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Everything posted by Swish

  1. OK, now that MW has seriously produced at a high clip, what do you guys see/think of his development this year? Specifically, Diesel and Walter. I think that this is exactly what we want and need from Marvin. If Marvin can regularly put up 20/10, to go with Josh's 17/10, Al's 12/10 or whatever and Joe and Bibby's scoring, We could truly be looking at the three seed, and depending on how we perform tonight, a realistic expectation of being better than even the Cavs.
  2. wait a second... Hotlanta??????
  3. Thanks Diesel, Deeman...lol Libid I just got some money and iTunes gifts...not many presents at this age.
  4. LOL I just noticed this it was buried. Thanks guys. Its been OK except for having to work...home now and planning on vegging out on junk food and sports. Ah, being an adult. ;)
  5. Man when I went to the Phil for a Thrashers game the burgers were awesome.
  6. Oh, but Duff_Man, you sound unhappy with the current admin. Swish offers hope.
  7. Nashville Predators do it.
  8. Good read, thanks dolfan. Nice good words on Smoove, though we could've had a drinking game on how many times he used "win now". BTW, I still don't understand how you got to like so many odd teams. Syracuse, NYY, Miami, and Atlanta? huh? lol
  9. Wow, dragitoff, if thats the case...wow. lol. Like Golden State needed another high scoring selfish guard? That makes Maggette, Jax, Ellis, and Crawford to go with Biedrins and Randolph?
  10. Dude, that was freaking awesome. Well done. Keep them coming. Even our cheerleaders are hotter.
  11. Man, I can't believe you cover these costs yourself for the most part. Awesome. Whats the deal with the other admins? I see chillz occasionally but never kudzu23. BTW, is the banning for 24 hours a setting thing or mandatory? Reason being is I don't know if you could ban repeated offenders from the chat for good. Thats the only thing the new moderators would have access to, then? When do the polls open/close?
  12. OK, gotcha, thanks. Chat looks pretty damn awesome, dolfan. WTG.
  13. Wait, you can't ban people? I missed something. Also you said that we would have to re-switch chats because banned users like lawstudent are getting in there and being an ass?
  14. I drank plenty when my parents were around but now that I'm by myself there isn't a good way to get ahold of any.
  15. LOL ok, but...thanks! Too bad I'm not 21 :(
  16. I'll be 20. In some form or fashion, indeed.
  17. Aw, no drawn out ball busting campaigning? LOL. Well, it will be interesting to say the least. THANK YOU to MrH for dropping your name in...adds much credibility to the candidates ;) Maybe I'll get elected on my birthday tomorrow haha. Not holding my breath. Anyway, dolfan, is this a coveted or dreaded position? Hmmmm
  18. Yeah, just a suggestion because you spend a lot of time on here and are extremely level headed. Got some decent candidates so far though.
  19. ROFLOL...that was COLD right there. Hey, you should volunteer for the mod positions.
  20. LOL I can probably take a guess but I'll leave it alone
  21. I'd say just make an executive decision and give it to cap, AHF, and MrH, but we are a democracy and they may not be receptive. However, they sound like great candidates. Dolfan is there a way you can see who spends the most time on here?
  22. Holy.Crap. Was that an inkling of contentment?
  23. OK, if thats your mind frame, I officially extend the offer to become my campaign manager...LOL. Hmmmm....I'll see what I can come up with to keep pace with McCain's smears. j/k
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