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Everything posted by terrell

  1. Im right here.. 1st half means nothing with this team and you know it.. But yeah they ve looked good so far Offensively.. My problem with JC has always been fit with Trae/CC and getting bullied, like when that skinny dude held him down with 1 hand earlier.... With Dre it's consistency and aggressiveness......
  2. Lets see what he and Dre does in the 2nd half.. Seen this movie way too many times..
  3. When was the last time he played a back to back? Give AJ some of those min tonight if he cant get it going....
  4. ESPN only likes talking about the Hawks when it's bad.... lol
  5. Spurs…both Johnson and Vassell are resting tonight.. lol Now tell me teams dont like sticking it to the Hawks.. smh He made sure to stick to us for his boy LP though.. smh
  6. Trae shouldn’t be in this game, but since he is, he shouldn’t be shooting. That’s the kind of stuff that gets him labeled as selfish. smh
  7. Trae didnt care.. He already hit his quota.. lol
  8. Dre still stuck on 12 points? He started out on fire and disappeared... I was expecting at least 20 points.. Man Stat chasing.. lol He got his 30/10
  9. The starters back in? Is this for a psychological rebound from this same crew utterly collapsing on Sunday?
  10. We gotta get Matthews on the board.. Only player with min that hasnt scored...
  11. How many you think he should take shooting such a low %? 6 is plenty imo unless hes absoluetly on fire.. lol
  12. Trae settles for 3's too much though @NorthCydeRises
  13. I know its the sorry Pistons, but Bogi has much much better off ball movement than DJM. Way better fit with Trae imo. Just make Murray the backup PG.. lol
  14. Trae made a 3.. Good sign for 2nd half hopefully.. Dont start jacking them though.. lol Passing to Capela there? smh
  15. Why are there ever possessions where only AHol touches the ball ? That should be a crime...
  16. Still sucks he started out 2-3 and went 1-7 after that... He's playing well other than bricking..
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