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Everything posted by GABALLA

  1. So, either I'm just lucky or I just make more scene than half the people on this site. How about this, I'm a GSU student and while leaving class an hour ago I'm walking to my car parked across the street from Walters shoe store and guess who I see stepping out of his car and heading towards me.....Joe Johnson! Now this had to be too good to be true, the first thing that popped into my mind was lets see what JJ has to say about trading Josh Smith. So as he crosses the street and comes towards me I shout "HEY JOE JOE, WHAT'S GOOD" he replies "hey what's going on man", we exchange pleasantries and he proceeds to walk into the store. So I go in with him and he says he will take a pic for me and give me an autograph, now that was cool and all but I had one thing on my mind and one thing only... what are the hawks off-season plans and his thoughts on smith. After the pic and autograph we just talking about shoes, basketball, etc and then I asked him "so what do you think will be some of the hawks moves to come up?", he says "Well I'm defiantly going to try and get some guys to come to Atlanta, I think the fans deserve it from me and the team." After his reply I was just yeah that what's up and then I asked him "So what is this nonsense about trading smoove" and he proceeded to give the most bull**** look you have ever seen, it was hilarious, then he said "what do you think?" all I could do is lol and sarcastically say right! So in more words or less he basically called Bull**** on the smooth trade crap and said not a chance in hell!!! Topic Over. I know that kills some of you "FANS" hoop dreams but dreams are meant to be broken lol so go to sleep!!!
  2. And a Bashing you shall receive!!! lol No, but seriously I don't think we will have to worry about this because I see the Hawks keeping both guys. why would they trade away their best two draft picks in the last 20 years? they wouldn't get anything equal in value in return, no team is willing to part with their marquee guy, and it would leave a huge hole in the hawks front line. Now to the question of which one I would keep, that I a really tough decision I don't know if I could make. they both have pluses and minuses to their games but they compliment each other really well it's almost the perfect fit. I know Al doesn't want to play the C but I don't think the Hawks have any intention to move him to PF. they will stick with their front line and the help Al will receive would come from the bench, whether or not that help starts a game or team with Al or with Smith or Both (Smith at the sf possible) is going to be up to LD. so at the end of the day I have no idea what so ever which one I would choose if I needed to make a choice...but something tells me I may lean more towards Smith. not a big fan of the two big body banggers on the court at the same time like it was in the 80s-90s. Now a days their needs to be a mobile big to chase other bigs off the three point line and I think it's obvious who is the better of the two at that.
  3. The fact that you would trade josh smith for Luol Deng or Steph jax shows you are nothing more than a FANBOY!
  4. ANd what Shaq starts? What are you smoking? the guy only has like a year or two left, so please be serious and not just a FAN! If this were to happen two year down the road we're looking for a PF or C. Come on man be logical.
  5. People People People, they are not going to trade josh smith. they are just testing the waters, that's it. no way they trade him and N.O. already said they are not giving up CP3. Let me ask you guys a question if this where to happen who would guard guys like bosh, Lewis, garnett, and hedo? AL? OKAFO? HORFORD? Have you not seen what happens when you put all the the quicker PF? Game winner bosh, three pointer Lewis...Just look at the film They are not that crazy to trade josh smith and run with a late 80s early 90s from line that is slow and immobile. two bangger doesn't work anymore people, why would they use josh and horford as reasons for Johnson to return if they where just going to trade smoove. IT AINT HAPPENING!!! Bibby, Crawford, Marvin and maybe even Zaza are on the block so stop with all this nonsense for one night please. you can't believe everything you read, if that was the case smoove would be in Memphis right now, Johnson would be going to Chicago/new york and lady gaga would have a wenis!! Horford, smith, and Johnson are this team. Any speculation of a trade involving either of them is just speculation of possibilities but would never come to pass. every team tries to see what they can get for a key guy each off-season, this is nothing new. I can't believe you "FANS" are harping for horford and okafor and shaq!!!! Are you HIGH, SERIOUSLY!!!?? ...take okafor out and you got yourself a deal. CP3 will be in N.O. next year and Smoove will be in ATL. People here, you fans, hear the name of a supposed marquee guy and you proceed to lose your minds and it's just comical! http://stats.washingtonpost.com/nba/story.asp?i=20100623221122340000101&ref=hea&tm=&src= http://www.cbssports.com/nba/story/13556098/hornets-ownership-discounts-chances-of-paul-trade/rss http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ap-draft-hornets
  6. DAWG they are not going to trade Horford or Smoove so just cut the nonsense! What is with you people!?
  7. I just saw this on PTI, but who gives a D*** what wilbon has to say about the Hawks? He is a know Atlanta hater on every level. of course we should dump Marvin wow those guys are some real goon "sports analyst" ...My A**!
  8. OMG Here we go again!!! Why do we keep talking about moving our best two draft pick in the last what 20 year?? you guys come on your wasting your time we will keep both of them and pick up a center, that's it! their is no guarantee that LD will keep the same staring five for every game. if he is smart and I think he is he will do what any coach with half a brain would do and address need/match-ups/fouls. if it's best to have one of them on the bench one game, then start the next or vice versa or start both I hope that's what he does. this is the job of a coach, we need to drop this notion that the starting lineup needs to be the same game in game out. Now I know someone is going to say "no way smith will want to come off the bench" well I beg to differ. If the team is winning and that's the need for that particular situation he will go with LD decision. well that's unless he plays the SF and we all know that would be the dream but that is not reality. I just don't understand the point of discussing what we could get instead of what we more than likely will end up with.
