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Posts posted by QuantumHawkz

  1. I think LD will be back for the following reasons:

    1. We made it pass the 1st round against an Orlando team that pummelled us last year

    2. We won 2 games in the 2nd round

    3. LD's contract is very ASG friendly

    4. With the potential lockout/maybe a shortened season I don't see the ASG paying LD plus another coach

    5. LD dererve to come back,after all he was a ROOKIE HEAD COACH

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  2. Armstrong was a thrown in the trade with Washington. This way the Hawks franchise didn't feel like it was such a bad trade. Washington ripped us off completely and they knew it...see Hilton Armstrong.

    But yet the hawks made one the best trade of the season, cause krik is ONE of the reasons we beat ORL in the playoffs. Look CHI had alot to lose being the #1 seed, 60 plus wins, coach of the year, superstar MVP Derrick Sunflower compared to a 5th seed and the whole world saying that the Magic is going to sweep us in the frist round. The thing is WE saw hope when the hawks won the 2 games in this series then we thought we could take it. But in reality the bulls are the better TEAM, we have the better PLAYERS overall but the bulls was the better TEAM.We did good.

  3. The Hawks did good this year, iam proud of them and iam proud to be a hawks fan. LD needs to stay i like his style. Did he make mistakes? yea, but what rookie head coach dosent?( i know i have) The Hawks organization did good as a whole this season. Last year and the year befor that we lost 15 stright 2nd round playoff games, this year we won 2. We are still improving and thats what matters.GOOD JOB FELLA'S, NEXT YEAR WILL BE ANOTHER WILD RIDE AS A HAWK FAN, MAN YOU GOTTA LOVE THIS TEAM!

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  4. Tisk, Tisk.Posting after a bad loss in the playoffs will make you post dumb *ss comments. People keep saying" trade ower 2 time NBA ALL STAR/ NBA ALL TEAM player". For who? People keep saying" trade ower 5 time all star/3rd best SG in the NBA".For who? Tell me, cause i dont see anybody that we can get back better then these two who can make ower team better.Trade Marvin? yes. Trade krik? no. Resign Crawford? no. and pick up JR Smith at a cheaper price then Craw. But overall lets cool off before we "BLOW UP" a playoff team, look at dallas a 50 win team for 10 years and only made it to the finals once and lost, and look at them now. This thing takes time people TIME.

    • Like 2
  5. There are more josh smith hate post on here then any other hawk player.Why? Don't you see what the bulls are doing? It's not a josh smith problem, its a FORNTLINE problem. The bulls are taking away Joe and Crawford and making ower bigs do the work, and rightfully so. I would to if those two had 56 pts and we lost.That's it. Horford, Smith,and Williams have to step up. So all these " josh smith hater post" need to stop. Because you win as a TEAM and lose as a TEAM. LD is saying all the right things, but he can't go out there and play the game for them. It's up to the players to play.The bulls know that besides Rose they have no guards, thats why when Joe and Crawford combined for 56 we won.I am not going to "quit" on my team.I love basketball but you won't see me rooting for other NBA teams. I don't have a "second" team, it's all Hawks or none at all. So the next time ya'll wanna post negative threads make sure you watch the whole team and not just one player.:newrussian: REAL HAWKZ FANS STAND UP:newrussian: HAWKZ 4 LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  6. Peace Squawkers, just getting hyped for game 3. The point of this thread is things you want to see from the Hawkz and things you don't want to see.


    1.Get to the free throwline more

    2.Marvin hitting his OPEN jumpers

    3.Josh playing inside 90% of the time

    4.The return of "The Boss"

    5.Rebound, Rebound,Rebound

    6.More PT for ZAZA and TWIN

    7.Teague to keep ballin

    8.More hustle on defense

    9.Finish the fastbreaks THINGS I DON'T WANT TO SEE

    1.Crawford at PG at any point of the game

    2.No more bad shots( josh)

    3.Blowing fastbreaks

    4.No more ISO'S to run down the clock

    That's mine how about you?

  7. Hello everyone...I am obviously new to this board but just wanted to say hello! I look forward to discussing the Hawks with everyone and glad to see so many diehard fans on here!

