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Posts posted by bleachkit

  1. Yea man LeBron sucks!!! Even though he can guard all 5 positions, passes better than an all star point guard, can rebound as a good as a power forward, unstoppable driving to the basket, off the charts basketball IQ. But he plays for another team so he sucks!!! Grow up squawkers, you guys sound like a bunch of immature haters. You guys would be great general managers, "I'm not trading for anyone because everyone sucks except the Hawks!" Freaking dumb asses.

  2. On 3/4/2017 at 10:53 AM, Spud2Nique said:

    How come guys like Lebron never get hurt? I don't think Lebron has had a significant injury his entire career. I mean I guess I'm not surprised. I think steroids are alive and well in the NBA. Lebron and a few others seem to avoid it...Curry also, Curry had significant ankle issues and now they are gone...they didn't miraculously disappear.. what's up?

    Even If medications are helping them stay strong and prevent injuries (dubious at best theory),than that's a good thing. The whole stigma about steroids and HGH is completely irrational. Why does anyone care if a medication helps you stay strong? It's not your body, it's his. 

  3. On 3/4/2017 at 11:53 AM, Spud2Nique said:

    How come guys like Lebron never get hurt? I don't think Lebron has had a significant injury his entire career. I mean I guess I'm not surprised. I think steroids are alive and well in the NBA. Lebron and a few others seem to avoid it...Curry also, Curry had significant ankle issues and now they are gone...they didn't miraculously disappear.. what's up?

    There are drugs available that magically make you invulnerable to injury? Wow that's news to me. Where did you get your MD/PHd if I may ask? 

  4. We are in trouble. We are stuck with mediocre Baze, dude is 27, he's not 19. We can stop pretending he is going to be a centerpiece. TMJ is going to cost a pretty penny to keep now. Milsap is going to cost us the GDP of a small nation. Dennis and Dwight aren't good enough or consistent enough to carry this team. I see why they were going all out to get Butler or George. That is our only hope of being relevant.

  5. 9 hours ago, Peoriabird said:

    Count me in for a new coach and GM

    I think having a separate coach a GM is a better model. Coaches get too close to the players, and it influences their decisions. The Baze contract being a good example. You don'y pay a mediocre 3 and D with very limited offensive skill 70 million just bcause he's a nice team first guy. That's not how this business works, and being from the Spurs he should know better.

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