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Posts posted by bleachkit

  1. Look at some of Ferry's moves. They were actually quite brilliant. Do you really think Bud would have pulled off the Joe Johnson trade? Please, Bud is out of his league, and he does not deserve to be GM.  Bud exploited an over blown controversy (it was only a controversy because it was coming off the heals of the Donald Sterling fiasco) to take control from Ferry, when really he should have been going to bat for Ferry. There is only one pompous ass here, and it's not Ferry.

  2. I would feel better if we still had Danny Ferry. Ferry was aggressive, found ways to make moves. Bud has too much on his plate, he is not ready to be both coach and GM. We do not have a starting caliber small forward. We just haven't recaptured the magic after the high of that long winning streak. Sorry guys, but we are taking a step back this year. 

  3. This has nothing to with an overblown controversy of semantics that the NBA did not even punish. Ferry could have been brought anytime during the year and there would have been virtually no media blowback.There is some other issue at play with Gearon and Ferry, I dont know what exactly.

    • Like 2
  4. Why not just allow PEDs? If something helps you gain and keep strength then allow players to use it if they

    choose. The risks are grossly exaggerrated. Most of the horror strories are from doses hundreds of times 

    greater than the appropriate dose. Tylenol can kill you if the dose is high enough. If steroids were a surgery it 

    would be hailed a marvel of medern medicine, but because it is a drug, an "drugs are bad" they are unfaily and wrongly demonized. PED stigma is just a holdover from the 1980's when they were made controlled 

    substances during the antidrug heyday, along with life sentences for non violent drug crimes, and other 

    absurdities. Athletes should be alowed to use PEDs under a doctors supervision. Dont give that garbage about 

    being "natural". Taking a tendon from my thigh and putting it in my elbow is not natural either, but about every other pitcher in baseball get Tommy John surgery. Its time for a more progressive scientific way of looking at 

    drugs, not based in stigma and the politics of fear, but based in objective science.

    • Like 1
  5. Steriods do not help you in basketball. Basketball is a game of skill, dribbling, shooting, passing, etc. At the pre


    draft workouts KevinDurant could not bench 175 even one time, and his timed speed was terrible, yet he


    became one of the best players in the NBA.Why? Because he is tall and he can shoot. Thats what matters in


    basketball. Steph Curry would not become better if he took steroids, in fact  


    too much added muscle could hinder his flexibility. That is a game of skill, not brute strench or anaerobic


    power, this not the hundred meter dash. Focus on PEDs is just because of drug stigma, and 40 years of aniti


    drug propaganda, and the baffling decision in the 80s to make PEDs a controlled substance.

  6. I have never been so angered and disappointed in my life. Here we are, on the verge of the most promising post season in decades and ITS RUINED. This will hang over this team like a black cloud, I would not be surprised if we get swept in the first round...sorry I thought a little sarcastic faux outrage was in order as I know the thumb-twiddling self-righteous posters will be in full effect today.

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