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  1. we could probably get redd for less, i believe that bucks are going to blow it all up and start over with bogut yi and sessions. We could probably get redd for bibby and chillz i still dont feel like marvin is useless. And i dont like the idea of jj and redd, itll be like ai and melo all over again. And horford will probably regress. If we trade marvin smith or bibby we need to get back a center and a point. Or just a good center because i want acie to progress. i would trade chillz and speedy for camby or if ai goes, i would trade bibby straight up for camby if the salaries match
  2. Supporter


    No need for any thank yous just be glad that im here..... http://games.espn.go.com/nba/features/trad...1~1~1&te=&cash=
  3. Lol face it your just mad cuz marvin rejected you. Rejection hotline anyone???
  4. Yah but you kissed marvin while sitting on chillz nuts so.....i dunno what to say lol
  5. Your username tells all...
  6. Let it go, so what if marv kissed your girlfriend, let it go....
  7. You guys are underestimating this guy, childress is not better than him... Its almost impossible to get equal value for him, i dont want to package him with bibby to get a guy like redd. Marvin brings more to the table than most guys. If we trade him were going to regret it and there is definately going to be the tmac effect....and we will make another blunder. What i do agree in is getting a new coach. Woody doesnt know how to do anything right he got lucky with smoove hitting threes in the playoffs and having mj on his team for the 4rth quarter. Once we get a new coach say avery we need to run more plays for marvin. And right now the only reason i say trade smoove is because we can get equal or more value in return for him. We can get a better point and center for him than trading marvin.... In the end our team wont change very much.... or if we do this trade., bibby and smoove for baron and biedrins... We will automatically be a top 4 seed in the future... Baron/acie Joe/Salim/richardson Marvin/childress Horford/zaza/solo Biedrins/anderson/zaza
  8. acie couldve been a west type player and better but he hit the "WOOD" wall soo........
  9. No the real question is, if joe johnson ate kobe bryant them what would chris paul do to michael vick and his cousin...?
  10. This is my plan, first we break jj's ankles so that he is terminally ill, then we take him to the doctors and fix him, but before that we sign him to 50 year 50 mill dollar deal since he is terminally ill. Then after that we inject all those players dna into him. And vuala we have the perfect player and after we win 50 championships with him we can do the same with smoove marvin or al. But wait there is already claxtoneous de speedsterous...
  11. Are you kidding me, bell eats bowens babies for breakfast.
  12. I want him to dunk like jord.... fade like kobe...... block like smoove....... shoot like nash........ glide like ginobli....... steal like paul........ defend like bell...... shoot threes like kapono........ meh doesnt seem that impossible...
  13. i dont think that he is trying as hard as he can. Dont bash me but is it just me or has he not learned anything from last year to this year. Actually last year he had a stutterstep jumpshot that automatically went in every time. This year he has increased on post production but other than that........ One of the things that made mj great was that he learned something every year, this is one aspect of the game that i wish joe valued a little more...
  14. Smooves situation reminds me of jj's when he was in phoenix
  15. So you hate marvin because he accidently trips over his feet sometimes, something that he cant control, yet you say that you used to support him. Wait a moment, when you did support him i guess that he wasnt clumsy since you like non clumsy players. Well if he turned clumsy magically, couldnt he basicly turn unclumsy magically lol. Still either way, this is why you wouldnt be a gm and its so stupid that you hate a player for what he doesnt have control over....
  16. You are an idiot, sure marvin falls sometimes, but to say that he is a bad basketball player shows that you know nothing about basketball. Stats are there for a reason and right now marvins stats are good not great but not average. He is an above average small forward at the age of 21 jj had his broke out year at age 22 marvin still hasnt had his breakout year even though he put up better stats than joe during his breakout year. This by itself shows that marvin is a special talent. I suspect that if smoove gets traded he would average around 18 points. Now let that sink in, the guy that you wanted to trade is averaging 18 points at the tender age of 22...........
  17. lol by no way is smith graceful, i dont even know why i call him smoove, he is not graceful. if you wanna know gracefull look at jj's game, he glides on the coart. I admit that i overestimated marvins gracefulness but smoove is defenately not graceful. The dude dribbles off his own foot and doesnt know how to run a fast break. Hes so dumb and never gives it to the point gaurd unlike al horford.
  18. that was a stupid post
  19. Doesnt clumsy mean carelessness. Smith is just as careless as marvin. Smith passes terribly, he always has a risk factor. By the age of 30 he will still be like this. Clumsy means that you dont have a high basketball iq. Marvins is decent smith's is very low. Do you see marvin constantly going one on one with everyone no because he knows what it means to be on a team. Smith is way more of a danger because he has his good moments but it is nuetralized by his bad moments. Take smith out and marvin will flourish book it...
  20. yah exactly on point!!! marvins my second fav player next to joe. When i was a phoenix fan, alot of people liked joe johnson but didnt think that he would be this good. The same goes for here. I swear that if we trade marvin we are going to severly regret it. Marvin and joe hand similer games exept that joe tend to slash more when he was young.
  21. Lmao get of of chillz nuts, i like him as a 6th man but he is not better than marvin. Marvin can actually shoot. You guys are always talking about how timid marvin is and if chillz shot more he could be better. Theres a reason he doesnt shoot it if he is gaurded. Marvin brings way more to the table than chillz. The only reason that he is not 20 ppg scorer like all of you wish he is is because he is playing behind joe, smith, bibby, and potentially al. The guy has all the skills, hes just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though he is fuuckin 21 and chillz is like 25 or something. And you always talk about how clumsy marvin is. Well smoove is just as clumsy and even more stupid.
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