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  1. Supporter

    JJ's ride

    I want one!!!!!
  2. With talent comes responsibility- that needs to be Josh Smith's moto
  3. I have a question, does paying jj's debt mean that we should get more veterans?
  4. Is choosing between these three players: Joe johnson Josh Smith(if we resign) Al horford Which 2 out of these three would you be willing to pay max for
  5. Hi nice to meet you, but there is such a thing called salary cap, and who is acery johnson??
  6. It might not look like it but jj has more of a passion to win than josh smith. And until smith shows that he has decent basketball iq and not play with such a high risk factor im not buying into him being untouchable. If the right piece comes along i say trade him.
  7. Lol you read my post wrong. I mean in weight meaning pounds..
  8. Joe is gaining a little too much weight.I mean, i remember when he was in phoenix and looked like leandro barbosa but now hes becoming a much fitter Paul Pierce. Meaning that he is more cut than PP. And i dont know if you guys noticed or not but he is becoming much slower, and the only thing that allows him to get past his man is his superior dribbling ability, and I dont like the idea of playing jj at the 3. The only way to take jj out of the game is to be physical with him and moving him to the 3 is asking for danger. Although i dont like the idea of smoove moving to the 3, it would be better than jj moving to it.
  9. Dude i like acie and all but you are like practically sitting on his nuts man. He hasnt outplayed any pg so far, even lue and anthony were playing better than him. Not that they are better than him. But you are seriously sitting on his nuts or something.
  10. But when role players score 20 points against the best record in the league and average 20-25 points pluse 5-7 ass and around 4-5 reb a year, dont they become all stars or atleast borderline stars. Oh wait joe is an all star, lol but seroiously you need to get over your hate of joe johnson and josh smith...
  11. WOW what an idiot, he had like the whole hawksquawk against him. LMAO smoove is worth 5 mill and jj is a role player. WTF WHERE YOU THINKING NOOB!!!!!
  12. you do know that we beat them more than lost to them right??? your neither giving jj or the hawks any credit...
  13. And can you give me jj's stats against the bobcats please, and can you pull jj's stats from last year and compare his percantages to these so called great players like butler and paul pierce. Please read and then comment, dont comment just for the sake of commenting....
  14. PP= paul pierce am i correct and now caron can carry a team but jj cant
  15. OK so your basically saying that jj is worse than redd yet he is a little better by the same time and that he sucked after the allstar stretch when he actually killed good teams......Tu no comprende?
  16. Wow he thinks that hes an NBA scout, very interesting...
  17. But jjs better than redd, and your thinking that jj is going to want a kobe extension. Lol your are misinterpreting everything
  18. Lol i stopped reading when you suggested not resigning jj. What a bunch of wackos.
  19. Youve got to be kidding, rather than run it through smoove i want to run it through al, he is more of a post player and makes better decisions. And if jj is reduced to just being a shooter whats the point of having him over guys like bibby. JJ at his best needs his isos just like anyother wing star. I propose divide the offense into 3 pieces. Smoove al and joe get their own and bibby/acie and marvin can have the rest, but they dont need it because smoove al and joe arent going to shoot it everytime they get the rock. So they are bound to each get around 10-15 shots each night.
  20. I dont know what you guys are talking about, joe is my favorite player and will always be, i followed him ever since the phoenix days and hes the reason why im even writing on this forum. I watch joe closer than any other guy on this team and he really hasnt improved. If the hawks made the playoffs last year joe couldve had 2 30+ games. The only reason i say that he can improve is because i believe that he can be better and better and better..unlike most of you who are already satisfied. I believe that he can go to tmac status if he really tries...
  21. lol please tell me that your a kid......
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