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Everything posted by Vol4ever

  1. Then he would fit the Hawks big time.
  2. Let me add he could the go to guy in the post and help this team tremendously now if he's in shape, wouldn't cost a arm and a leg.
  3. Why not use the TPE for Drummond. I bet Chicago would consider that move. He's big and apparently can still play a little. He dominated us like Shaq a few games ago.
  4. Believe it when I see it.
  5. I'll admit I didn't get to see the 4th qtr last night but I will say Trea as good as he is shoots us out of the lead in some games.
  6. Low IQ team. Just bad decisions all the way around. Trae shooting 30 ft 3s with 11 seconds on the shot clock makes no sense at all. Up 15 with 2:21 to go and making dumb bonehead decisions by most of the players and almost letting the other team come back and win the game. This team will never win consistently playing this way. This is a big problem
  7. Could be a showcase for him. We will see how many mins he gets.
  8. Oh I agree wholeheartedly, I just put out there with all the other stuff being reported. lol
  9. NBA: Jerami Grant Trade Deal to the Atlanta Hawks Could Help the Portland Trail Blazers Rebuild (msn.com) he Portland Trail Blazers’ Jerami Grant trade to the Atlanta Hawks is on the cards at the moment and is likely to go through very soon. Interesting. I tried to find out specifics but Im just getting they are very active on the trade front. No names at this point. AJ and Capela? I'm not sure on this one. Probably just another BS Rumor
  10. As bad as I hate to say it, they just need to blow it up and be sellers. I think the front office needs to be cleaned out, the GM doesn't have a clue.
  11. Trae isn't the problem on offense until he starts shooting 35 footers in the 4th qtr if we have the lead. It destroys momentum. We have no low post scorers, not one on this team and that is a big problem.
  12. Sure do miss the older days of John the Baptist in the paint creating havoc around the rim for opposing defenses and his rebounding. The Hawks ruined him trying to make him a 3 pt shooter off the wing.
  13. I agree with you on Hunter, he is not the problem. We don't run set plays. In a more structured system he would florish.
  14. No playoffs thos year if they don't change.
  15. I'm at the point I can't watch this team anymore. I believe we could field a team of squawkers and play defense better than this Hawks team.
  16. They did get Lebron though and thats pretty big.
  17. Good take. I have asked around over the years and of course the majority think that winning a championship appeals most to top tier free agents. I remember back when we got Moses Malone back in the day. We had Nique, Rounds, and Reggie Theus, didnt work out but was certainly exciting.
  18. Yep but those rumors come around every year and we end up with a minor deal that does nothing. We need to hire tye Braves GM AA.
  19. I think you gotta look at the past several GMs. Flops all of them. Now you have one that is on the job training.
  20. Why do they not want to come to Atlanta? It's a legit question that needs discussing. It's happened alot over the years.
  21. Well, he talks a good game. We will see.
  22. is there any inside news you can share about Trae & DJ relationship with all these losses ?…..do they still have a high desire to play together?….are they on the same page in terms of what they want for this team ? I'm more friends on the business side of things. is Siakam a player that those two guys covet as some sort of missing piece? Yes, Definitely. they been trying to get him since the spring. His reluctance to come here apparently is part of the problem. im really interested to know where these two are with their relationship and going forward. I dont know this but I believe they are on the same page and get along well. They both want to win period. perhaps @macdaddy is right that Trae & DJ and the FO planned to trade Murray cause they knew this wasn’t going to work. I think the concern is more they may have to move DJ to get back what they are looking for in a SF or big.
  23. Drum was a beast tonight. Of course it's against a pansy team.
  24. Drummond cleaned house tonight. We had nobody. Weak as hell.
  25. That's bad defense and hustle right?
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