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Posts posted by NekiEcko

  1. For argument sake...

    Let's say there was a deal out there.

    Let's say that Utah said... We will give you

    Harris/#12 over all for Marvin/Teague/2nd rounder.

    Would you do it?

    Utah's point was that Harris is making more than they want to pay. They don't like his defense and they were really moved by Teague. They have #6 and they don't want to pay and get a second first rounder. Corbin also thinks he can reach Marvin.

    would you do It?

    Has Teague played himself into the untradable position?


    Question to your answer, you be probably "No" unless we can reeling in bigger bait like Chris Paul, DWill or better draft space without giving up the farm but at the same time, sometimes you have to cash in your chips when you enough money from the Casino.

  2. No, I don't agree. Sorry.

    Can you tell us your reason why about that? Because i think we will never get close to the ECF if we cant make a move. JJ contract sucks, so nobody is going to pick that one up, Marvin wont yield anything, Teague might get some but too unknown.

    For me, the question beckons, Can you see this roster goes to ECF or even winning the NBA Finals, as it is right now? My answer is Heck No! Something has to give.

  3. Wretch,

    I can feel your pain about this, seriously. I been trying to find the right words to say about this because this team is better than that. There is no true leaders on here. Joe is too quiet, Al is trying but no one is listening and Josh is just Josh. We got all the talent in the world but dont know how to use it. I believe LD did a great job but we need a coach that is going to get into those guys butts if they can't do what they need to do.

    My true feelings is this, that Hawks might need to do what the Falcons did after 2007 season, they had to change the culture there. I dont think that Joe, Josh or Al is going to be the face of this team or being the leader on this team. They havent provided themselves period to be even honor with that. It is hard sometime to contiune rooting for a team that doesnt even try like Marvin Williams, JJ and others. This series has clearly told us that we aint ready for the next level or elite status and we need a Face of this Team and franchise player that will be the leader. I am think that it needs to happen ASAP. It has been a very long time since we had a franchise player like Nique or good supporting cast like Deke/Mookie/Smith. I think it is time to scrap it and retool again but this time, we can find the franchise player.

    (IMO that person would have to be Chris Paul or Dwight Howard)

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  4. The Center that everyone wants is not available. Just a bunch of overpriced non-impact players. We can't trade our impact players. We only have three of them and that's still not enough talent to win when teams like Chicago have a superstar and a host of very good specialty role players or Miami who has two superstars and another impact player. We are a rock in a tough place right now.

    We tired to trade Marvin, he's Alan Henderson. He's here to stay. We must resign Jamal no matter what. He's a need. No way should we trade Horford, especially if D12 isn't an option for the team.

    So what you are saying that we should just stay put, since we cant make any moves because of financial liabitities and cant get a good offer? That will be the quickest way to lose more fans because it doesnt show them that the Hawks is committment to win a NBA Championship but just being Second Round Foddlers. But to each its own.

  5. Wow, just wow

    That is something that really make you think about where is this team going, through the years through some of the greatest players that played here like Doc Rivers, Pistol Pete, Nique, Tree Rollins, Kevin Wills, and others that wore the Hawks uniform and never got into the CF never. I think that if we dont figure out where we are going, it will never happen in our lifetime. :resent:

  6. Throughout this thread there seems to be alot of trade, "Horford for a guy like this" or, "Smith for a guy like that", but it seems like no one really has an idea of what is available. As for blowing up the team let me take you back to a time when we were making it to the second round back in the nineties. We were a consistent good team but we couldn't get over the second round hump. So we played a Knicks team that was the feel good story of the year. A returning Spreewell after the PJ Carlesimo incident and they were the 8th seed. Management decided it was time to, "blow it up" after we lost to the Knicks in the second round and out went class guys like Jim Jackson and in came trash like Isaiah Rider and soon to follow was disappointment after disappointment. Years of low win totals and no hope of ever getting to the playoffs.

    So throughout this thread people seem to be doubting Sund's ability to judge talent etc etc and with an ownership group in chaos perhaps we may want to just be happy with where we are at since some of us have been down this road before.

    Having said that I can still see potential in this team. Teague impressed me a great deal with his ability to aggressively get to the hole and I feel that we could do worse then a starting five of: Teague, Hinrich, Johnson, Smith and Horford next year if we had to go that way. If and there are a lot of if's but if we could get Teague and Hinrich and Smith to aggressively go to the hole Johnson and Horford could feed off of that.

    I think that Larry Drew deserves another year with this team and I do agree that some things need to be tweaked but for everyone wanting a center you need to realize that there isn't much out there.

    So what are you saying that Atlanta needs to stay put and keep the core.? :banghead:

    IMO, I think that you might have to blow it up alittle bit, if we are going to be in the running for D. Howard or C. Paul in the future. Right now, we are just way too mismatched in many areas. Jeff Teague is going to be a keeper but the question is can he do it as a starter for 82 games including playoffs. Marvin is gone no matter what and we have to decide now, if it is Josh or Al we keep. So no matter what, Atlanta Hawks is going to be alot different next year. Besides, there is maybe a team who would take JJ, besides if Lewis, Davis and Hibachi-san was trade with their contracts then he can too.

  7. Sometimes words isnt enough and right now, I think its time for a change. Believe me, this team is so disjointed even in victories, there is no way a team gets blown out like that, less than 2 week of each other. Right now, I dont think that we can even past the first round this year. Something has to happen ASAP, a trade or anything to shape this team or we have to go through this the whole season.

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