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Everything posted by terrell

  1. We might be stuck with JC, unless we include a 1st..... Hopefully Indiana still wants him...
  2. Murray has no business taking 18 shots this game... smh
  3. Win or lose Im impressed with this showing on a travel back to back...
  4. Hopefully he still has value around the league... He's just not the same this season.. Never understood why we extended him early..
  5. Agreed.. And some people would rather have Murray over Trae.. lol Trae has his flaws, but hes a better offensive player than Murray on one leg.. Murray defense is overrated too IMO.... He had the game vs Blazers and been pretty ass since.. Dude needs to wake up....
  6. He hit that wall hard.. And Murray hit something too. smh
  7. Cavs and Wolves arent gonna help us tonight are they? smh
  8. Yep It's not about Perfection at this early stage... It's more about PROGRESSION!!!
  9. Because he's an idiot at times.. lol I was like wtf....
  10. Hawks take the tiebreaker over Wizards.. Go Cavs!!
  11. Been telling yall Hunter has arthritis or some shit.. smh
  12. Does Murray not Know Hunter has butterfingers? smfh
  13. Dre non passing ass should never take the ball in.. Just sayin
  14. Murray gotta do better at the POA defense.. smh
  15. I am a sucker for rebounding. I love Jalen. lol He might be something special. Dre with 5 tonight too.. I see you Dre..
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