  9. Your right N.O. would be silly not to consider it, I just don't see it happening. I'll calm down I just feel as though their are a lot of people here who work for ESPN or something with some of the things they say. Anyway I'm done with this, their is no point arguing about something when neither of us know what's going to happen. I could be completely wrong. maybe I shouldn't have insulted people, O.K your right but it wasn't said with the intent to hurt feelings (If it did). Just a little trash talk, you know a little competitive banter never hurt anyone....or has it? LOL. What ever new topic...
  10. um yeah I don't thinks it's possible because we would have to give up some key players mainly smoove to get him and that's not going to happen, so just cut the crap! It is more than apparent that the idea here is to build around joe, al, and smoove but you guys constantly CONSTANTLY keep talking about "oh we need to trade smoove" when it's not going to happen. let me ask you a question why would the hawks bother to pitch to joe that we have two 10 players on our team in al and smith if they were just going to trade one of them? I'm mean seriously come on! This is why I keep saying you guys are fans and are complelty void of any sense of what's actually a possibility for the team at this point based on recent events and the clear direction they are going. the Melo trade is the only thing that I see as a posiblity becasue we could convince them to move him while keeping the 3 main guys. example: denver stated they would trade him if he doesn't resign, so the hawks could put together a package deal of marvin, bibby, and possibly chillz. now why would denver take these guys and not demand smoove. well, it's a matter of need. they don't need him!!!!! they don't need a guy to play PF, no way smoove can replace Melo, so they would need to address that with multiple guys i.e. Marvin/chillz. Now why Bibby? well, if Melo does leave it's a good possiblity billups would either get moved or demand one, that would leave lawson to run the show and bibby could be a good solid vet to play point.(not saying he would start). Now back to this Okafor, Paul crap. NO CHANCE IN HELL that okafor is a better fit for this team then smoove. not a chance him and al on the floor at the same time is more productive than our current line up. like I said before the only marquee guy I see us potentially acquiring is melo, and that's a long shot. the hawks will acquire shaq in free agency, trade marvin, to golden state for either monta or beidrin, chillz will be back, and other free agents will sign but mark my words their will be some variety of what I just stated on the radar for the remainder of the off season. So please stop wasting time talking about hoop dreams that will never happen int his life or the next!!!
  11. I'll relax i'm just tired of this thread where people state stupid things like you just did. DONE!
  12. did you not see the part where I said idiouts plz don't reply with crap about paul or trading smoove. If you think okafor is better than smoove than your disabled no way the combo of horford and okafor would be more porductive starters. was okafor an all-star or close to it...HELL NOO!! so please, your entitled to your opinion but maybe you should rather try expressing without your head in the toilet. just a suggestion.
  13. LOL yeah right except when davis was injured/is injured, they definitely played him at the point for a substantial portion of the until the draft. we are talking about recent history not 06. such a whistling jackass.
  14. You sir speak the truth. ESPN would have never said this had he gone to NY. they would be slobbering over how good of a move it was and oooh is lebron going to join him now? I hate those guys!
  15. that's such and of for those who can't understand a clear typo.
  16. "and suck in general" WOW you have got to love the posters on this forum. I have never seen suck lack or knowledge or common sense from supposed sports guys in my life!
  17. really!? Wow!!! So your telling me if the hawks got monta they wouldn't play him at the point LOL!!! What a clown you are, your one of the ones I was telling not to reply to my post because your clearly a fan and not much of a sports guy. LMFAO ....So who played the point before they drafted curry lol!? oh and RJ not an upgrade to Marvin, genius LOL.
  18. I was listening to all the chatter about possible trades and free agent pick ups and was wondering, what would be the dream scenario for this off season. well, I think it would have to goo something like this: First Joe johnson states he will actively pursue other free agents to come to Atlanta. OK, so we need a SF why not go after the best available one on the market Richard Jefferson? If we truly plan on moving Marvin I think this would be the ideal situation. We move Marvin and mike to Golden state and maybe some cash consideration/picks for Monta Ellis, Beidrins. Then we get rid of Joe smith, Collins, or Morris in some combination. Second we try to get chillz back at a reasonable price. this way we would have three/four viable SF options. RJ, JCHILLZ, JJ, MO Third we go hard for Shaq. With two or three possible bigs gone we need some more beef. Shaq would be the obvious solution. So we could roll out a starting lineup next year of: Monta, JJ, RJ, JSMOOVE, HORFORD. Second unit: Teague, Crawford, Chillz, Zaza, Shaq Six Man: Crawford/ Chillz. Depending on the situation I see us using either one as the first option off the bench. if we need scoring go with Crawford, foul trouble or size/quickness issues go with chillz. Free roamer: Mo, He can be used in various situation but his role would be substantially reduced with chillz, RJ, and Crawford on the Team. So what do you guys think, is this a actual posibility? ....Oh and PLEASE no trade Smoove, Melo, CP3 crap! Those people are obviously just fan and know nothing about basketball what so ever!
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