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Everything posted by NekiEcko

  1. Yeah I got a feeling that Murray will not go to the Hawks if this continues to linger on
  2. so that means "WTOC" time because unless we figure out the Miami trap, we will be stuck.
  3. Yeah but dont jinx this for us with that rumor
  4. There is the reason why they want Gallo contact versus Collins and that is it. Plus Hawks have two 2023 that can be used to move up if they dont get the first pick
  5. Yeah, nope... I think that Toronto is out of the running since the Spurs is trying to tank and Spurs wants 2023 pick
  6. So, this team went from going over the luxury tax to penny pinching? I thought there was a mandate to get better. Something is not adding up here. Maybe I overthink this but if this team stays "WTOC" mode, we will be getting handed by Miami again (please do not say if Capella and/or JC was there, it will be better) and Travis going to be out of job.
  7. I can understand that the team is stuck with some bad contacts but is that going against the mandate that Ressler made on the FO?
  8. So in your opinion, we are going to stay with the core for next year?
  9. Even know that Kevin is a turnstile and Bogi knees is bad and also a turnstile as well. I can understand that we should stick with them and see them develop however the issue is that I dont Nate and his staff does a good job on developing talent (in my opinion) plus it does not show Trae that we are serious about winning it all. You can see where I am going with this.
  10. So who would you put with Trae in the back court and dont say Huerter or Bogi
  11. So in other words, everything is up to Gallo and that crazy situation in Brooklyn (I dont know why we should even get Durant, I would go after Simmons before him)
  12. but how are they going to resign with Phoenix when they are almost hard capped as well.
  13. No I still mad about those crazy rumors and making me happy about that one guy but it was all for not
  14. I dont know, I want to get excited about this pick but he is going to be a Jae Crowder type of player and we still have not figured out who is going to be the second banana on this team and Hunter needs to be injury free for atleast a year before I even put in the conversation
  15. It going to be Cash Considerations
  16. Yep, we are now officially a treadmill team
  17. Yeah I am going to complain about this no matter what He is a good shooter and I think he will do good off the bench (since we are already cap out anyway) But in my opinion, with all of these "so-called" moves and crazy rumors, I am thinking that we are going to run it back with no Ayton, No Gobert.
  18. Nope Nope Nope, we know that Nate does not play rookies, we all know that so he will not see the court too much at all
  19. I am going to be harsh because we got a alot of wings already and we are adding one more. Yeah this pick sucks
  20. I mean what position is he going to be? This is an off the bench type that is going to be pull in a heartbeat with a coach that hates playing rookies.
  21. Trade the blasted pick to Pistons or any other team.
  22. Yeah lets trade out of this draft
  23. They can go to a special place, OKC
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