decide to go ape s*** over Lebron's chase down blocks this year (something Smoove mastered as a rookie), he would be no where near 1st team D.

    And, oh yeah, he was runner up in DPOY voting.

    Total bullsh*t.

  6. I actually think Bibby will be matched up on Nelson in this one.

    It depends, if we want to make Barnes beat us, then put Bibby on him. He can shoot over the top of Bibby and will probably get a few O rebounds. If we can live with that I say do it.

    Does Barnes posting Bibby without help scare you. We cannot afford to help Bibby in the post against Barnes.

    I am tempted to say lets just play straight up and see what happens in the first game. That is, Bibby/Nelson JJ/Carter Marvin/Barnes Smoove/Lewis and Al/Howard.

    Fight through screens, minimal switching.

  7. If anything the players around them need to work harder, you know maybe if we would stop switching them on to guards they would be in a better position to rebound. The blame goes on our guards who are afraid to do so most of the time. Marvin as well, for him to be 6''9 he is a sorry rebounder..

    That may be true...but I rewatched two games earlier....we are being pushed damn near to the three point line on our post ups. By smaller players at that.

    This screws up the spacing, Josh got pretty deep position twice last game and they doubled, leaving Joe wide open for three, he made one and missed one.

    We have to get deeper postion, that means we have to run the floor and do work early in the clock to establish position.

    We have to be stonger on the block. They can't defend us when we are deep on the block and they know it.

  8. Mods can we get this thread deleted? Positivity until Game 7 should be strictly enforced. That is all.

    This is a positive thread....meaning, if we can get lower in the box in game seven, we actually have a chance of winning.

    I guess you want more threads like:

    Greatest team ever!

    Joe Johnson for Mayor!

    Let's go Hawks!

    Yeah, let's not actually talk about basketball here.

  9. They are not fighting hard enough before the post catch. Sometimes they are catching the ball way out on the floor; this is killing the spacing and either turning their post into a faceup Iso or them taking too long to back down their guy.

    We fix this and the game becomes easy for us.

    Let's get to work fellas!

  10. This is the bullsh*t that pisses me off. That bastard let those guys play that way all year, now that it doesn't work so well in the playoffs (no s*** Woody) he now wants ball movement.

    If you would have made this team move the ball all year in the 4th qtrs, it wouldn't be so hard to do now.

    Please let this dude get fired.

    • Like 1
  11. I don't understand why Skiles just doesn't put Gadzuric on Al and Kurt Thomas on Smoove. Thomas has a better chance of frustrating Smoove than he does Al.Gadzurics length is th only chance they have against Al.But hey...let's hope Skiles doesn't figure it out any time soon.Post Al and Smoove all night long!

    My point exactly, if they can't run with us going small, then they are better off to go big and at least try to contain our halfcourt post ups.I mean, what other choice do they have, except shooting lights out from three.
  12. But this team has no chance. None... zero... zilch. Josh and Al can get anything they want and they know it.

    I don't understand why Skiles just doesn't put Gadzuric on Al and Kurt Thomas on Smoove. Thomas has a better chance of frustrating Smoove than he does Al.Gadzurics length is th only chance they have against Al.But hey...let's hope Skiles doesn't figure it out any time soon.Post Al and Smoove all night long!
  13. Actually, we are getting a lot of help from the cats....they are showing us how to attack the Magic.

    That is....to attack the paint with reckless abandon, driving, rebounding and being aggressive in the paint.

    Besides Dwight and maybe Matt Barnes, the Magic is not a very aggressive, tough team. We would have to turn up our aggressiveness to beat them.

    Teague and Mo could help, because both can get in the lane and get in the chest of Dwight and if they got a few offensive fouls it woudn't hurt us.

  14. In the good news department i don't think Smith took a jumper all game. He had 10 rebounds, 4 blocks and no turnovers. That is the type of game i like to see from him.

    Yep, stick to the post with Al and Smoove to start the 3rd and we don't let them back into the game.

  15. I was watching NBA TV last night, and Chris Webber of all people said..and I'll try my best to quote "If the Atlanta Hawks are worried about next year, then go home" He is 100%. Its about winning a championship. I'm tired of people (Hawk Fans) saying that we just need to be competitve in the 2nd round. Thats BS. We are good enough to get to the Finals, and depending on who we play, win the Finals. Denis Scott said that we need to try to appease Joe so we can stay. More BS. Appease the fans that have suported this team when there were 4,000 people at Phillips. I don't know about you, but losing in 6 games to the Magic in the 2nd round would be as much as a failure as getting swept in the first.

    NBA Finals...or Bust.

    This team just does not have enough quality bigs to get to the finals.

  16. I think we are being underestimated which for us is great. Joe, Josh, and Al are really tough on both ends of the floor. Jamal off the bench is exhausting for the other team. Woody's dream has come true in that we have a Pistons-like team except we are younger, bigger, and quicker. Whether we can exploit that in the playoffs is the trick.

    To me the only thing keeping us from beating Orlando and Cleveland is not an inability to stop their stars, its our inability to score in crunch time. I expect we'll step up and figure that out.

    No way we could beat Cleveland with the bigs we have, we need another prime career big coming off our bench.

  17. Yep. That was a throwback foul.

    Really shows some pride. I don't even think his coach will be mad.

    Here is what Mo had to say about that so called pride:

    “Don’t act like you’ve got all this pride when you are (7-60), you know what I’m saying?” Evans said. “If y’all have got a no-layup rule, then you wouldn’t be in this predicament. You’ve been getting disrespected all year.

    “To his credit, [Williams] came up and apologized.”

  18. The Cavs have done whatever they could to keep Lebron in Cleveland. The Heat (although unsuccessful) have done everything they can to keep Wade in Miami. What have we done?...Jamal Crawford? Joe Smith? I said it back at the deadline that not only did we need another player to contend this year, we need him for the next 3 years to keep Joe. I understand you guys.....we didn't really have anybody to move, but thats why he is a NBA GM!! Be creative! Your "franchise" player hangs in the balance.

    I hope everyone enjoys the 42-40 season next year.

    Sadly, that 42-40 team next year will prolly go just as far in the playoffs as this year's team will.

    Nothing is decided during the regular season; it all comes down to the playoffs.

    If Joe looks silly in the playoffs and we have an early exit then he probably will leave.

    The question is could a JJ lead good Hawks team beat any Lebron or Dwight team in the playoffs in any year?

  19. Most nights it looks like they are more concerned with high 5ving each other than contributing.

    ZZ has had 7 or 8 good games this year. Most nights he looks like he is not even interested.

    Joe Smith rarely contributes.

    We need some some new backup bigs.

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