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  1. This Iso Joe crap has to stop! Seem like we build a nice lead with Teague initiating the offense only to settle back in to that stagnant Iso Joe offense which causes us to promptly lose the lead. Then we go back to movement to get a lead only to go back to Iso Joe to lose it again. We repeat this process over and over in the 4th quarter of games. And then Joe goes to the paper to complain about his lack of touches. Amazing!Posted Image

    Hyperbole much. He responded to what that reporter asked him after he got 8 shot attempts in blowout
  2. What season are you thinking of? I'm still angry at Horf, why the f*** didn't he play sooner? He had medical clearance, a real man would have played earlier.That said, Al was big. I really enjoyed him this game. He still is a bitch in my book, its going to take something drastic to change my mind but I am still willing to change my mind.

    Dude we should be thankful that boss is even playing. Its clear that he is still laboring over this injury to this day. Have you not noticed how much muscle mass he has lost...
  3. Holy hell, I hope Joe is shooting more FTs than Josh LOL! Josh missed a damn game. Even if he didn't, I would hope that our 120+mil dollar man would put up more FTs than anyone else. I wish he would show up in playoffs too, ,but...What's funny is I like Joe, Al, and Horford, unlike the most of you who picks sides. Josh is my favorite, Al a close 2nd, then Joe. Joe lost my respect after not showing up in playoffs for the past few years, and then dissing our fans and then taking the money over a ring.

    Oh shit I must have forgotten to mention that it's PER GAME...either way even if josh does get to the free throw line he'll probably brick it
  4. So what does that tell you about Joe? Since all Josh does is take stupid Jumpers, but yet still averages more FTs than Joe, then... huh? Where are you getting with this? I don't understand haha. Was this a Joe diss?

    Joe is shooting more fts than josh this series get your facts straight. AND joe has been scoring more despite taking one less shot than josh. But hey all you'll do is say "loljosh is the toughest player to guard"
  5. Since you play in the NBA, is that the true reason? Yeah, he takes dumb jump shots, anyone and everyone will know this, but that don't change the fact of the NBA players mind why he is the toughest to guard on the Hawks. They know it, just like we do, but yet they STILL know he is the hardest to guard, but what I don't get is why our haters still want ot hate on him for his jumper. They know more than us, but still respect his game and know he's the hardest to guard. There's something that's not making sense here...

    Josh ain't the hardest to guard...matter of fact just play loose d on josh and he will either turn it over or shoot an airball. He can be the other teams sixth man like he was yesterday
  6. Well if you think that's enough...

    Joe takes 16 shots and gets to the line 5.3 times, Josh takes 17 shots and gets to the line 5 times. Now let me ask you this, who do you think should be getting to the line more, our perimeter oriented sg/sf who has difficulty getting easy buckets at the rim, or our athletic pf who can get to the rim whenever he feels like it.
  7. Joe is averaging 3.8 FT's made per playoff game. gtfo

    Sure he makes 3.8 ft's but he TAKES 5.3, higher than all our other players, so in fact Joe upped his physical level of play during the playoffs. And that is with the 2 ft discrepency that he had last game, before that he was averaging around 6.5 ft's a game. Try to think before you comment
  8. I really would get rid of Josh Smith for a very high lotto pick to a team who could use him like New Orleans.

    That would be great for both teams, Smoove can become a superstar in N.O. a team with a great fanbase and great culture. Us on the other hand can get a shotblocking presence in the upcoming draft. Win Win!
  9. No no no, the problem is not Horford, it's Josh. Josh is a great player but he doesn't fit in with this team. He needs a team where he can do EVERYTHING because that's what he is, a multidimensional player. He can run fastbreaks, make great passes, and score like crazy when he gets hot. The problem is, we don't need that right now because we have personal who can do that already. Teague and Joe can handle the fastbreaks, we don't need our forward doing that when we already have players that can do it for us. Joe can handle the scoring when given enough shots, we don't need Josh to take the most shots in ANY game. Furthermore, Horf showed that he is still as efficient as ever, shooting 60% back in his first playoff game this year. Josh on the other hand needs a team where he can show off his true talents and at the same time not be detremental to the team. He needs to go in the offseason, it's a win win for us and whatever team wants him.

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  10. Josh and Joe BOTH shy away from physical play, but especially Joe. Joe averages what 3 FT's per game? And one being a technical freebie. This team is soft, weak, and only a few play with any heart. I think Teague is intimidated and becomes passive. Marvin is Marvin.Josh makes some bad plays but wants to win. Joe hits a big shot every now and then. Teague shows signs of stardom then retreats. Even Marvin gets it right from time to time.But it's easy to give up on them. I've been doing it for years.

    Joe has taken the most freethrows in the playoffs, gtfo
  11. The problem is not a direct effect of how Josh plays, it's an indirect effect. Whenever Josh gets on the court, Teague and Joe go into hibernation mode, they both know that LD will focus the offense around Josh and let Josh do whatever the hell he wants on the fastbreak. They know this and as a result, both of them will just sit back and let Josh be Josh.

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