    Been a Hawks fan since I could walk!

    Go HAWKS!!!


    welcome! Just so you'll know it's get crazy around here sometimes.But diehard hawks fans none the less:drinks:

  8. If Horford and Smith show up we take this game. Can't blame Drew for our TWO BEST players going 7 - 40 or whatever it was. The guy has been coaching well, and we are doing better than anyone thought so far in the playoffs. Iet's at least wait to see what he does in the next few games before we trash the guy.

    Thank you.It's ONE game, and on top of that the shots were not falling. The only thing i dont get is crawford at the PG.

  9. (Side note: Bulls coach looks like a marshmallow in chocolate)

    Relax Hawks. Play for fun and games. All the pressure is on the Bulls. They are in a "must win"

    tonight and the Hawks, who are supposed to be swept in four straight, are playing with house money.

    Hawks don't have to win tonight. Bulls do.

    Bulls have the NBA's coach of the year. Bulls have NBA's MVP for this year. What do these lowly

    Hawks have? Nothing, except a 1-0 lead and a Bulls team who will be in the desperation mood.

    "We gotta do it and we've gotta do it right now!"

    If the Bulls come to Atlanta down 2-0, is it possible that there just might be a couple of fans in

    the Highlight Factory making a little noise for these Hawks? Could be just too much. Cause

    someone to have a nervous breakdown.


    Thats so true.The Hawkz will win the series and get to the ECF i can't wait.(p.s Where are the people who said LD wasnt a good coach? The man got us ower frist second round win in like forever. Crow anyone?)p.s.s- any word on the Rose injury?

  10. You know if only Joe Johnson would say something like that. Not hating on Joe, but I think if he exuded this type of confidence the team would be so much better.

    Thats why his nickname is "The Silent Assassin":secret: LOL

  11. <BR>No and stop trying to justify it. He went 35% shooting last week. The last thing we need is another person who thinks they can jack up shots whenever they want.<BR><BR>Edit: btw I noticed that you didnt mention that wade has 33, or that the wizards got blown out. Or that Crawford has 5 turnovers.<BR>

    <BR><BR><BR>THANK YOU!. Look Squawkers, you mean to tell me that you would rather have a young VOLUME SCORER( who has no defence) instead of a VETERAN DEFENCIVE PG which we all knew we needed in the worst way? COM'ON MAN:negative:
  12. And they payed him a lot of money to be the best Panther QB ever. Cost of business.

    100% so true. People have to understand that it wasn't about what joe was worth in the FA market, It's about what that player worth to the FRANCHISE. And for six years Joe Johnson WAS the Atlanta Hawks, he out played his original contract. The Suns knew joe's worth, some still belive that the suns could have won a championship with joe( damn,now that's a big 3 nash/joe/amare)

  13. I've read everyones reply to the post, and EVERYONE is 100% right. But this is the way i see the "josh smith issue", Until josh isn't a Hawk anymore then i will treat him like the other players who are not hawks, but until then he's a hawk and iam a hawk fan and bashing the players on the team i root for would'nt set right in my eyes.Becuase like life, EVERYTHING has it's upside and downside EVERYTHING.You just have to pick your posion.

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  14. Yep, it's just like i thought. It's all mental with the hawks. We just have to fight threw this. If i was drew i'll go with this line up til the end of the season

    • krik-joe-marv-horf-zaza and let josh and craw come off the bench.

  15. I am I the only one that knows the Hawks have a frist time head coach? I am I the only knows that with a new coach comes new schemes on the offense and defense end? Iam I the only one that remembers that our 5 time all star had surgery on his SHOOTING ARM and came back way before he was suppose to? Have we all fogot about the trade at the most important spots on the hardwood? My point is if you went into this season with high hopes well, then your the one to blame. Lets wait until LD gets his true team before we ask for his job, cus right now this is still WOODY'S team.

  16. Nique as head coach? na, only cus he can get fired. Nique is the Atlanta Hawks.He do however needs to be SOMEWHERE the players and coachs can hear from him. BTW, Nique has and dose have alot of good points during hawks game. I've never heard him saying anything that wasnt true. P.S- that heat check comment was on point, joe was seeing if he still had the hot hand.

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