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Everything posted by Bawse

  1. I don't see Hilton Armstrong starting...
  2. Bawse

    Bye Bibby :(

    Agree, I have nothing but respect for what Bibby brought to our squad. It was a much needed addition at the time when we were pushing for the playoffs. He'll be missed definitely.
  3. no no... BK would have saved the picks. And in the draft, he would draft LONG players. Doesnt matter what position, just as long as they are LONG
  4. The draft pick should have at least been held for another trade... at least then we could get more. I sure as hell know we wouldn't draft anything worth a s*** anyway.
  5. But, we still have Teague to throw bullet passes to the gentlemen in the first row!
  6. alright cool, just making sure! :laughing5:
  7. who the hell is hilton armstrong.
  8. Why would Boston need Hinrich.
  9. Yeah I noticed Boston was involved as well. This could be interesting.
  10. No chance. We cannot hold that amount of salary.
  11. Guys, if McGee was in this deal it would have been mentioned already. He isn't going anywhere.
  12. Lets see what we get. Damnit, I was hoping it wouldn't be Hinrich though. That was my last choice.
  13. The peak(or my favorite moment) was definitely that series with the C's. I was at every home game and i'll never forget Powe tripping and Joe hitting that 3. The place was electric.
  14. LOL!!! Too bad the size isn't larger, i'd use it as a sig.
  15. This is truth. The people on this forum are the voice of true Hawks fans. While the majority of us are frustrated right now, it's all because we care about this team and hate to see failure. (honestly, i'm only speaking for myself here)
  16. i'll stick with the Hawks through the think and thin, but what's going on right now is pissing me off to say the least.
  17. At least someone around here has the same mindset as I do.
  18. :laughing5: Mike Miller is irrelevant to that teams core right now, him being there or being traded will not make them suffer anymore or any less.
  19. Zaza for Miller straight up. Then we can trade Craw for a legit PG or another big if need be.
  20. Understandable. Didn't realize Pryz was an expiring contract. But still, with $11 mill next season, what do they hope to gain? And who fills GW's spot?
  21. Portland gets Gerald Wallace while the Bobcats get Joel Przybilla and catnip. What a f***ing joke. The Hawks have to make moves, now.
  22. Wow!!! The Bobcats get absolutely nothing for him. WHAT IS THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Give me a break. Please tell me this isn't a serious comment.
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