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Everything posted by GABALLA

  1. Sorry pal, I have to disagree...too many unknowns to much risk. Sund is smart, so he we play ball to keep up appearances but at the same time trying to finagle a three team deal because he is set that neither of the two, smoove/horford, will be moved.
  2. Your right...The Hawks will not part ways with Smith or Horford I think they have made that more than apparent, but people keep insisting. but anyway, if the hawks have any chance of getting Paul it will be a three team deal with Atlanta, N.O., and Cleveland. Some form of deal like this. Atlanta trade Marvin, Bibby, and maybe either Crawford or Zaza to Cleveland(they are in need of a SF) Cleveland trades Williams, Shaq to N.O(Shaq gets paid) N.O. Trade Chris Paul to Atlanta with some random guy(Atlanta gets redemption) That's the only way I see Atlanta getting Paul. They will not move smoove or horford because that leaves to many holes in the hawks line up, both horford and smoove are better at their respective positions then Okafor or any substitution for the two. I believe Sund is aware of this and will try to do a multi-team deal in order to pursue paul. Also their are to many unknowns with Paul right now to risk exploding the core of you team, the main two being health and next year Free agency. if we get paul only to lose him next year, we will loose a young '6-8/9" SF, or a young 6-8/9" PF, or a young 6-10 PF/C for nothing and will have to worry about hawks management draft picks for years to come because we will defiantly be in the lottery or in that zone right above sucking where you essentially get nothing, we all know the draft history here in Atlanta.
  3. Will you people now stop with this crap about us getting Paul, PLEASE!? :thumbsdownsmileyanim: If he ever leaves N.O. it's more than likely he'll end up in NY w/ Amare and maybe Melo. :shake_puter:
  4. Good Pape, Way to go Pape! LOL That's about it. :smile:
  5. Good thing your opinion doesn't matter! :cant believe:
  6. I think Sy and Glaydr (What ever spelling) can potentially make this team. the rest of the games are going to be interesting...
  8. Yeah Jordan is ballin, I think Teague did alright looking to see more second half. I'm still interested to see Sy, you could tell he was anxious and rushing a bit but I was surprised by how well his handle(I know he played point in france) was and how quick he could be while in control. hopefully second half we see more form him as well. I want to see Teague, Crawford, and Sy on the court at the same time and maybe Sergi if Sy can play PF. But mainly the first three, I think then we would be able to see what they really got.
  9. Why must you continue with stating the obvious? THEY R NOT MOVING SMOOVE! :shake_puter: :brick wall: :beat: :thumbsdownsmileyanim:
  10. It's good to see I'm not the only one living in this dimension, but hey 2012 is coming up so maybe some people here decided to get use to saying insane things before the nuclear fallout has us all loosing our minds. :worshippy: :thumbsupsmileyanim:
  11. I would love it if blank bought the Hawks but seeing as though he is still trying to bring an MLS team to Atlanta, the Hawks don't seem to be a priority of his at the moment.
  12. How about "The Big Peachtree" or "ShaqLanta"?
  13. HA! I didn't think about that, but hopefully this is a different beast.
  14. Pic Twitter I'm liking the way that looks...
  15. I'd take mo, but what happens to teague?
  16. Can't wait to see what he really has.
  17. I like miller but out of the players listed I would think Howard would be a better fit for the Hawks...but he does have some issues that might become harmful to the team.
  18. But what about after shaq retires or completely falls apart? who know, doubt it would even happen anyway but is interesting.
  19. So the admin was right to shut down the post and I'm happy. I'm obviously a new poster to this site but I was expecting the skepticism from some fellow followers and I stated that to the first couple of skeptics. I just felt as though as time progressed the people on here were getting out of hand (and I was too) with their comments towards the validity of my post even though there were those who just simply said "cool story" and kept it moving I will never again tell anyone on here about something that happened to me because it will be completely pointless. I should have know better in the first place, but anyway... Now back to basketball talk!
  20. You know something I should have known what I was getting myself into. I was so hyped to post it on here to shut up all the jack**** fanboys but instead all I've done is lure more Hawksquawk trolls to bring more of the same nonsense to me that I was trying to kill. I've been coming to this site for a while but just recently decided to create an account this summer with all the hype surrounding free agency, but those years before I would always read some of the comment on here and think to myself, do these guys know anything about sports at all? It's really astonishing that a person can post something on here that actually happen to him and people call it bull, but a person can post some crap they heard from some ESPN jerk wad and trolls proceeded to lose their collective minds. What reason would I have to make up such a stupid story? If you don't like it then too F****** Bad, I'm not a 14 year old kid that make stuff up in order to get friends and candy. I can't believe someone on here actually said I should Google some random pic and post it on here as my own. If this person had any sense A**Hopper and paid attention to details than he would know why I'm not posting the pic, but that's not something people on this site like to do that's more than apparent. DONE!
  21. seeing as much as you believe everything you read about trades and your hoop dreams, out of all the people you would be one of the ones to hear about an actual event and question it. Why am I not surprised!?
  22. That's fine I knew some people would, I know where I was and what happens. me and my friend both took a pic with him with my homeboys blackberry. it doesn't really matter because now that I think about it he might of just been talking, so I don't know only time will tell... but his face did read bull.
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