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Everything posted by AHawks89

  1. I'm ready for the hot takes. Sorry fellas, we already took home court advantage. Be something if we came back and won. MIL shooting lights out. This cannot happen all game. We'll make it interesting. Control homecourt. AND LETS STEAL THIS GAME.
  2. Got Scott Foster tonight? Going to be a loooonnnngggg night.
  3. I'm heart broken. I think even posted on RealGm. Typical GA sports team. I tink we still got it though. I think we'll win in Philly. We literally missed so many shots from our shooters this whole series. It's only a matter of time they start shooting NOW.
  4. Wow! Collins just asked how Embiied how he liked his nuts. Embiid said BOILED!
  5. We're about to get HOT. I have that feeling. Just listened to "Jesus take the wheel" more than 5 times. We're good now. Boggotdamniwebetterwinvich is about to catch fire very soon.
  6. Ignore this post. Just doing this as my superstitious thing. Jesus, take this wheel.
  7. This will come down to the last possesion. I have this good feeling Trae will make a big shot. Since my son has been here (2 months old) I've been watching on my laptop with headphones in. I am now watching on TV and I feel like the crowd noise is not as loud as it was when I had my headphones in. Is this normal or is the crowd not at its point right now?
  8. This game will be close. Bad news: Sixers players are not shooting well. And Embiid hasn't played to well, yet. Good news: Trae & Kev are playing very well, but Bognavoijch, Gali, and Lou are not. Trae will continue his greatness, but we just need our other players shots to fall. We got this
  9. Refs trying to coach the 76ers. They know to get Simmons ass out of the game to help the 76ers LOL
  10. I don't care how anyone plays. As long as we get the damn win. That's all that matters. LETS GO HAWKS. WE GOT THIS!
  11. Good news. We've made big comebacks before. We're down 22 points and we, unfortunately shot 31 and 25% with only 3 assist as a team total. They shot 53 & 47%! Can they keep that up? There is a chance we can make this comeback!
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