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Everything posted by terrell

  1. I told yall most of the refs/coaches hate Trae Young, and the way he plays, but I guess yall didnt believe me.. "It's gonna be the Hawks vs whoever we play + the refs from here on out" .... Especially if he doesnt quit with all of the complaining and foul baiting.. Its really annoying.. Not saying he's the only guy that does it.. Just sayin, he's the only guy that is hated by the refs that does it.. lol.
  2. Imagine the National outrage if Trae did this..........
  3. Last season we were 36-37. We then went on a 5 game winning streak.. Anyone on here think we can win 5 in a row at this point in this season? We have Pacers, Grizzlies ( on a b2b), Cavs, @Nets, Mavs. Yeah, me neither. Surprise me, Hawks.
  4. I guess he knows like MOST of the rest of us, that this team as constructed aint it.. Its just Evaluation time for him...
  5. He shouldve been guarding KAT on that last possession... I swear Quin is just seeing what he has in the starters at this point.. No way he actually cares about winning and losing games that much this season.
  6. Just tank for the lottery pick at this point PLEASE. I can't handle a potential 1st round series.........
  7. Remember when I said "our starters play dumb.. All 5 of them" Dude had 3.6 sec and hoist a brick.. smfh And dont get me started on Trae Young tonight.. Geez.. Dude basically gives us nothing late but stupid turnovers and foul baiting....
  8. At least Raps and Bulls lost.. lol
  9. But he was looking like himself............ NVM.. smh
  10. f*** this dude.. smh Pissing me off tonight.. Max player my ass....
  11. 10-0 run by Minny since Trae came back in
  12. Trae Young kill this team every fkn game late!!! Don't tell about the good that he does... It's for nought if he keeps f'ing Up the game! WHY did Q take out AJ??
  13. I said it already.. lol... His D not making that much of a difference imo... And Id rather Bogi and AJ at the 2 on offense. So........
  14. OO looking like prime Hakeem out there on D.. He does everything better than CC except rebound tbh... Man I wish he was 6'11.. lol
  15. Trae has to bring us home now. Dont fk this up.... All we need is a good 6 min from him. Excellent play by Holiday
  16. I absolutely hate his foul drawing "moves". I wish he would spend that energy and skill on other finishing moves. Any move that the NBA can legislate out of your game...shouldn't be part of your game...
  17. Thank God Trae can draw fouls.. Dude FG% is always an eye sore...
  18. JC 14/5 fist half.. 14/5 still... Dre 12/2 first half 16/3 end of 3rd qtr 4th qtr time guys... Hopefully Trae will pass y'all the ball.. lol
  19. 7 assists ZERO turnovers for AHol Take notes Trae.. lol
  20. Angry Dre would be alot better for us....
  21. Dont count your eggs beofre they hatch.. You know how we do in the 4th...lol Good effort so far tonight though on a road back to back..
  22. Still stuck on 14/5... Qtr to go though... Dre trying to catch bodies lately.. lol
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