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  1. Supporter


    dude wtf, billy and woody were his father figures...... I still feel that marvin will have a better career than both jj smoove and al, but i just dont think that he can have it as a hawk. Its hard asking him to score a lot of points while being a 3rd or potentially 4th or even 5th option if al becomes really good. This is why we have to make the decision of either trading marvin or trading one of our other guys... my guess is trade smoove and mike bibby for a baron davis and get a good center from them. Because as much as i love smoove, he is as clumsy as marv and he cant shoot. Take away his dunks and he is average. Marvin still has more potential than smoove.
  2. Diesal whats with all the marvin hate, did he kiss your girl or something
  3. No when childress is in the game and we win it means nothing. He does nothing, ill gladly take marvin over chillz. And dare I say that i like marvins game more than smiths
  4. i like marvins game better than smooves...
  5. LMAO prince is not a better shooter than marvin!!!
  6. then why are we trying to get him if denver is obviously nothing without him...
  7. Dude you really dont believe in jj, but you believe in melo. Melo without iverson is a complete failure. The guy is a chucker and played worse in the playoffs than jj. This trade will mess up our future. Id rather just groom acie and get a legit center. Other than that i dont see why we need to change anything. And jj will not ask for kobe money are you kidding me, your just dilusional lol..
  8. And now compare it with josh childress' 3 point percentage...
  9. LMAO tayshaun prince a great three point shooter. Are you sure you havent been seeing billups lol
  10. you dug yourself in a hole lol
  11. OMG, just because your athletic doesnt mean that your talented or even good, take a look at gerald green. JJ has better handles, floor vision, passing abilities than vince. Vince needed j kidd and rj to take him to the playoffs. Joe did it by himself... If joe were replaced with vc. We would be the ones out of the playoffs and new jersey would be the ones in...
  12. Dude now were just argueing which team is better, your not even comparing the players anymore. Face it, tmac is injured and old jj is healthy and young. JJ>TMAC
  13. Do you forget that we are considerably younger, we have a worse coach, we didnt have a true point gaurd for most of it, we had a rookie as our leader, there are so many stuff that matters in records so dont use that in your arguments...
  14. I said the nation dude!!!!! not me
  15. Lmao you are getting funnier and funnier and really ignorant. Have you not seen joe take over game 4 he was kobesque. You are really understimating joe to the point that its really annoying. i agree in saying that tmac is slightly better than joe, but your really disrespecting joe. Also if i had to choose between the two i would choose joe, its not all about the points fool. Stop with your man crush on the second round virgen please..
  16. This whole thread is flawed, if you ask each fan of their team theyll think that their best player is top ten. If you asked the nation, this is how it would be Kobe Wade T Mac Allen Joe Redd
  17. I still cant get over the series, it was great while it lasted. I just cant stop visualizing chuck and comp. talking about a hawks vs cavs matchup. I just cant get over it....I wasnt so big on the upset as much as getting out of the first round and facing the cavs, imagine how the hawks players feel right now if they were watching this...
  18. This guy is annoying as hell, first he thinks that there is joe smith on our team. Then he says that we will get swept and now he goes and says this. This is why he isnt a coach, dont worry guys atleast we have chuck on our side...
  19. LOL and did you not know that penny got injured. If he hadnt gone injured he wouldve been a hall of famer but the unfortunate happened. That is a very weak argument..
  20. You guys are overestimating horf, CP3 most definately is a hall of famer Horf will be at most a 22 13 guy, he doesnt have superior athletism and if you expect him to be like duncan or garnett you are in for a rude awakaning. Horf is good but not great like mvp level or hof level...
  21. NO!!! woody does the same mistakes over and over again like a rookie coach He always subs in chillz at halfway 1st quarter even if marvin is hot, how the hell is he ever going to have break out games. I dont want to hear that he is going to be tired hes an nba player and i havent seen him sweating alot. He always opts to play the vets over the rooks i with exception to horford. He takes out acie when he does one mistake but lets bibby chuck it up when hes cold. Its the same things over and over again. The only types of players that can break the woody walll are players like joe and horf and vets like bibby t lue and aj. I really hate woody for this reason. Even if we had deron williams or chris paul they would be in the doghouse. remember deron williams had a bad first year, whos to say that if he were a hawk that woody would even let him play the second, unfortunately this is whats going to happen to acie and i feel as if his future is ruinied.
  22. what if woody plays speedy over acie? what then you might never know, he played lorenzon over sheldon so you never know... and he did play t lue and anthony johnson over acie whats to say that he wont do that with speedy.
  23. Go after big names like baron davis, jose calderon, gilbert arenas... Me personally i feel that we should stick with acie, the dude can penetrate like steve nash. As much as i hate to say it bibby is setting a bad example he is a shooter and nothing else and i doubt that acie has learned anything. I made a post about how i think teams are starting to clean their house and starting all over again. Do you think that if a team like phoenix starts over again we can pry steve nash away from them, mainly to teach and mold acie..
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