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Everything posted by jjjohns3

  1. I think we should give Stotts & Knight a chance. ~Peace
  2. We're bringing in who.....From where??!!? It's TOO much talent in this draft to be draftin players from the IVY LEAGUE & Div.5 schools. Heck,I didn't even know that the Ivy League HAD Sports teams. We can get a good{possibly great} player at 21 & 32. We can also address good needs through RookieFAcy. ~Peace
  3. That's what I want him for...... ~Peace
  4. Luke Walton???? Isn't he a Point Forward with good size and rebounding ability??He may be available in the 2nd rnd too. While Ezra Williams could be a undrafted FA for us too. So we could get 1st rnd talent in the 2nd rnd & through FAs. Any Thoughts???
  5. Wouldn't we have to take on Stack contract,Meaning we wouldn't be able to resign JT & Ira??? Or is Stack a FA next yr.??
  6. Not that we have to be or play like pros, but rather I'm saying that you can make that judgement{of JT being dumb} if you don't understand how complicated the game really is.The pros just make it look easy. ~Peace
  7. If you didn't realize{you must not be a basketball player,but rather someone who just enjoys the game} Basketball is way more mental than physical. When you're a PG the game speeds up to a pace that can destroy a player & his confidense. JT has just so happened to keep up with the game this year,his first full yr. as a starter. However in order for him to become a top PG he must be ahead of the game & not just flowing with it,something I think will come with time.As for calling JT dumb, If you don't know someone,it would be best not to call them out of their names like that. He's probably smarter than me,You & Diesel will ever be put together. And i know you wouldn't say that to him to his face{unless u know him like that,which I doubt because you called him dumb} ~Peace
  8. ...if JT becomes more of a leader than this team is in instant contention???And that hotlanta & Diesel spend way to much time on this board! Go to McDonalds & get a Happy Meal or somethin' you two...... ~Peace
  9. I'd like Ezra Williams,he could be our 3pt threat off the bench or our starter at the 2guard ~Peace
  10. There you go talkin' with your head up your BUTT.Obviously Reggie is running outta gas & everyone in the league knows it. He played just as much as he played any other time. The Discussion wasn't about Reggie's minutes,they were about how u talk about O'Neal not picking up his load.
  11. Blocking shots doesn't just have to do with Height or jumping ability. You have to have timing. ~Peace P.S. Diesel did you even watch the IND/BOS series???? O'Neal consistently put up 22/15 every game, He tried to own up to the responsibility afterwards but truth is that the losses have to be tossed on Reggie Miller{shot under 30%,averaged lessed than 10 ppg}
  12. Oh,Thanks......Even though you just crushed my dream :{ ~Peace
  13. 1st we get really lucky{hopefully} and land the no.3 pick. With that pick we draft 3.Melo & with our no.21 I'd like us to draft Nick Collison. In the 2nd rnd. we can get a decent bench sniper/2guard,and I think the man for us there is Ezra Williams{6th man or starter} So our draft pans out like this.... 1st rnd No.3-Carmelo Anthony/Syracuse No.21-Nick Collison/Kansas 2nd rnd. No.8-Ezra Williams/Georgia -------------Any thoghts ~Peace
  14. To say that Miller had Jaric,Odom,& Richardson all wanting to be the PG is absurd. Richardson & Jaric are BACKUPS meaning that most times They AREN'T on the floor with Miller. To say that JT had a better supporting cast just goes to show how far your head is up your BUTTCRACK. Who here would rather have Odom/Maggette/Kandi/& Brand???? All of those guys have potential to be All-Stars,while ATL has GRob/Reef/Theo/Glove,Ira. Glenn is a former All-Star & pretty much{unless he shows me otherwise}washed-up. Reef has to step up & become the SELFISH player we need,when he does he will be a perennial All-Star. Theo may come back 100%, but I strongly doubt it. Glove/Ira,NUFF SAID...... True,I agree JT has to become a VOCAL LEADER & won't get that big payday he wants until he does;but Miller has shown me that he's a proven LOSER & couldn't win when Odom WAS HEALTHY. And I won't drop that tag from him until he proves me wrong,cause I'd rather be UNPROVEN than a PROVEN LOSER...... ~Peace Nizzle
  15. I'd rather have him as our 6th man.... ~Peace
  16. If we get the top 3 We go after Melo or Lebron no doubt. But if Jarvis falls we could possibly trade up.{we still have Ind. no. 21} or we might get lucky,we never know what they're{Knight & the crew} working on. ~Peace
  17. The fact that there was no team in the League{besides SAC} that had a better supporting cast. JT had to play with one of the WORST in the League{not individually,but as a team,bad chemistry} And it's amazing to me that we improved at all{In Wins} but JT still had a better season as a PG than Miller. True, He's not a leader,but that will develope if we get a coach who can guide JT right{Isaiah Thomas would be perfect,just b-cause he & JT were the same type of player untill Thomas learned to be a leader} ~Peace P.S. In the lottery draft, we've ALL forgotten about Jarvis Hayes{great 3pt shooter,good ball-handler,good passer & rebounder,& clutch}
  18. Hotlanta,how can you say that if Miller was given a good supporting cast he could win??? This guys a loser,maybe he'll develope into a winner one year. But how good a supporting cast does it take to make him a winner???? I'd give away Reef,Theo,Dog,& Glove to get Maggette,Kandi,Odom, & Brand. JT won more games with our team we have now than LAC's lineup which features 4 potential All-Stars. Miller is a inconsistent shooter{he has become better over the years} who personally I wouldn't want taking my possible game-winning shot. Anyone who'd break the bank for Miller is a fool. If we could have them both in our STARTING backcourt I'd like that,but the most I'd spend forhim is 4 mill. ~Peace
  19. There's NO player in the league who can play WORSE D than Big Dog. Melo should be given a chance, given the right coach Who will teach him to play D & pass.{None of Big Dogs coaches did that,they just expected him to survive on his Offensive game}} If our coach doesn't handle him right he could turn into Lil' Big Hog! ~Peace
  20. Sorry, pressed the wrong button..... ~Peace
  21. Knight says that we have no. 21 from the Tinsley deal...... ~Peace
  22. I hope we get lucky!!! ~Peace
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