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  1. ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"> BTW does anybody know what beat this is, its really addictive
  2. IF smith goes, i think that marv will become a 20ppg 8rpg guy
  3. The clippers already showed many that they are stupid so nothing will surprise me, but the asg are pretty stupid also so.........
  4. Don't be surprised if Marvin becomes an 18-20 ppg scorer, if he works on his post game and 3 pointer, he could become a better 2nd option than smith. We have to work out a sign and trade for kaman if the money is too much. Bibby or Acie 10-14 ppg Joe 20-25 ppg Marvin 18-20 ppg Al 12-14 ppg Kaman 16 ppg Add a shooter and i dont see the big deal in losing smith
  5. Towards the end of this clip, to joe, fast forward to around the 7:30 mark
  6. LMAO, did you see marvins first foul on perkins
  7. sorry, but i had to laugh at yours....
  8. Are they out of our league, i remember when we were considered better than the sixers, but since their acquisition are they better than us? Also how would you rank the eastern confrence? Just curious.... 1 Boston 2 Detroit 3 Orlando 4 Philly? 5 Cavs 6 Wizards/Raptors 8 Hawks
  9. You can get kaman for less, say Smith and Speedy
  10. Lol you thought suicide
  11. Agreed, and hes seriously hating on marvin to a whole new level........very very rude
  12. Don't know, it seems tempting but you know the ASG will always screw things up in the end......... :violin-1:
  13. There are many factors that come into play, that it hurts my mind even thinking about it...
  14. yeh im kinda troubled by the fact that if smith is signed he will be our power forward, but horford seems like he could thrive at that postion, but smith isnt exactly a small forward......i hate you billy knight
  15. Hahahah i was thinking the same thing....lol didnt jj do more for us in the playoffs than smith, you can even argue that horford had more impact. And im pretty sure that people think of joe when they think of hawks
  16. lmao, now their projecting to pay him like 14 mill a year, which if we match the offer, smith will be the highest paid hawk present....
  17. Maybe, but shaq in his prime was unstoppable....best player out there..
  18. Your a loser.....you want this team to lose dont you........
  19. Anyone, i want to post this video but i dont know how to do it anyother way than by the link.....
  20. yeh and they also missed on jj because of the phoenix suns "bluff"
  21. i hate how he thinks hes playing "agressive" defense, its more like hes humping or raping the opponnent. And for any simple play, he pumps his fist like zaza and starts molesting kobe. Its disgusting...
  22. LOLOLOLOL somethings really wrong with you, first you you dont want to upgrade the pg position because you think acie is the next coming of "magic" an now you want to talk this ish. I would never trade joe for brandon roy. Yes he had his shining moment when we were playing them, but just like him joe hand an even better performance earlier in the season. Brandon roy has far more options and a more willing coach back in portland, while jj has people who should not shoot threes shoot threes and people who should shoot threes not shoot them. You are underestimating joe if you think joe and a first wouldnt get roy....when it all comes down roy will probably end up like joe.
  23. wasnt this guy throwing up gang signs a few weeks ago...
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